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What You Will Need

During the week of May 27th, 2018, since my teacher was not there ( she was in Washington D.C. ), the teacher who helps her, Jacquelyn Berkowitz came with this idea of so, basically you get a partner. You get line paper and a pencil. I got to partner up with um, let’s call them Addison, okay ? So me and Addison went to a table and began working. We basically had to roll the dice and the number that we get, the amount of words we write. Addison had their paper and I began. So EVERYONE had their own partner. Ours ended up SOOO silly ! Then a few days later in June 1st, 2018, I decided to share this activity to everyone else in Tablo.

You will need:

- A piece of paper ( I recommend line paper )

- Something to write with ( I recommend a pencil or an erasable pen )

- If it is a pencil, get an eraser 

- A dice

- A timer

Note: If you don’t have a dice, you could use any number that comes in your head. It can’t be more than twenty.

If you don’t have a timer, then you could put the time on an electronic device like cellphone, tablet or computer. 

This is a two person activity only ( usually, if you want, you can use more but I did this activity with only Addison )

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How I Thought About Doing This

This is a two person activity only ( usually, if you want, you can use more but I did this activity with only Addison )

During the week of May 27th, 2018, since my teacher was not there ( she was in Washington D.C. ), the teacher who helps her, Jacquelyn Berkowitz came with this idea of so, basically you get a partner. You get line paper and a pencil. I got to partner up with um, let’s call them Addison, okay ? So me and Addison went to a table and began working. We basically had to roll the dice and the number that we get, the amount of words we write. Addison had their paper and I began. So EVERYONE had their own partner. Ours ended up SOOO silly ! Then a few days later in June 1st, 2018, I decided to share this activity to everyone else in Tablo.

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What You Need to Do

So you get the paper and choose who will roll the dice first. So you roll the dice and whichever number you get is how many words the dice says. If you aren’t using a dice, then use the number that came up in your head. So you write down the story but the number the dice is the number of words ( or what number came up in your head ). If your sentence you wrote wasn’t finished, that’s okay. Then it is the other person’s turn. When the time runs out ( from the timer or whatever you are using ), you can start reading what you wrote. The words are what you will write. For example, say you got five, so you can write in the beginning:

Once upon a time there 

or ANYTHING you want. If you finished a sentence, you can put the period. There is no winner or loser in this game. If you still don’t understand, you can let me know in the Romantic Fiction community. When time runs out, you can finish a sentence if you are writing one but still, you HAVE to use the number of words you got from whatever you used.


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What mine turned out to be

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