How Self-Directed Learning Techniques Make Us Quality Learners


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How Self-Directed Learning Techniques Make Us Quality Learners

Does the term self-directed learning indicates that learning which we teach ourselves? Let’s understand the concept with the aid of some real life situations. In Soccer, when a player puts in a poor performance, he or she begins to questions as to what should be done to cater the lackluster performance. The same concept applies in the education industry as well, where both the teacher and learners constantly ponder on how to elevate their output.

Do we stop acquiring learning after graduating from college or university? Of course not! In short, self-directed learning is consciousness and willingness to improve on your intelligence and smartness. This is what the concept and dynamics of modernized classroom revolve on, tempting the students to hone their knowledge and skills and become accountable of their own learning.

Recognizing Self-Learning

University of Waterloo has explained the self-directed learning as a four stage process: getting ready to acquire learning, devising learning goals, engaging in the learning phase, and analyzing the learning gained.

When we talk about students, what benefits can be called in the classroom for them? The key is to spot the hindrances that stops the students from developing the required mindset. There are a number of reasons that obstructs the students from getting forward in this regard including the claims, I am not sufficiently motivated, I am not good enough, I am not the right nature type, etc. Unfortunately, this is one of the most common reasons that affects the learning environment and overall experience in the classroom.

Bringing Down the Walls

It is a common misconception that an individual cannot be self-motivated through any self-dependent means. Rather there must be any kind of rewards or incentives.

Consider the example of Edward Deci’s 1969 experiment. The professor created a couple of college students to facilitate them in solving different puzzles through a defined period of time. One group wasn’t paid for their effort, while the other group was paid for their puzzles solving efforts. After some time, the group rewarded with some compensation or incentive was said that they won’t be paid anymore.

It was concluded that the group that was not compensated in the first place solved more puzzles. Simply speaking, for them the money wasn’t the prime motive rather they worked for pleasure and self-satisfaction. Further, it can be stated that intrinsic learning is more effective and promising than incentive learning. Remember, once a tangle aspect is attached with the learning, its value tends to decrease.

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