Shadow of Onyx


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Zac woke up to what felt like the most quiet morning he had been able to be in, since Jason had vanished, and Wade was without arguing partner, Zac looked over at Dakota, Who was still making her recovery on her last battle. Zac turned to find Brandon sharpening his knife on his armor, Zac looked at Enzo who was still asleep, Wade had been attempting to get more sleep as well. Kuchili had also made herself at home in their room. She slept one bunk under Zac. Zac decided now was time to get out of bed, He walked towards the window and looked out at the blackness, Then caught sight of the Spirit of fire, Tailing them on the Armageddon. The EVAC ship left for worlds past Earth, The Covenant for some reason were chasing them. They had three corvette class ships on their tail. Zac turned and walked out, To adventure more of the ship, He had recently gotten a Hayabusa Armor type, Enzo had gotten the EVA armor, Dakota was still in the basic MarkVI armor, Wade had Recon armor, and Brandon got EOD armor. Zac put on the Hayabusa armor, Then put his Katana on the armor's back, He Walked down to the hangar to see their new Petty officer, whose name was 'Davies', Zac opened the Hangar door, and entered the loud machinery room, where Pelicans were being outfitted for War, and Pilots were loading cargo, and drop pods into their ships, Dakota had also awoken, with her new A.I. Model, Zyprus, She walked into the hangar and looked at their pelican, which had two Gatling guns on the side of the wings. Then four rocket launchers, and finally one spartan laser, It was a pretty outfitted battle, it would provide air support on all fronts, Davies walked out of the pelican and looked at Zac, and Dakota, Then said "Ah, You must be Areni, or at least two of them.", Zac replied with "Yeah, That is us, So, This is the pelican you will be dropping us off and on, with?", Davies nodded and said "Nothing like a little armor to go onto a pelican, it helps with destroying Phantoms, Liches, and Scarabs.", Zac nodded and said "Well, This was fun.", Davies looked at the two Spartans then said "Want to take it for a spin?", Zac turned back to look at Davies then said "We are in Slip space.", Davies then said "This will stay in slip space.", Zac shook his head then said "I might take you up on that once we are out of slip space.", Davies nodded and said "Fine, Sir.", Zac ran over to his team's cryobooth, where they had to be during the majority of the Slip space. Zac hooked himself in.

Three Days later.

Zac's consciousness regained itself upon exit of Slip space. He popped the top of his Cryo-chamber off, and walked out, his team also rising to the morning call of suiting up, Zac always went into Cryo in his armor, so he never had to suit up, just had to make sure the armor functions still worked.

Dakota woke up to Zyprus saying "Wakey, Wakey, Sleepy one.", Dakota nodded and said "Hello, Zyprus.", Zyprus nodded, Then raised the Cryo-Chamber door Dakota walked down to the armory, She had not decided to go into cyro-stasis with her armor on, So it would make her less cold, and less work on the whole armor functionality, She walked down to the MARK VI armor that was placed on a table, She slipped each piece on, Then put her helmet on, Her visor HUD going to life, Zyprus appeared and said "Such, Old armor. Easy to run.", Dakota nodded and said "Just how I like it.", Dakota knew that the covenant were still upon them, She turned to see the Sapphire zip out of Slip space a few paces ahead of them, Then the Spirit of fire coming in behind them. She looked out the window expecting the fourth destroyer, Then she saw it, It had been hit pretty hard during slip space, She then saw the three corvettes that had been chasing them, Each of the ships turned to get maximum damage from MAC cannons, The Corvettes were out gunned, Dakota was facing the planetary system, and only saw a large planet, No sun, She shrugged and walked towards the hangar, They would be more than likely deployed onto the corvette ships. She saw Davies, Who was putting the Pelican in hard lock down, look at her. He then said "Boarding parties are en-route to this hangar, You guys will be assigned to it if we can't take them.", Dakota nodded and said "Good luck.", Davies looked back and said "You too.", Captain Wolf went onto her comms saying "All Spartan fire teams, We have a breach in the engine room, Can anyone respond to it?", Dakota instantly said "Areni, Corporal Dakota heading there now.", The Captain responded with "Thank, You Spartan.", Dakota started to sprint down the hallway, with her AUG A3 in her hands, She saw a door closing, Spartan nature dictated to slide under, so She slid under, Finding two elites, She instantly opened fire. The two elites dropped like bugs, their shields were off, Dakota walked to the next door, and Opened it. She found about two packs of brutes, and three honor guards inside there, She instantly closed the door, The Brutes started to pound on the door, She took a firing position, The door gave out, She opened fire on the brutes, who shot back with Spikers, maulers, and Brute shots. Dakota reloaded, and tossed a grenade down the hallway, She had finished off a lot of the pack, but the Honor guards, and two brute chieftains still remained, She glanced at her ammo storage, and decided she did not have enough, She pulled out her flip machete, and charged the first Brute who had a Plasma cannon, She took a lot of plasma shots to the shield, It perfectly defended against all of them, She stabbed the brute in the head, Then picked up the plasma cannon and shot up one of the elites, Killing him, another charged her, She tossed the Plasma Cannon towards him, shutting off the shield of the elite, She then threw her machete. Killing the elite, The last brute charged her with a gravity hammer, She had recently upgraded her strength modal to be stronger than ever, She touched the grip of the hammer, Then kicked the brute, She still had the hammer, but the brute was no longer holding it, She Tossed the hammer like a javelin into him, He was blasted into oblivion. The Last elite had a Plasma pike, Dangerous for Spartans, and Elites to get near, She decided to end this now, and picked up the gravity hammer. She charged the angry beast, Then swung onto the ground, releasing the waves of distortion, Sending the elite against a wall, She pulled out her pistol and shot the elite twice, to make sure he was dead. Dakota turned and folded her machete back up, And put it away, She then put the gravity hammer onto her back.

