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The Site

 It was just a rumor that spread like wildfire across the globe. At first it started as something people called a "creepy pasta" to scare others. It was like a horror story that people could believe as how realistic it was. But then sommething strange started to happen. People of all ages were reported as dead or strange accidents were happening to them and the only connection the police had was always the website. They couldn't track the site but yet those in the reports stated they had gone to the site to make a wish.

Another connection was always the white feather left with the one who made the wish. It was a symbol of a pact the person making the wish made with the "angels" as many were starting to call them.

No one knew who these angels were but there were three at least known of thus far. The first was an eccentric young woman that always wore a top hat and coset. She seemed sarcastic according to many and other times she over exagerated things. The second was slightly younger and appeared as if she had just run from her own wedding. Her most remarkable feature was the cloth that covered her eyes that was ragged and covered in blood. No one had seen what was under the cloth but figured the woman's eyes had been plucked out of her head and the cloth covered it so no one would notice. The final angel had very little reports on her as many who encountered her were too scared to mention it. She was always wearing a dark black cloak and resembled the stereotypical angel of death and actually had wings on her back.

Some that had experienced the three "angels" stated they were handed contracts with strange lettering on it and were told to sign it so the "angels" were never held responsible. Many never signed the contracts and so never had a wish granted for them but those that did would suffer from loss of life, limb or other extremity in their life whether it was theirs or someone close to them. At least one report stated a woman didn't sign the contract but her wish was still granted.

Police are still on the look out for any information people might have on the infamous site,

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Wish 1 - Snow Day

Caleb pushed the small power button on his laptop. The light from the small circular light filled the room with an eerie glow. He had heard so many rumors before today of there being some sort of website that could grant wishes. He didn't believe it and even made a bet with his class mates that if the site wasn't real they each owed him $20. It was an easy cash flow for Caleb as he was familiar with XHTML and knew that a site doesn't just come up only when a person needs the site at midnight. It was too ilogical and no coding existed out there that could predict what a person was thinking. He even pinged the site earlier that day to prove a point when there were no return packets from the supposed site.

 He typed the URL in the search bar and watched as the green loading bar slowly creeped over to the right. The screen continued to be blank as Caleb waited for the anticipated error message to pop up saying the site didn't exist. His finger rested on the print screen button, ready to take a screen shot and send it to all of his friends. But then he froze, the site continued to load and soon turned black with a pair of angelic wings in the center. A small welcome message hovered below the wings with glitter coming out of it.

"Oh come on! Did they seriously buy the URL and make this before I got to my room? Look at this mess of a splash screen! If I were a wish granter I'd wish myself a better web designer. This just looks like crap." Caleb laughed at his own joke of wishing for a new designer.

He figured he couldn't just leave the site like this as he already lost the bet now, whether they cheated or not, and figured he might as well check out the rest of the site. An about section, the wish page, even a twitter link. Despite his friends cheating him out of a bunch of money he was impressed that they managed to get this far with a hoax. He reminded himself to at least join in on it so they could continue the hoax and make some money off of this. They would get a bunch of hits from this and if it became popular enough he would be able to sell out space on the site for advertisements or a donate button. They could spread the word and even make people pay for their wish to be granted.

He moved his mouse back over to the wish button and clicked. The screen loaded again but this time with three cartoon figured women standing above the input box. One he could tell wore a top hat and was constantly spinning, another dressed in a white dress and trying to look away from him, and then the final girl was in a black cloak and unmoving from her spot. It was werd seeing the great contrast between the three and shrugged it off as just some artistic idea one of his class mates came up with. He was impressed with the detail and smoothness of the art and would have to hire the artist when he was in school the next day for his next website project.

Caleb leaned back in his chair, unsure on what to wish for. The entire time since he had placed the bet he didn't think the site would load and never bothered coming up with a wish. Now that he was, he didn't know what to wish for. He could ask for a million dollars but that would just be too lame and they would laugh at him the next day. Then it came to him.

"I wish for a snow day." He muttered as he typed out the words and hit enter.

