Once, Twice


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A Beginning

"Regan! Get your ass down here! We're gonna be late!" America Tally screamed up the steps to me. I was unpacking all of my clothes into my closet and dresser drawers on a flurry, I almost forgot about orientation. "I'll be down in a sec, Mare! Give me a sec!" I yelled down to my best friend. We had just arrived about two hours ago from Northern Indiana, and I had already unpacked everything except my clothes. I didn't really have very many things though. I grabbed a hanger for the last shirt and put the shirt on the hanger.  I hung up the shirt in my closet, which was bursting the seams with all sorts of clothes. That was the only thing I had a lot of. "Regan! What the fuck is taking so long?" I rolled my eyes. "Unlike some people, I'm unpacking all of my things." Mare smirked at me. "What things? Your toothbrush? Your deodorant? You own nothing!" I gasped in fake shock. "I do too! Look at my wide variety of beautiful picture frames hanging on this grand wall!" I said motioning to a completely empty white wall. "Oh yes that is soooo exceptional. Beg my pardon." We both burst out laughing. I looked over at the digital clock sitting on my nightstand. "Holy shit it's 11:52! We got to go!" I squealed, rushing around grabbing my purse, phone, keys and turning all the lights off. Mare stood up laughing. "Tell me something I DONT know." We ran out of our apartment and to my car, ready for the new chapter in our lives. 

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 We arrived at orientation at exactly noon, the starting time. We rushed to the auditorium of the ginormous college and sat through two hours of introductions of teachers, rules and regulations, and events that will happen throught the year. We were so relieved when it was finally over. "Oh my god, did you see how many cute guys were in there? I almost died...like twelve times!!!" Mare fanned herself and pretended to faint. I laughed and started to dig through my purse to find my car keys as we walked to my car. America Thompson (Mare) had always been there for me. When I decided I was sick of the abuse, and I applied to Michigan State College, and I got in. Mare-being the bestest friend ever-got into the same college for me.  I have known her since we were in diapers, and we have always been next door neighbors. She knew exactly what was going on inside my house, and we both decided to flee from it. She's practically my sister and I love her so much. "Hey, my first class is Monday at nine. When's yours?" Mare asked me as she texted someone something on her phone. Probably a guy. "I think my schedule said Monday at noon. What do you have?" I said as I was trying to find my keys and walk to the car. "Science...ugh! Why do I have to take science? It's so stupid! What about you? What do you have?" "Math." I said as I started to laugh. I seddenlh felt the shape of my key chain and started the process of pulling my keys out of the bottom of my purse with out dropping anything. I suddenly run into a wall and fall to the ground, everything from my purse spilling around me. "What the fuck?!" I said as got to my knees to pick everything up. I look up to see that the wall wasn't a wall, but a guy. The guy kneels down next to me and helps me pick everything up. "I am so sorry!" He said as he quickly grabbed as many things as possible and puts them in a pile on the ground. I put everything in my purse and stand up. He stands in front of me. I stand at about five five while he stands at about five eleven. "Are you hurt?" he asks looking concerned. I look up at him and notice he has on very excpensive clothing. His hair is made up perfectly spiked. "No...I think I'm fine." I say as I start to turn towards my car. Mare is standing against the passenger side, looking like she's about to die from not laughing. I give her a look and scramble towards my car door and hop in. Mare slides in on her side. I put the key in the ignition and I start the car and put it in reverse. Right as I'm about to start to back up, a tap on the widow makes me look up. The guy is standing there, motioning for me to roll it down. I roll the window down. "Yes?" I say to him. "I think you forgot something" he says as he holds up one of my tampons. Mare bursts out laughing. "Thanks" I say as I snatch it from him, starting to turn red. I roll the window up and back out of the parking spot, and pulling out onto the road. "What was that all about?" Mare said between giggles. "I don't know" I say, shaking my head. 

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The First Day

I woke up at 10:30 a.m on Monday. Exaughsted from staying up so late reading and talking to Mare. I walked out of my bedroom and into our kitchen. Mare and I decided to buy an apartment off campus so we could support ourselves instead of using dorms. Our apartment had two bedrooms and two baths, a kitchen, a living room, a laundry room, and lots of closet space. We were really lucky it only costed 800 a month, so we each only had to pay 400 without any electric or water bills. We pretty much had it made. I sat down at the island bar counter in the kitchen and saw a sticky note by my hand. "Hey Boo, went to class. I'm out at noon, so I'll see you tonight. Hugs and kisses! ~Mare Bear" "Okey Dokey" I said to myself, standing up and looking through the cabinets trying to find food. With no luck, I go into my room, throw on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a black tshirt that says "Don't Bother," and my converse. I put my hair in a messy bun and grab my purse and keys and head out the door. I get in my car and drive to the closest McDonalds I can find. As soon as I walk in, I am greeted by the smell of breakfast food. I look around and see that there are A LOT of college kids in here. I walk up to the counter and look up at the menu. "Cmon Cami. Please?" I looked over to where I heard that come from. I man was leaning over the counter talking to a worker. "Travis, no! Your going to get me into trouble!" I couldn't help but eavesdrop on the conversation. "Cmon Cami! Do it for your boyfriends brother!" The man pleaded, giving her a puppy dog face. "Oh no no no no! Don't pull that with me!" She said shaking her finger at the man. The woman looked to be about twenty seven and the man to be about twenty three. The woman had black hair that was in a messy bun, and she had tattoos on her arm that went from her wrist and disappeared up under the sleeve of her short sleeve shirt. She had blue eyes, and she was pale. She was very pretty. The man was about six foot two, and was very muscular. His arms were bigger than my thighs and you could see abs underneath his shirt. He dressed nice, but not stuck up. His hair was spiked up in a way that made me wanna run my hands through it. His eyes were a bright blue, and he was tan. He had a hard jaw line that had a little bit of stubble. He was like sex on a stick. And that made me mad. "Next" the woman called Cami yelled as she motioned for me. Just then the man turned and looked at me. "Oh...my god." I whispered to myself. He was fucking beautiful from the full frontal view. I ignored his gaze, and I walked up to the cash register. "May I help you miss?" Cami asked me. "Um..yes. May j have the strawberry smoothie?" I ask, nervously tucking a piece of hair behind my ear that had fallen out of my messy bun. I could feel him staring at me. And boy did that feel amazing. "Ma'am?" Cami asked me, clearly trying to get my attention from staring off in space. The man chuckled, which made me mad. "Yes?" I said, suddenly aware of everything now. "Small, medium, or large?" She said, giving me an apologetic smirk. "Medium" I say turning towards the man. He was still staring. "I reached across him, and got a number triangle, and went and sat down. He kept staring. All of a sudden my phone started to ring. "Hello?" I asked the phone after I clicked answer. "Regan! Omg I'm in the bathroom right now, and I just had to call you!" She squealed into the phone. "Oh no. What is it?" I say, shaking my head, clearly knowing this means trouble. "So there's this really cute guy, Trent, and he is amazingly beautiful, and he asked me if I wanted to go for a ride when I had to walk out to my car to get my notebook. I told him I had to go to the restroom really quickly, and I told him yes. Did I make a mistake??" She said, all too eager. "Mare!! You're going to skip on the first day??" I said completely not surprised. "Um yes!" She squealed. "Oh no I got to go! I'll fill you in later Regan! Bye!" And with that, she hung up. I sighed. Okey dokey. Just then my food was sat down on my table so I grabbed my money that I owed and looked up. "Oh my god..."

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The Best Ride of my Life

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