Zac was having trouble keeping clear mind, He was suppose to shut the blast doors on the hangars, to stop drop ships from returning troops, But the way there was already covered by thousands of elites and brute, He checked his Scar-h, Then his ammo storage, he had enough to take on a lot of them, He rounded the corner and opened fire, killing five elites, Three more returned fire, He took cover, Reloading, He heard an elite walking down the hall, So he chucked a grenade down, he heard the elite hit the wall after the explosion. He turned the corner, and shot one of the elites, A Fuel rod cannon was launched at him, He couldn't take cover, He instantly used his speed ability to dodge it and punch the elite in the face, Then used his knife to back stab the elite. He turned towards the secondary hallway, Then saw what he really needed, A large Mini gun turret. He put his Scar-h on his back, Then sheathed his knife. He picked up the turret, and walked down the Hallway, Putting down any resistance, He heard the click on his last bullet, and threw the turret into a brute at a shocking speed, Killing the brute, He pulled out his assault rifle, and charged down the hallway, shooting any elite that got in his way. He reached the console, He decided now was the time to shut the door, He switched the door, and heard a clink, which signified the locking of the doors. He walked down the hallways again, and Reached the hangar, He sat on a fuel barrel, and waited for his next mission.

Dakota was almost going to go to the door when Zyprus said "I am detecting a radiation surge in the area.", Dakota was shocked and said "They armed one of the Nuclear charges?", Zyprus scanned again and nodded, Dakota went right to the engine, and checked it, She then said "How long will it take me to diffuse it?", Zyprus shook his head and said "Plug me in, I can diffuse it.", Dakota then responded with "Does this room have Nuclear proof walling?", Zyprus nodded and said "there is a console, If The bomb goes off, You want to be around that, Your shields will maximize, Protecting you from the death of the explosion, and Radiation sickness.", Dakota nodded and said "Hurry, I will shut the door.", Zyprus was plugged in, He instantly got to work, trying every code to diffuse it, Dakota came back from the door to find Zyprus sounding anxious, Repeating bomb codes and rules. Dakota went to the panel, Zyprus then said "Activate it, I cannot crack the code, it seems to be in another tongue that we have no idea anything about, I did save the lettering though.", Zyprus activated the computer, and was stunned literally to find her shields locked her armor up, the bomb then said "Nuke activated, Goodbye." and went off, Dakota blacked out.

Zac was sitting on the rod when he felt the largest bump in the world, He turned on his radio hearing chatter everywhere, the SMS modules were clear. The weapon systems were online, Then main thrusters responded with "I have no power to the main thruster, The four secondary Thrusters are not enough to keep us up!", Captain wolf responded with "We must defend this boat! Pelicans will come and pick us up.",

Dakota woke up to a flaming room, Her shields failing, She got up, and heard Zyprus in the console say "Pull me, Dakota.", Dakota put him back into her helmet. She turned and said "How bad is it?", Zyprus responded with "actually repairable, Surprisingly.", Dakota then said "Good.", Her shields recharged, She clicked the button to open the door, it didn't open.