The text box faded out along with two of the cartoon characters, the top hat wearing girl and the cloaked one. The white dress wearng girl finally turned around to look at Caleb and he jumped in surprise. She was wearing a ragged cloth around her eyes with scratches covering one side of her face. What made it more eerie was that she was smiling the entire time as if he had saved her from something dangerous. It was a weak smile but a noticeable smile nonetheless. She then proceeded to fade away as well allowing the words Your Wish Has Been Granted. Thank You For Visiting

The screen went blank and the error screen of being unable to find the page popped up. Caleb tried to hit the refresh button, nothing. He then went to ping and even search to find the website, again nothing. It was the strangest website he had ever encounted thus far and had to ask who made the site when he returned to school.

That morning Caleb woke up the same as he always did in late spring with no snow on the ground and the smell of toast from downstairs. His night had seemed like only a second when he had closed his eyes making him even more groggy than usual. His feet scuffleed across the floor with arms out stretched searching for the clothes he had layed out the night before. With such a normal day once again, Caleb felt like the website had been just a strange dream.

At least he thought it was a dream until he saw a feather sitting on his desk. The feather hadn't been there last night causing his drowziness to dissapitate and ran over to his door to check that it was still locked. He sighed in relief, the lock hadn't been undone so he went over to the window. Again it was still locked as well. He didnt understand, there was no way to get into the room without it being unlocked and he was he only one in the room yet someone managed to leave a white feather on his desk.

Taking one last look around his room, Caleb shrugged his shoulders and got dressed. He pocketed the feather to show some of his classmates later to see what they thought of the feather. The rest of his morning went by smoothly as he ate breakfast and left the house for school. As he would turn a corner Caleb would see a young woman looking at him before dissapearing around another corner.

At first he didn't take notice but began realizinng the woman was wearing the exact same cloth over her eyes as the cartoon character had on the website. He frowned, annoyed that his classmates were now adding to their prank to creep him out for not originally believing in the site. He needed to find some way to get back at them for this, they were stressing him out and they needed to feel that same pain.

"E-Excuse me, Caleb?" A weak voice called out from a side alley.

Caleb looked over expecting to see some girl from class. Instead it was the girl that had been following him the entire time he had been walking. "What do you want? Here to prank me some more? Look I don't care if they paid you or whatever, just stop following me."

The girl shook her head. "No, I'm here to grant your wish. I- My name is Castiel. Wait, no that's not how I was supposed to introduce myself at all." The girl then stood on her toes with hands outstretched like a ballerina. "Yes, this was how Xera told me to show myself to you. But this doesn't seem right either." Castiel smacked her forehead. "I'll never get this right and then they will just beat me up again." She looked up at Caleb, or at least what would be looking if she didn't have the cloth and pulled out a small scroll. "Can you just sign this please so I can say I granted your wish then? It's a contract stating we aren't responsible for any injuries or misinnterpreations for wishes granted."

Caleb started laughing. "You're kidding me, right? OK I get it, you guys feel bad because you knew you were wrong about theere being a real site so you did all this to make it seem convincing and even dressed up as one of the characters from the page." Castiel didn't change her position or seem fazed by what Caleb had to say. He sighed, realizing the girl wanted him to continue humoring his classmates. "Fine, let me see the contract and I'll sign it. Not like you guys can make it instantly snow anyways."

Castiel smiled bright as she handed over the scroll and a pen. "Please sign the contract. Also," she softened her voice to a whisper, "can you try to not let my sisters know my entrance wasn't accurate?"

Caleb nodded and began signing his name on the scroll. "I doubt I will see your sisters and if I did its not like I would know they were your sisters anyways. Here," he handed the scroll and pen back over to Castiel, "now good luck granting that wish. I'm going to school now so try not to delay me more."

The girl smiled and began to fade as if she were just a hologram. Caleb shook his head at the sight figuring the girl actually didn't exist and he was halucinating. He couldn't let this get to him and with how weird things were getting he figured it was either lack of sleep or he was still dreaming somehow.

