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    Authors Note #2

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wow 30 readers?! I am really happy ,to be honest, I got an email saying that I'm becoming famous in Australia, thank you guys and gals

~Adrian E. Antunez, 6:40 pm

P.S (I'm 15) just thought that I should tell you.

P.P.S I like to put myself into stories, why? Because writing adventures that are real to you is, in my opinion, better than reality.                    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

He looked up at the light, so blindingly bright, groaning as he got up from his bed, looking around at his small enclosure. The sink across from the bed, toilet next to the sink, food on the sinks counter/cabinets, and the color of everything was white, no other color, windows, or doors in sight. Sighing he got up and took two steps before reaching the sink, he grabbed ahold of the Soylent bottle looked at it for a bit then proceeded to drink it.

"I thought I had more water bottles," he stated looking at 3 rows of  5 empty bottles in front of him,"There are 11 bottles..." he pointed out quietly, even though in reality there were 15 bottles. He crouched and looked at the cabinet containing both soylent and water bottles. He scratched his head for a moment, confused, "I swear that there were more, maybe I hid it," he told himself looking for the one bottle that doesn't exist, inside a tiny room.

Five hours past, and in those five hours he played with his fingers, went to the toilet, and counted to 1000 at least 3 times. He hid his face in between his knees rocking himself on the bed."It's ok, it's ok Double A, just a dream," he repeated. Silently sobbing until he fell asleep. The room started to shake, waking him up still on the corner.

He looked up at the ceiling, squinting his eyes as dust descended, lightly landing on his head. He looked at the sink, the bottles shaking violently, bouncing and falling off the edge. The Room shook for 5 minutes straight before finally stopping. Screams of agony could be heard on a different floor, Double A not knowing what it was just smiled.

"Hadise," he called still at the corner of the room, the Room changed into a bright blue color as a soft voice, feminine, echoed in the Room.

"Yes, Double A?" She asked

"I read a book today," he cheerfully stated,"but something is bothering me. What's a fryend?" He asked.

Hadise giggled to his question,"A friend is a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations."

"I-I-I-I heard something c-c-celebrating on the other side of the w-w-walls."

"Oh.... don't worry about that, you're safe in your room." She quietly stated her voice quivering,"I gotta go, I'm sorry," she apologized even though Double A only read happy books thinking that there is only good in his world, in his room. 

With a grin on his face he responded,"Talk to you t-t-tomorrow f-f-friend," 

Hadise sighed,"Goodnight A," she quietly said as the Room faded into its original white color.


5 years ago

A scientist was walking down the corridor with a little girl, headed towards a room called "Rudamente." The walk was awkward, silent, that was until they got close to the room, the scientist grabbed ahold of the girls hand.

"When we get into the the rooms pick only five subjects, no more, no less, understood?" 

"Dad I don't want to send innocent people to be experimented,"

"It's for science sweety, the more we know about the virus the sooner we'll get rid of it,"

"Why do I have to do it though, why can't mom do it" he signed, stopped, and knelt down to her height.

"You're special, you know that, and we're using your abilities for good," he explained to her once again, she didn't want to look at her own father, not after what she has seen him do with the subjects,"Do you understand?" He asked stroking her brown pony tail.

"Yes, dad," she lied. The rest of the walk was silent. When they arrived at the rooms they faced the east, there was a window and through the window were  7 other rooms. Each room was at least 8 feet apart from each other, four rooms on the bottom and three rooms on top of them, each one with numbers going from one to seven.

"Now, sweety, choose the five defective subjects so that we can get it over with," her dad ordered. She looked at the seven rooms, all the little brunette saw were five glowing figures moving or laying down, then she looked at her dad and saw a disfigured person, a monster.

She cleaned her glasses. Trembling, she raised her arm and pointed to the very last room on the bottom, the scientist took note. The second, the fifth, the first, and the fourth. 

"C-Can I go now?" She asked looking at the subjects, so unaware, so innocent.

"Yes you can, just remember that each subject has a coded name on their uniform, only one" he responded still writing on his paper, she was heading out until her dad called her one last time,"OH, Hadise, don't forget we're having your seventh birthday today," he announced cheerfully.

