Shine, Glowstick, Shine


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From 'little me' to 'big me'- there will always be an us.

                            For Shannon, my forever friend- inspired and R.E. your poem 'dear past' 

Like a shudder, a season changes;
Winter surrenders to spring in the sweetest of exchanges.
As withering flowers, so in time we shall age;
And sometimes we will need each other’s help to commence our life’s next page.

So different have our battles been
You’ve seen things I have never seen.
Our trials, our joy and our fear
I wish that I could’ve always been near

It is often that I ponder on this truth 
Something that is nothing short of a miracle to me—and it is this: 
That whatever our differences, and however far away we may be--
I will always hold close our friendship-- you will always know me.

You have written 'dear past'- now I write 'dear future'--

Like a shudder, a season changes-
But please let me promise you this,
That in our youth and in the oldest of ages
Our friendship will always exist.

-Amily Lotte, your poetic friend  


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