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Chapter 1

Zac turned the corner to the engine room, He went right to the console, attempting to unlock it, He turned to Enzo and said "Blow the door open.", Enzo then said "That door should be nuke proof, A small C4 explosive couldn't even Scratch it!", Zac then said into his comms "What are the codes to manual unlock of the engine room doors from the outside?", Captain Wolf Responded with "We will unlock them.... Now.", the door unlocked, The automatic door systems were broken though, So Zac and Enzo had to pry it open, They entered the destroyed room, Then saw Dakota looking into the room, She turned to look at them, Zac realized her shields were damaged, He walked over to her and said "You alright?", Dakota nodded and said "The Covenant, Planted a nuclear charge, I could only contain it, Me and Zyprus couldn't find the diffuse code.", Zac nodded, Then saw the small bolt that stabbed itself into Dakota's foot and said "You alright?", Dakota nodded and said "Harder to walk.", Zac nodded and said "Lets get you out of the fallout.", He picked her up, and walked out the door. Enzo shut the doors, and hit the lock on the outside. They walked to the armory and unsuited themselves. Dakota turned and said "My foot wound is just a small prick, I wont need surgery.", Zac nodded and said "Your armor took a lot of it?", Dakota nodded, then laid back, Zac walked out of the room, Enzo following him.

Zac was sitting on his bed bunk, Watching Enzo and Brandon sit next to each other, Sharpening their weapons, He smiled realizing they were preparing, Which was abnormal for Areni team. He turned to look at Wade who was taking more sleep, Then to Dakota who was walking around the room, trying to get her foot back into the game, Kuchili was on the bridge controlling cannon systems. Zac then heard on his comms "Covenant Super carrier incoming!", This was the Que for them to get into their armor, The fleet of three, and one nearly destroyed ship was no match for the Super Carrier. Zac walked with his team down to the armory, and got into his Hayabusa armor, turning to see his team in their armor. Zac walked to the drop pods, Which were so they could infiltrate and take down the carrier, One of them had a few nuclear charges. Captain Wolf then said "The Carrier is here, Spartan team Areni, You are clear for drop!", Their drop pods were blasted into space, sending them miles per second into the frictionless space. Then A blue beam of light hit them, Not a bullet, or shell from the covenant, The Planet was pulling them in, A gravity well. Zac then said "Brace for impact!", They landed right on the planet's surface, each of them going unconscious, But Dakota.