He was finally half way to school when the temperature around him started to slowly drop. He looked at his smart phone to check the weather, it still predicted it to be above 70 but it was already feeling like it was 50 outside before wind chill. Clouds then began to float overhead, blocking out the sun and majority of the sky. Again the temperature began to drop so Caleb was now shivering. He felt like he was in the middle of winter instead of late spring and wondered what was going on with the weatherman being so bad at predicting the freak cold.

As the temperature continued to quickly drop, rain started to poor which quickly turned into large snow flakes melting on the cement. Then hail mixed with the snow, pelting him as hard as it could in the face. "Are you kidding me? I get rain happening randomly without prediction but snow and hail?! If someone expects me to believe this was because of my wish then they have to be crazy." Caleb didn't bother standing in the same place as he took off in a run in the cold, trying to get to the school before he froze to death.

By the time Caleb reached the high school there was somehow two feet of snow on the ground with black ice everywhere. Cars were screeching across streets and ambulances flying through the city, trying to rescue those that ended up in accidents. The snow had sped up so you couldn't see father than a few feet in front of him making him feel bad for those driving. He wondered if at this rate class would be cancelled as well.

He wasn't paying attention and stepped onto a large sheet of black ice. He slipped and fell onto the cement, falling unconcious. The snow continued to pile on top of him and as the snow plows came by they covered him as well. No one noticed when a young white dressed woman walked up to where Caleb lay and smiled.

"I have good news for you, my sisters didn't think I did bad with granting your wish this time around and promised not to bully me for a week! Though I might have overdone it. Here, let me get you out of the snow at least." Castiel snapped her fingers and the two dissapeared.

The next day the news was full of stories of a lone male body found in a freezer, frozen solid. When medics had arrived to revive him, he was presumed dead for at least a few hours. The snow outside had suffocated him and the freezer froze his body till it could no longer survive. The only clue the police had to the reason of death was a pair of foot prints next to Caleb's body and a white feather.

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Wish 2 - Family First

Maxine was your average middle aged mother. She had three children, sometimes four when she counted her own husband in his times of immaturity. However, despite all the stress of life she still loved it all. She refused to leave her family behind and if her job was at stake because of issues at home she was willing to leave work. Even in her own health, family came first no matter what.

That's when she saw an article in the newspaper about a boy dying mysteriously. Classmates had been questioned on what they thought the motive was and all they could say was it had to do with a strange website that could grant wishes. She giggled at the title of the site, It sounded like an adult friend finder based website that kids had just recreated to "grant" wishes. Heer children had never mentioned the site before and wondered if it was just a fad the kids int he other district were in. Maxine was just glad the fad wasn't some drug going around.

She was curious if the site existed but never was able to stay awake long enough to see for herself. It only came on at midnight and her definition of staying up late was until 9:30 and any later she wouldn't be able to get up for work or get her kids ready for school. She could rely on her husband but usually he was out the door before the kids woke up and didn't come back from work until 5 that night for dinner.

Just like every night, Maxine was left cooking dinner and cleaning the kitchen afterwards. The children and their father went upstairs to read while she was left alone downstairs to relax on the sofa. The TV was playing a rerun of some cop show she didn't pay much attention to but instead listened to the storm hoveering overhead. It started as a small drizzle but soon filled the sky with lightning and thunder cracks that would shake the house occasionally.

The storm began to lull her to sleep until the sound of the front door jiggling jolted her awake. "Hunny?" Maxine called out hoping to hear her husband or even hildren just saying they were going to watch the storm on the porch or a bit. No response.

Maxine stood up from the sofa and walked slowly over to the door. It was ajar and the lock had been broken off by force by some intruder. She froze, realizing someone had broken into her house and was wandering through her house, looking for items to steal. There was no use fighting the intruder as she was exhausted and would most likely be unable to fight anyone anyways. Instead her instinnct went to grabbing the phone and calling the police.

She lifted the house phone to her ear, silence. They had cut off her phone cable before letting themselves be known. She scrambled then to look for her cell phone, hoping they hadn't found it first or better yet before they found her. It was still laying by the sofa where she had left it and she sighed in relief as she saw it was at fifty percent battery power left. She hit the emergency dial button and waited for someone on the other line to pick up.

"Oakley Emergency, how many I help you?"