She didn't smile back, she didn't look back, not at him. 

"I don't want to celebrate it, not anymore," she responded, walking back through the corridor, past all the workers that wished her a happy birthday, she kept her head down.

She stopped to look at window, thousands of rooms could be seen hovering in what seemed to be nothing between them, constantly moving through an empty void. She kept on walking for 15 more minutes, not noticing the end of the corridor, she hit her head on a locked door. 

Rubbing her head, she looked at the room, Hadise Room-178690. She sighed as she walked into her room, a humongous room with stuffed animals, queen bed, costumes, dresses, video monitors, and a bathroom. She threw herself on her bed and looked at the monitors. Voices overlapping as each monitor changed Rooms every 30 seconds, each changing independently, she looked at the monitors each person glowed or had a small faded color.

She kept her eyes on the monitors, reversing the video or slowing it down, trying to find something different but it was all the same.

Drink, eat, read, bathe, and sleep. All the same everyday, for the rest of their miserable lifes, or until they're selected for testing, either way they'll feel nothing but pain emotionally or physically.

After hours of staring at a screen filled with nothing that interested her, she fell asleep...


The bosses room, filled with furniture made of human skin and bones, to intimidate anyone that dares to try and betray her. The walls were covered with screens showing different parts of the facility, from corridors to labs. The scientist was explaining a way to manipulate memories to the one person that couldn't care less.

"... and numerous studies have now shown that by blocking a chemical called norepinephrine - which is involved in the fight or flight response and is responsible for triggering symptoms such as sweaty palms and a racing heart - researchers can 'dampen' traumatic memories, and stop them being associated with negative emotions," he hesitantly explained pointing at pictures on a file

"Mr. Hosseini, we can't just erase memories from subjects..." the woman in green asked, Mr. Hoesseini smirked.

"But you can manipulate them let me show you," he answered in an excited tone.

"Mr. Hoesseini, please understand that even if we can manipulate the memory they'll still remember the experiments, we can't send them back to the surface with those memories,"

"Yes we can, there's a drug called propranolol to block norepinephrine..."

"Who are you going to test it on Mr. Hoesseini?" She questioned, moving his report away from her, the scientist couldn't answer he stood there as she looked at him with no emotion at all she just waited for an answer like a stoic. He stood still for what seemed to be an eternity as the clock ticked, "Mr. Hoesseini if you can't test on som..."

"I'll test it on my daughter," he answered without hesitation.

"Why on your daughter Mr?" She was intrigued by his desultory response, seems like being desperate made him use the only thing he has.

"She is despondent, seen what we have done and she opined it to be atrocious, if I add propranolol to her medication machine she will point out the defective without a second thought... overtime that is," he parried with a smile, the women in green cachinnated, pondering at how incogitable he is, using his own daughter, injecting her with drug paraphernalia.

"You're extraordinary Mr. Hoesseini, I'll let you do it, but, I will warn you though," she started threatening, she stood up from her chair and walked next to him,"if this experiment fails, I will skin you, and eat your entrails while your still conscious," she whispered in his ear, slamming the report in front of him,"Understood?" Petrified by her threat, he shook his head and walked out before she said anything else.


Man lives alone; star-like, each soul    In its own orbit circles ever; Myriads may by or round it roll --    

The ways may meet, but mingle never. Self-pois'd, each soul its course pursues    

In light or dark, companionless: Drop into drop may blend the dews --    

The spirit's law is loneliness. If seemingly two souls unite,    

'Tis but as joins yon silent mere The stream that through it, flashing bright,    Carries its waters swift and clear. The fringes of the rushing tide   

 May on the lake's calm bosom sleep -- Its hidden spirit doth abide    

Apart, still bearing toward the deep. O Love, to me more dear than life!    

O Friend, more faithful than a brother! How many a bitter inward strife    

Our souls have never told each other! We journey side by side for years,    

We dream our lives, our hopes are one -- And with some chance-said word appears    

The spanless gulf, so long unknown! For candour's want yet neither blame;    Even to ourselves but half-confessed, Glows in each heart some silent flame,    Blooms some hope-violet of the breast. And temptings dark, and struggles deep    

There are, each soul alone must bear, Through midnight hours unblest with sleep,    

Through burning noontides of despair. And kindly is the ordinance sent    By which each spirit dwells apart -- Could Love or Friendship live, if rent    The "Bluebeard chambers of the heart"?