Dakota looked around after the smoke cleared, Zyprus just powered on, Realizing what had gone to past. He looked right at Dakota who was frantically trying to manually release the pod. She finally popped open the glass casing, and got out, She turned around and pulled Zyprus, and her AUG A3 out from the pod. Dakota then opened her comms and said "Anyone still out there?", Nothing came in return. She then saw Zac's Pod, She instantly ran over to it, It had lots of steam rising from it. She smashed the glass and hit the override, She then checked his pulse, He was still alive, just knocked out. She sat down next to the POD and said "Where are we?", Zyprus decided now was the time to do some scans. He did five scans in a row, Then said "We seem to be on a Forerunner Shield world.", Dakota nodded and said "It also did pull us in.", She heard Zac groan, So she got up to find him still unconscious. She turned to find the a large cloud layer, then the Spirit of Fire fall through the atmosphere, shocking with EMPs, Radios going wild. She saw it hit a small forest. The impact woke Zac up, He instantly Raised himself, Dakota looked at him and said "You are finally awoken.", Zac stared at her for a second then said "How Long was I out?", Dakota looked at Zyprus who was hovering next to her and said "About thirty minuets.", Zac nodded then said "What about the other members?", Dakota looked around and said "Zyprus has been picking up heat signatures that were frozen around the area, We assume that is them.", Dakota pointed in a direction and said "That is the way the first signature is coming from.", Zac looked in that direction and said "Lets move.", he turned and grabbed his Scar-H, Then followed Dakota in that direction. They reached a pod, It was opened and Brandon was sitting on the side attempting to pull someone up on the comms, Zac then said "Brandon?", Brandon turned around and said "Finally someone finds me, I have been trying to pull you guys into a radio channel.", Zac nodded then said "We are going to find the others. Then try to reach Wolf.", Dakota looked at him and said "We might want to see if Cutter survived.", Zac and Brandon looked at her, Zac then said "Why? Did something happen?", Dakota looked at them confused and said "Neither of you heard, or Saw the Spirit Of Fire Fly over head and crash?", Zac and Brandon looked at each other then said "Nope.", Dakota shook her head and said "Whatever pulled us in probably can pull in UNSC frigates.", Zac then said "We will worry about that after then team is secure.", Dakota nodded then said "I am sending way points to each of the members, We might cover more people in time if we split up, We will meet back here. Setting an exit way point here... Now.", Zac nodded and said "Lets Move, See you back here.", Zac and Brandon both ran off towards the waypoints. Dakota watched them exit her vision then said "I guess I can wait here, No one else is around.", Dakota looked up to find a lot of Corvette ships start to enter the atmosphere. Dakota then saw orange lasers start to shoot out at the Covenant, Which were returned by plasma. Dakota then saw what was attacking the covenant, Sentinels. Dakota nodded and said "Of Course, This is a forerunner shield world.", She watched the battle go on for a little bit, Then the sentinels quit attacking the covenant, The corvettes didn't go down. The Corvettes started to split up and go different ways, But they were not glazing the planet, It looked like they were searching it, Dakota looked away to see Zac returning with Wade, Then Brandon returning with Enzo. She then said "The spirit crashed about there, We should check that, Then figure out why the covenant isn't glazing this planet.", Zac looked up and said "They should've killed us by now, They might not know we are here.", Dakota was already sprinting towards the spirit, So the other Spartans returned to her flank with running at a speed they were not use to. They finally reached the Spirit of fire, Which shocked Zac and the other Spartans that it went down, Dakota just looked at it then said "What do we have on heat signatures?", Zyprus came up and said "There are a lot of heat signatures, The ship is still functional, and Looks like a few covenant teams are around here trying to enter.", Zac looked at them all then said "We must secure all sides of the Spirit, We will enter from different sides and meet up on the bridge.", Everyone nodded, Dakota ran to the other side of the ship into the jungle, She found a dead soldier, Zyprus then said "Check his ID badge,", Dakota checked it, 'Sergeant S. Jordge.', probably among a lot of troops to have died. Dakota stopped at the airlock of the Spirit, Then said "Zyprus, can you open it?", Zyprus responded with "Give me a second.", The Airlock opened, and Dakota entered, The airlock closed behind her, Making the room pitch black, She flicked on her light system, revealing a lot of dead soldiers. She had trouble walking past them, Zyprus came up and said "I am detecting three heat signatures ahead of you.... But... They are not elite, or Brute.", Zyprus came back up after a second of blackness and said "They are human, Open the door.", Dakota hit the door switch, which made the door slide open, She then saw three Spartans, Red Team to be exact. They looked at her than she said "Is Cutter still alive?", The Spartan who was carrying a shotgun replied with "Yeah, He is at the bridge trying to get this bird into the air.", Dakota nodded and said "Hope he can.", She started to walk towards the bridge.

Zac went to the maintenance shaft and saw nothing but dead soldiers, a few dead elites, He instantly raced down the shaft, meeting no resistance, He finally met the resistance, stopping in front of a large group of elites holding up in the engine room, He knew they could clip the ship's wings if they armed a nuke, or any explosive, he instantly rushed down shooting each elite in the head, taking out all of them as fast as he could, He checked the room, and found a nuclear charge. He picked up the charge, It was armed, but not planted, it could still go off, Zac instantly started running with the bomb trying to find a suitable location to drop it, and not hurt anything. He stopped at a cliff and launched it into the fog below. instantly he ran back to the spirit, He opened the engine room door, and entered, He closed the door behind him, He walked down the hallway and finally made it to the bridge in a matter of minuets.

Dakota entered the bridge seeing it's captain talking to the ship's A.I. unit Serina Instantly the captain turned to see her, He started saying "So, You did survive the drop?", Dakota replied with "Yes, Did anything bad happen to the other ships?", Cutter shook his head and said "No, The Super carrier left right as soon as the gravity well opened, We were sucked in instantly.", He looked at Serina and said "Can we get up into the air?", The A.I. Unit looked at the statistics of launching and said "Yes, Recalling all troops now.", Cutter nodded and walked to the end of the bridge. Dakota looked at Serina and said "What about the world?", Serina looked at her and said "I was hoping someone would ask me that.", Dakota looked at her after looking around the bridge and said "So? where are we?", Serina responded with "Funny, My records can only match the latitude and longitude with.... With.... Onyx....", Dakota looked around the bridge again then said "Onyx? where the Mark II Spartans were made? And where X-Ray team died?", Serina nodded and said "Precisely, Which is strange why the covenant want to be here.", Captain Cutter had entered the conversation and said "We are going to need to figure that out, I want boots on the ground searching this world for something we can find to be like a forerunner artifact, Maybe the Bright Eye itself.", He walked off, Dakota looked at Serina and said "Well, I got to see if my team made it aboard.", She walked off. Serina and Zyprus ripped away from staring at each other, They both had never seen another A.I. Clearly.