"There's a burgalar in my house!" Maxine hissed into the phone. She quickly gave her address to the dispatcher and hid behind the couch, hoping those in her house wouldn't notice her or her family before the police arrived.

"Ma'am please stay on the line, we will send someone over right away. Just stay calm and hidden somewhere safe. Is your family alright?"

Maxine nodded but then realize the dispatcher couldn't see her nodding. "I think they are. They went to bed before I did so they should all be in their rooms asleep."

The dispatcher continued to talk to Maxine to calm her down. Soon blue and red lights brightened the house revealing two men trying to unplug her TV in the other room with other small pieces of furniture in their arms. They were frozen in place, having expected the thunder to cover their sound but realized it had also coveered Maxine's voice as well when she called.

The police didn't bother waiting long as they entered the house and grabbed the two burgalars. One of the officers located Maxine in her hiding spot and helped her up, checking to make sure she was unharmed. "We're going to look to make sure those weren't the only two men. Will you be alright ma'am?"

Maxine nodded. "Yes, I'll be fine. I don't think I can go to sleep after all of this though. This is a nice neighborhood, no one has ever broken into a house around here before."

"There's always a first for everything."

The officers looked around the house and outside in the yard for half an hour before writing a report of the incident and leaving. Her family had slept through the entire inncident making Maxine feel a little better about it all and began putting all of her items back in their place. If they did wake up she didn't want them to be scared. It was best to be ignorant of the entire invasion than to feel frightened for their life like she had.

She couldn't sleep. The excitement from an intruder earlier kept her heart racing beyond reason. Thumping filled her ears, drowing out the thunder outside. Her life, which had always been so monotonous, was changing drastically. Here she was, like a ghost watching its own funeral and unable to comfort their family.

Her family.

She had to protect them somehow. Maxine refused to let something so horrendous happen again. Looking over at the blank computer screen her thoughts returned to the newspaper article. There was a website that granted wishes for any who got on and luckily for her it was midnight, the only time the site showed up.

Maxine booted up the computer and began squinting at the blinding bright light. As the computer loaded to the log in sceen, she began to feel slightly silly for her over reaction. "I'm a logical woman!" She paused, about to hit the shut down button and not bother getting on but removed her hand from the mouse. "But if it gives my family a chance to survive I'm willing to take chances."

Mindlessly, Maxine went to her internet browser and began to type in the URL. A welcome screen with white wings on a black background appeared but she didn't bother examining or waiting for the welcome screen to fully load. She entered the site and clicked over to the "wish" button.

Unlike the rest of te website, Maxine had to pause. The cartoon characters were all staring at her, waiting for something. The middle character's skin was a blue tint as if she had been frost bitten while the other two looked perfectly fine. At least what would be considered perfectly fine for eccentric cartoon girls. The box then popped up so she could type in her wish.

"I wsh my family would always be safe." She hit the enter key and watched as the cloaked and frost bitten cartoon girls disappeared leaving only the one wearing a top hat behind and the wish. The girl then smiled and even she disappeared with the text.

Maxine sighed as she turned the computer off finally. She knew the wish wouldn't be granted in some supernatural way and had to keep protecting them in her own way. Her exhaustion was finally catching up to her as she closed to door shut, hoping no one else would try and break in that night, and headed up to bed. The night remained silent as her eyes closed and sent her into dream land.

Through out the night Maxine awoke to see a pair of red eyes looking at her from outside the window. She shrugged it off as some sort of wild animal or her exhaustion getting to her. There was no use stressing hersself out more than need be after the nights encounter. She needed sleep for work in the morning to function and already she was going to get barely any sleep.

That morning Maxine awoke to her children having woken up already and preparing their own breakfast and her husband having left for work. She smiled at the consideration her children had despite not knowing what happened last night that caused her to be too tired to wake them up. Her eyes rested on the computer and remembered the wish she had asked for the nigh before and wondered if what had happened last night was just a really bad nightmare.

"Hey mom, we got the mail today and there was a feather in the box. Mind if we keep it? Its really pretty!" Maxine's daughter asked and held up a small pure white feather.