  I can't leave with out you Hadise...

Hadise shot up, taking deep breaths as one of the monitors started to play music, which was bizarre. She put on her glasses and looked at the clock 3:27 am. The darkness around her room petrified her, but she had the dim light of the monitors to keep the oblivion from swallowing her. Looking at the monitors she pressed pause and the music came to a halt, the only noise was that of her breathing, staring at the twenty monitors facing her, she rewinded, and listened to the music once more.

It's piano, she thought, Moonlight sonata is playing, but who is playing that music? She was clearly intrigued, she spent 30 minutes figuring out the one monitor that produced the music, the one person that wasn't like the others, the only room that's bottles didn't shake, it was still, the room was abandoned. She deleted footage of other subjects to connected the abandoned rooms camera to the monitors, twenty angles for one room, she looked at his uniform 

#1-4-18-9-1-14, A.A.

Room 113,202,113,526

Over one hundred billion?! We only have thirteen thousand rooms, she listened to the piano music playing, the subject wasn't asleep, he was fully awake, unaware of what time it was, reading a book. She tried to find a way to communicate with him, pressing buttons on the controller, getting up and smashing more buttons on the monitors control, until finally she gave up.

Looking at the boy that glowed with creativity, she listened to the music as it ended and faded into a new one giving her an idea."The Revolab," she whispered, running to the door and slowly opening it. Squinting her eyes to see the corridor completely empty, she started walking toward the only place she could find a headset. Walking past different rooms and labs, she eventually reached The Revolab. She opened the door and was astonished to see the lab completely transparent, the cube shaped rooms fully visible, flying diagonally through the revolab without causing any damage. 

It was her first time inside the lab, heck it was the first lab she ever entered, she, hesitantly, landed her foot on the invisible floor, it glew under her foot as she started walking inside and looked around. The amazing view of the rooms zooming by, the black void that surrounded everything past the facility and the rooms, exhilarating nonetheless. Distracted by the view she walked to where the rooms were flying through the lab. Ignoring them until a it flew above her WHOOSH! Inches from her head surprising her, quickly moving out of the way, breathing heavily as more of them flew by.

She looked around the room for any monitors, or computers, but all she saw was an empty, transparent room. Walking to the side of the room to reach the walls, carefully placing one foot in front of the other until she reached the wall, 15 ft away from the door she entered from. Placing her hands on the wall, the room immediately turned bright red. "This doesn't look good," she said, the rooms passing by the lab stopped moving, the walls returned, monitors appearing everywhere, containers with wierd looking creatures inside. A cubic room was in the middle of the room, a subjects room. It floated for a bit before it slammed, completely obliterating the table along with the deformed creatures, she screamed in terror to see what she had done.

Alarms started screaming, the floor creaked, terrified she ran to the barely recognizable table, moving the rubble and trying not to touch the pool of blood. Able to find earphone she grabbed them along with the chip that connects them, and ran out as the floor opened letting the subjects room fall into oblivion.

As she exited, she was surprised to see, 5 guard surrounding the entrance to the Revolab, weapons up ready to shoot with their weird uniforms covering every inch of their body, their racer like helmets looking down at her.

"Why aren't you sleeping Hadise?" A menacing voice asked, the guards put their weapons down and moved aside revealing the women in green. She stared at Hadise,"I'll ask again, Why aren't you asleep?"

Hadise, Not knowing what to say, stared at her, petrified at what she was looking at.

"HADISE!" She yelled scaring the defenseless girl even more,"Why the fuck were you in a lab?!?!"

"I-I-I-I w-was cur-curious Miss ," she finally answered, avoiding eye contact.

"Curious?" She looked into the destroyed lab,"you have never been curious, you avoid anything that has to do with the program," she explained to her, Hadise didn't respond,"return to your room at once, your father will fix this," she ordered turning off the alarm.

Without hesitating, Hadise left with her head down.

