Home Alone


Tablo reader up chevron

 Bye mom have a nice day at work 

Ok honey lock the door when I am out ok love you 

Love you too 

The girl that stayed home alone her name is candy she was bored she had nothing  to do so she called her best freind she didn't answer she called her boy freind and he didn't answer so she called her mom she didn't answer she called the brother and did not answer so she called her dad did not answer and she could not callthe police because she had no evidence something happened so she just ate a sandwich and there she had it she forgot to lock the front door 🚪 she ran she closed it but as soon as she got back there was stuff on the floor alout of crumbs she called the police and the police came and checked the house there was nobody inside they said that the girls was lieimg so they put chargers and left she called her mom and she did not answer it was weird super weird but she was calm know because the cops checked candy said I am taking a nap 

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When she woke up

 Next morning 

When she woke up she looked at her phone and it said she had 100 missed calls but she did not know the number so she called the number back and it was her mom saying she won the lottery and bought th whole family new phones that's why they did not answer candy said what about the crums oh the crums did you leave the door open yes ok I had a bag of chips on the front door they have must blow the chips on the house oh ok mom thanks for calling me love you 

Love you to sweet 

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