Maxine didn't bother examining the feather and nodded. "Just try to clean it really well before messing with it. We don't know what kind of disease the bird had on it." The girl nodded and ran off into the kitchen to clean it with dish soap and water.

A knock interupted Maxine's morning with a loud hammering sound echoeing through the house. Maxine walked over to the door and peered out the small eye hole thinking it might be the police coming back to check on things since last night. Instead it was a young fair skinned woman with bright red eyes peering back into the eye hole at Maxine as if she could see through it as well. As the woman backed up Maxine could see she was wearing a black corset and top hat. It reminded her strangely of the cartoon character she had seen from the website last night but she shook it off as coincidence.

"Hey, you wanna open up finally? Didn't you want to make a wish or somethin'? I don't have all day you know!" The woman yelled out obnoxiously into the eye hole.

Maxine opened the door slightly. "How do you know about me making a wish? Were you stalking me? Were you part of those burgalars last night?"

The girl raised an eyebrow and smiled. "You humans and your strange words. I know about your wish because I'm here to grant your wish for you. You wanted your family safe didn't you? Well I'm here to protect the little monsters! All you have to do is sign this contract right here and its settled!"

The woman pulled a scroll out of her jeans pocket and handed it over to Maxine. All the lettering on it was written in what appeared to be something out of a fantasy movie and ilegible. "Look, I can't sign a contract I can't read especially on something so unnoficial looking."

The woman shrugged. "Fine, if you'd rather I can just complete the wish and then you can sign the contract. Really all its saying is that you can't hold us responsible for anything that goes wrong or us misunderstanding your wish. Samael doesn't exactly approve of that but I need the job." The woman grabbed the scroll back and tucked it in her back pocket then held out her hand to shake Maxine's. "My name is Xera, by the way."

Maxine grasped the woman's hand and jumped. Xera's hand was cold to the touch as if made of ice. "Umm... my name is Maxine. So umm... how do you plan to grant my wish anyways? Are you some sort of body guard I have to pay?"

Xera laughed. "You couldn't afford me if I was going to be a body guard. I don't take human money. Only souls work where I'm from. No, if you look over in the kitchen you'll see how they plan on being protected. They'll definitely be hard to hurt at this point."

Xera snapped her fingers and a scream came from the kitchen. Maxine glarred over at Xera, unsure of what exacly she had done and then ran off into the kitchen. She gasped at the sight of her eldest child turning grey. The other two were completely still except for their eyes that continued to move in a helpless silent cry. They were turning to stone in front of her eyes and Maxine didn't know how.

"Mom, whats going on?" the one who hadn't fully turnedd asked as tears started to roll down her face. Before she could say anything else the tears froze on her cheeks and she became a statue like the others.

Xera came behind Maxine and placed a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sure they were beautiful children and now even more beautiful statues. Though that one over there might need to be taken to a sculpture. Those tears just wont do. I mean you wanted them to be unharmed but those tears have to be annoyinng to be unable to wipe off now. I would be uncomfortable at least if I were in her place. Now about that contract. I still need you to sign it."

Maxine turned around to look at Xera. "Get out of here! I don't know how you did this but get out of here! This isn't protecting my family! You destroyed it you monster! I will call the police on you and get you arrested for it!"

Xera frowned. "No need to get so touchy. This is why I wanted you to sign the contract so I wouldn't be held liable for this stuff. If you're so unhappy about it you can fix it yourself. Don't expect me to come back for any of your wishes again."  Xera then began to fade away as if she had never existed in the house leaving Maxine and her three statue children by themselves in the kitchen.

Later that day the police arrived at Maxine's house with reporters to see the frozen in time children. Maxine's husband had also been brought to their house as a statue as well, frozen with a look of fear in his face to match his children's. No one could explain the phenomenon nor find any life within the statues. It was as if they had been carved from stone but yet their eyes continued to move in fear at all the visitors as if asking for help. The only hint of Xera having been there was the small white feather in one of the child's hands that hadn't turned to stone like everything else but couldn't be released from the daughter's hand either.

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Wish 3 - Krokodil

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Wish 4 - Heaven is a Place on Earth

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Wish 5 - Root of all Evil

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