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Chapter 2

Dakota woke up on her cot Spartan Red team had made for them, she glanced around at the other Spartans, then raised herself, She walked around the Spirit before being brought to the bridge. As she entered the bridge in her armor she realized the others hadn't suited up, She walked in and said "So, What is happening with this forerunner stuff?", Serina looked at her then back at the big group and said "We have found a structure south of here, The marines said they sent one person in an hour ago, and only got screams in return, We are sending Red team, and Areni team in for a scouting run.", The Captain looked at them and said "If there is any thing that could be overly dangerous, Get out of there fast, We will need you Spartans to defeat the covenant and get out of here.", Zac nodded and said "Expect us back here soon.", The Spartans walked down to the pelican bays, They both got in two different pelicans and launched off towards the structure.

Dakota jumped off the pelican's ramp one foot onto the pad they were landing on, She pulled out her AUG A3, She saw The Areni team pull out their weapons, and Red team load their weapons, Alice, Who was the only Female of the three Red Team members had a Chain Gun, Jerome who was the leader of Red Team carried a Spartan laser on his back and a Shotgun at hand. And Douglas had a Rocket Launcher on his back and Two SMGs in his hands, They walked into the Structure, The door closed behind them, Which enabled their use of Flashlights, Zac then said "Motion trackers broken? I am not detecting you guys.", Everyone checked their trackers then said "Yes, The trackers are broken.", Zac knew that meant their trackers were dead, Zyprus then said "I can still see the Motion Trackers working fine.", Dakota looked at him, He had just come out at maximum brightness to light up the area and said "Really?", Zyprus nodded then said "I also can see a light switch, I am marking it on your HUD's.", A lonely waypoint appeared on the Spartans' HUD's, Instantly they walked to it and powered on the Forerunner artifact. Dakota then said "What are we looking for, Zyprus?", Zyprus scanned the building then said "Perhaps a Terminal? Or something I can access", Zac then said "Alright you heard the A.I., Find him a USB port.", They started walking around, Zyprus then said to Dakota "They don't realize that they were staring at a port.", Dakota walked over to one of the ports, The ball at the top opened showing a bright eye. Dakota shielded at the sign of this, But nothing happened. She then said "Is this what the marines were seeing?", Zyprus responded with "Yes, But they didn't die from it, I think.", Dakota plugged Zyprus in, Zyprus was looking through data when everyone returned, Zac then said "You could've told us about that terminal.", Dakota nodded and said "This is one of the ports X-Ray team saw before they went MIA.", Zac looked at the ball and said "Does it do anything?", Dakota shook her head then said "Not that we know of.", Zyprus reappeared and said "There is a switch next to the terminal, It opens a gate at the end of this hallway, Where we can find whatever this Artifact holds.", Dakota hit the switch, Then looked at the end of the hallway, The door disintegrated, The Spartan team walked through, Then the Gate reappeared, Zyprus nodded and said "I know what the Marines died of, Sentinels come by here every now and then.", Dakota looked at a staircase and said "Do we go up here?", Zyprus nodded, They reached a large room with two staircases leading to a platform with a catwalk over to another room. Dakota walked up and was about to go to the catwalk when she heard Zyprus say "There is a Terminal behind you, Plug me in.", Dakota walked over to it and Plugged Zyprus in, She saw Red team, and Zac walk across the Catwalk, The door opened allowing them into the room, The rest of Areni team followed, but Dakota.