"But Ms. Tractatori..." one of the guards opposed.

"Who was the one that decided not to keep guard here?" She interrupted turning her gaze to the guards, none of them said anything,"You're of no use," she insulted them before brutally killing each one.

Hadise was rapidly breathing, trying to ignore the screams of the guards, she entered her room, the screams became muffled. Don't think about it, no one is here to help you, she thought to herself leaning in her door, trust no one, was her final thought before she fell asleep to the music of the night.


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2. 4 H4PPY D4Y

    "We can't have her here anymore."

    "We can't send her back to those rooms either."

"Then what do you suggest Ms. Tractatori?"

"The surface is an option." 

"I can't let you, she's my daughter."

"That you're planning to use as a test subject." 


She looked up at him and took a big breath,"It isn't for my entertainment, Mr. Hosseini, it's for the greater good," she calmly explained, the scientists couldn't believe what she was saying, frantically walking back and forth.

"I-I-I can't go on with this expedition," he finally said,"I can't look at my only child play god," he walked to the exit only to be stopped by her Ms. Tractatori.

"She can't leave Mr. Hosseini," he stopped when she told him that, letting go of the handle,"You can leave, but your daught stays, and I can assure you that she will be save once she's back in her room," she smirked resting her head on her hands.

The scientist turned to face her, filled with indignation to her response of him leaving,"Why are you like this? Why would you do this?" He approached her.

"Well the virus that we implanted will run out at one point," she happily explained to him,"And you already know what comes next."

"The necrotising fasciitis, otherwise known as the flesh eating bug," he stopped in the middle of the room.

"Exactly, Seeing as injecting the victim with the virus is the only way to keep them alive..." she opened the door with a press of a button,"choose wisely Mr. Hosseini," 

________8-5-12-16   13-5________

Hadise was on the floor leaning on the door, dreaming pleasant dreams of a world without discord, it all vanished when she so rudely awoken by the computer. "Morning sweetheart, time for breakfast," the computer cheerfully said as the bed was replaced by a table, Hadise groaned as she got up rubbing her eyes. She looked over at the monitors to see the boy still awake.

"What time is it?" She asked walking over to the table to see a cup with the title,"Food in a cup: Frootloops cereal."

"It's 9 in the morning, your father is repairing a lab that a te..." the computer glitched," that you destroyed, the chefs are making a Wednesday surprise at the lunchroom, the boss is going to talk to you today, and today is Harolds birthday, don't forget to wish him a happy birthday today," it cheerfully responded

"I don't know who Harold is," she was listening to gymnopedia playing on the monitors,"and I don't want to talk to the witch, thank you," she mocked the computers gleeful personality.

"That's not up to you, you little sh- skank," with that being said, the computer shut off, leaving Hadise with the earphones she had in her pocket, and a little chip that's to be plugged into the monitors. She drank the cereal and put it on the table which immediately absorbed the cup, walking to the monitors, she thought of what she was going to say once she's able to talk to him. Her eyes staring at the monitors, the different camera angles watching the oblivious child, she connected the chip surprised to see the walls turning and shifting as it was changing colors,the lights struggled to change, flickering once in a while, the boy only stared at the sudden change.

A blue microphone appeared out of the right earphone as the last tile in the boys room flipped to blue.

"Hello," she greeted, he just stared,"can you talk?"

"T-talk, talk..." he responded walking up to the wall,"I c-can talk."

"Good, I need to know what color you see," she ordered seeing as the boy just walked up to the wall curious.

"Need to know... what is color?" He asked caressing the wall.

"Color is the visual perception that enables one to differentiate otherwise identical objects, or phenomenon of the light," she explained, wow explaining something that someone else taught you is pretty easy, and fun! She thought.

"What c-color is this?" He asked

"Blue, it's blue,"

"Who are you?"

"Your salvation," she joked extending her arms even though he could see her,"just kidding, that's too dangerous, a suicide mission, I'm your guide, here to help your learn the past of everything, here to tell you why you're here," she gave him the real answer which caught his attention.

"Why I'm here? I-I- there's more than just this cube?" He asked putting his hands over his head,"I-I don't believe you!!!

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