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    A rainbow. Drawn by children for years and years all across the world. It’s simple, colorful, and happy. What happens, however, when children, all the same age but in all different countries begin drawing the exact same rainbow? A rainbow with pitch black lines cutting them vertically in three separate sections.

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Chapter 1

    Annie is sitting in her room at a little blue, plastic table. She’s been here for the past thirty minutes coloring the same picture over and over again. At first glance it’s nothing but a familiar rainbow. A second glance, however, shows thick dark lines cutting down the middle. The lines aren’t scribbled, they are precise and symmetrical.  Annie is four years old.

               Jamie is at camp. He refuses to join in with his peers, refuses to leave the art table and has done nothing but draw the same picture over and over again. . At first glance it’s nothing but a familiar rainbow. A second glance, however, shows thick dark lines cutting down the middle. The lines aren’t scribbled, they are precise and symmetrical. Jamie is four years old.

               Just like Annie and Jared, there are four year olds in every major city across the U.S., Europe, and Asia drawing the exact same picture. It went unnoticed for the first few months but then the media caught a hold of a few of the drawings and the rest came toppling down like dominoes. When asked, the children seem to have no idea why they keep drawing the rainbows. In fact, half of them don’t even remember drawing them. So what is possessing them? What is guiding their hands?

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Chapter 2

    Some claim it is a sign from God that something dark is on its way. Others claim it’s a sign from an alien race. Either way, the phenomenon is spreading and doing so rapidly. As time passes, the pictures grow bigger, more ornate and more detailed. In many instances, the finished products are well beyond the normal capabilities of the average four year old. This continued for months until one day, young Annie stopped drawing pictures and stood outside her house where she proceeded to stare up at the clouds. Children around the globe followed suit.

    For days worldwide newspapers and news reports were plastered with the same images and the same types of headlines; “Mysterious Children Searching the Skies”, “Child Artists Look to God”, etc. The world waited with baited breath and none were disappointed. A beautiful rainbow, the likes of which had never been seen before stretched across the globe. In the midst of this beauty, dark rocks the size of automobiles came crashing through. A meteor shower came pouring down, ripping three symmetrical lines down the rainbow. They entered the atmosphere but broke up upon entry spreading bit of metallic rock and dust to drift over the exact spots the children were standing in. They laughed, they danced, they rejoiced.

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