Why Art Students Have a Hard Time Performing Well


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Why Art Students Have a Hard Time Performing Well

Many students in art classes do not clinch high scores and tend to have retakes that keep them in school for longer. The rest who get to pass have their score slightly above the pass mark. This has seen students change careers and drop out to avoid the frustrations art classes bring with them. However, there are those who excel and end up topping the course with good grades. A look into the practices and lives of art students have revealed why most have a hard time performing well, and this includes:


1)    Skipping Classes


Most students in art classes skip their classes for fun activities or a nap in the dorms. Missing class forces them to miss out on what has been taught. If this habit continues, most students end up with piles of unread content. Come exam time, they only have little to write and end with bad grades.


2)    Incomplete Assignments


Art class assignments can take any direction. Some tasks require essays or crafts made from scratch. Failure to allocate ample time to complete your assignment makes it impossible for you to have it ready. Others just put things together to deceive the tutors and avoid penalization for not submitting their work on time. This only earns them scores for the effort, which are low. Additionally, others fail to make submissions. They end up being penalized. When struggling with art assignments, consider seeking assistance from EduBirdie or classmates for a chance at improving your scores.


3)    Poor Skills


Many students do not have an idea of how to conduct studies on their own. They also fail to create a conducive environment to study in and end up distracted. This forces them to study for longer and accomplish very little. They barely study. Sitting for an exam makes them score the least scores or gets them just past the pass mark. Others have skills that are wanting and require more practice than the rest. However, they fail to accept this and end up doing very little.


4)    Lack of Resources


Students without resources fail to practice, and this leaves their skills too rusty to create award-winning pieces. Others fail to bring their items to class and hence end up doing nothing. Since their tasks cannot be accessed for corrections, they end up with bad creations that bag low scores.


5)    Work Load


Each class has many tasks to be completed. Having several art classes means more workload that can be hard to finish on time. Before selecting units and subjects each semester, consider their requirements,and ask around to find out what is expected. This allows you time to make an informed decision on what to study and when to study it. 




Nothing comes easy, and you need to put in some effort to achieve better grades. Accepting others might be better. Working harder to beat them helps in improving your scores. When you find it hard for you to perform in art classes despite the efforts, consider a career change as this might not be for you.

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