The Unlucky Christmas Eve


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The morning

I woke up so excited I fell out of my bed!EPIC FAIL!!When I walked downstairs I thought it was going well then I tripped up on the last stair.I ate my breakfast so fast because I wanted to go out and play because there was snow outside.I got changed put on my hat and gloves also scarf ,to keep my self super warm.I rang on all of my friends however they were still sleeping so I asked my older brother he was also still asleep.I thought I my head this has been the worst day  ever.I played iny back garden with my dad.At least something has went great.I came back In at 12:00 I went out at 10:00 I was out for so long. 

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The afternoon

I had lunch as well as hot chocolate,to warm me up.My brother finally woke up.He asked the time we replied 01:00.He said really we replied really.I rang on my friends again none answered it was getting really Unlucky.I went to my room to watch a Christmas movie however the lights wouldn’t turn on.I yelled for my mum and dad because they came up I told them what had happened.Tjey finally fixed it.Then I watch a movie.

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The Evening

 After I watched the movie my mum and dad told me we are going out for dinner,they told me we are going to the Christmas dinner.When we got in the car my seatbelt wouldn’t fasten.So I told my mum  and dad ,they said just don’t do your seatbelt.When I was eating my dinner it spilt all over me.I got in big trouble!

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