Zac entered the room first he paused by a tube then said "We found X-Ray team, or someone like them.", Jerome walked over to the tube and said "Yep, That is X-Ray Team.", This signified that Forerunners still operated on this world. Zac walked over to the middle tube, Then said "We should open this one, He is not wearing X-Ray, Armor.", Brandon walked over and said "That is not any armor but the original Mark IV Areni armor.", Enzo popped the lid on the tube, instantly revealing who it was, Veov. Brandon looked at Zac and said "Didn't he go into the middle of the covenant area?", Zac then said "Yeah, and set off that bomb which could've killed a lot of humans if it wasn't in the covenant, But nothing seemed to happen to the numbers of Covenant forces.", Zac looked at Veov and asked "What is happening to him? A Concussion?", Alice walked over and said "Seems like something different.", Dakota walked into the room and said "Guys, There is something worse than the covenant on this...... is that Veov?", Zac looked at her and said "What is it?", Dakota then said "Some kind of Forerunner infantry, Different from the Prometheans and Sentinels, Jerome looked at Dakota and said "Like what?", Dakota looked at Veov and said "What happened to him?", Zac responded with "We do not know.", Zyprus quickly scanned Veov for medical problems and said "I don't think he has a problem per say, Not in the slightest, If he wasn't already giving off Forerunner energy.", Zac looked at Zyprus and said "What does that mean?", Zyprus scanned again then looked around for identifiable symptoms. He then said "I think... He will be a lot like the Didact.", Zac looked at Veov then said "How long till he wakes?", Zyprus then said "Close the Tube.... NOW!", It was too late, a Burst of energy flew around the room launching everyone into the walls, Zyprus instantly lowered the lid on the Tube, then said "That wont hold him for long, I am also done telling what this infantry is, I believe it is the original Forerunners except they are... Androids basically.", The Spartan team started to rush out of the building, They were stopped by the gate that had closed, Zyprus scanned the gate and said "I can't open it.", Douglas said "I can.", He shot a rocket at it, Making a big enough hole for a spartan to run through, They all ran through the hole, Jerome shooting a laser beam into the other locked door, bringing it down, They ran to the pelican and launched off. Zac then said "What was that?", Zyprus responded with "Basically another form of the Didact, The Point of how they become like that, Unknown.", Dakota then said "So the infantry are basically robot terminators?", Zyprus looked at her and said "Yes.", Dakota responded with "A newer version of the Forerunners to fight, Amazing.", Zyprus then said "The Slaughterhouse is coming through the gravity well, It wont make it without a ship giving it a secondary engine to support it, The Spirit has a docking system, Correct?", Jerome responded with "Yes, But it might not support a ship.", Zyprus then said to Captain Cutter through the comms "This is A.I. unit Zyprus, The Slaughterhouse is coming through the planet, Try to support it with docking or another way to keep it from going planet side.", Zyprus then sent a signal from the slaughterhouse to the Armageddon and Sapphire to not enter the planet. They landed on the spirit right as soon as it started towards the Slaughterhouse, They went directly overhead and put two docking ports onto the ship, and used SMS to raise it, The ship was a halcyon class ship, so it came back out of EMP mode really fast, it would've been a problem if they couldn't get it back online, Because it was about four times the size of the Spirit. Instantly they saw the structure start to crumble, and a pretty large ship pull out of the rubble, It flew away from the area, not out of the gravity well, but in the opposite direction, Followed by the covenant ships and a few sentinels. Zac said "Well, At least whatever that being that looks like Veov isn't trying to escape.", Dakota then said "Are the other two ships attempting to come through?", Zyprus shook his head and said "I warned them not to.", Dakota nodded then looked at the bridge crew that were walking around monitoring each ship. Captain Cutter then said "We should see what they are doing...", He turned to the Spartans and said "Every Spartan aboard will be going to the Slaughterhouse, while we check out what this fleet is doing,", Dakota shook her head and said "That is suicide.", Captain Cutter replied with "it would be the same as waiting for them to figure out that they can attack us, because we currently are not getting off this planet.", Serina then cut in and said "The gravity well is on the other side of the planet, If we can destroy it, The Slaughterhouse can go through, and perhaps if we survive, We can too.", Everyone looked at Serina Then the Spartans said "Fine, We will run Ops down here, look for ways we can speed up time.", Cutter responded to this saying "Good luck, See you when we are done with the gravity well.". Zac shook his head and said "See you off this planet.", The Spartans ran down to the Hangar Bay. A normal destroyer only had a few pelicans, and a lot of cannons, it could handle a lot of covenant Corvettes. The pelican pilot said "We are going off now, any Spartan not aboard one of the pelicans is being left behind.", Zyprus sighed and said "There are only two Spartan Teams aboard this ship.", Zac nodded and said "Lets move to the Slaughterhouse, So no marine can say 'We are going to need a bigger ship.", Everyone who didn't understand the reference just stared at the ones who were laughing because they did. They quickly landed on the Slaughterhouse and watched the Spirit go off into the distance.


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