Scarlett’s Power


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 “Hand me that dirty plate over there would you Scar?” Scarlett turns around and scans the dining room. “Here you go grandpa!” she says while gladly handing her grandfather a dirty plate with leftover blueberry pancake still sitting apon it.

It had been a sunny day, and the forecast was all over the news. In a small town like Peterson, news like that spread pretty quickly. Eventually everyone in the town was out. As Scarlett’s grandpa was cleaning, clinking, and putting the dishes away from breakfast, Scar grabs her phone and sits in the window seat over-looking a small lake on the left and the woods on the right.

“Grandpa can we go out to Betty’s apple store today?” Scarlett yells from the living room to the kitchen. “I just found this recipe for Apple Pumpkin Pie and we’re just obviously out of apples.” says Scar. Her grandfather agrees and off they go. 

Betty’s apple Store was just a block away from their residence. It was very popular in Peterson, every kid who lived there knew exactly where it was, when it was open, and of course, Betty. Betty was in her early 60s, and was known for her sweet soul and scrumptious red, green, and golden apples. She was always very happy when customers arrived through her door and her small shops bell dinged and she would greet whoever it was with a warm, welcoming smile.

Scarlet and her grandfather arrive at the small shop around the evening, a few hours before dark. Since they hit up a few places on the way. It was fall, and all of the houses had put up their Halloween decor. Jerry, Scars’ best friend, was out on his front lawn, placing  mini pumpkin lights around the perimeter of his yard.

Nancy, a kind girl with red hair and round thick glasses was busy inflating a huge ghost, which was on her porch since she barely had a yard, and all of her grass was dead.

Sophia, the mysterious quiet girl that pretty much everyone avoided wasn’t out at all, and her only decoration was a carved pumpkin sitting beside her front door.

Trever was only 6 but he absolutely loved Halloween time. Beside all of his Batman and car stickers on his mailbox, he placed a silly ghost right on the top. He was outside wearing a superhero costume and held a cardbord sword in his right arm, swinging at pretty much the air.

Scarlett laughed, and then hopped out of their Jeep. Grandpa walked ahead of her and quickly jumped into conversation on the game last Saturday night with a few older gentlemen sitting at a table outside sipping some apple cider. Scarlett checked her phone and pulled up the recipe, then stepped on a few loud, crunchy, fallen leaves, and headed inside.


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