The Last Unicorn


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The last unicorn (sneak peek)

 “HELP!” I screamed. There was no hope. I was the last unicorn. Well not the last. My daughter is with me. I started running down the road as well as I could. “Anyone? Anybody?” I said. I ran into a city. Everyone said “IS THAT REAL?”. I was scared. I bolted down the road and pushing people away. “Yes I am a real unicorn, last of it's kind. Well actually I have a daughter.” I said. Then my little unicorn got out from hiding. “We are the last unicorns” I said. It is a good thing we do not die of age. We can not die of sickness. We die from hunters!” I said. A hunter came by. He had a saw in his hand. “Well well well isn't this nice. A nice horn!” The hunter said in a sinister voice. “DON'T YOU DARE GO NEAR MY HORN!” I shouted at the hunter. I couldn't take it. I shot a blast of magic and sent the hunter flying into the river. All the parents took their kids into their homes and locked the doors and windows. “Perhaps I can stay here for a while.” I say. “Mama, hungry” my little unicorn said. I planted some carrots and made them grow faster with the powers of the earth ponies that I have within me. “We should go somewhere else” I said to my daughter (the little unicorn). “Get onto my back” I said to my daughter. “Ok” she replied and then she climbed on my back and made a little saddle with straps. I opened up my wings and flew. “Mama I’m thirsty” said  my daughter. I made a few extra things on the saddle, a wall, roof, and two boxes with food and water in them, with a door to keep her inside. “Just grab water from the box that says water on it” I said. “Ok” she replied.

Your sneak peek is over. Wait next time for the book to be updated and published.

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