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The long silks of her skirt trailed behind her, her white sandals softly hitting the marble floor as she wandered purposelessly across it. The castle doors had been opened up for the celebrations to come later today and throughout the week. A cool breeze played in the air and tickled her bare midriff. Today she was dressed like her sisters in the dresses of the court. Her top had the traditional slits in it, just by her shoulder blades. Today was her twenty-first birthday; the day she earned her wings and her rightful place as a guardian.
     'Only the princesses go through a ceremony so intense,' she sighed. She dreamed often of renouncing her title.
     "You cannot renounce your blood, nor your fate, my daughter," her Father said often to her.

She did not look as the others looked. Her skin was thick, strong and tanned; her legs long and defined. Her hair was a deep, dark, rich brown: cascading down her back in soft waves. Her eyes looked as if they were on fire, so bright and golden. Her mother said once that the sun shone not from the sky but from her eyes, framed by thick dark lashes. She had the same pale birthmark as her sisters; a shape like a tear drop under her left eye. Her eldest sister Arielle called her a controversy. Out of all seven daughters, she was the youngest. Her sisters were small and petite, with white skin, soft and pale like snow. Their hair was like fine silk: soft, straight, silver. Their eyes like diamonds surrounded by a bold burst of colour, blue like the sky. They were the perfect guardians, with wings of beautiful white feathers and soft tints of blue, green and purple, sometimes pink. She had nothing but love and admiration for her sisters whenever she saw them.

A maid bowed to her in the hallway, reminding her suddenly of what she was supposed to be doing. Her fingers reached for the mark on her left shoulder. It was the mark of royalty. Her sisters had exactly the same mark on their left shoulders also, all in silver. Her fingers traced the twists and turns of the design as she crossed the corridors and stairways to reach the Tower of the Angel. Only her family and the Sacred Guards would be up there, she consoled herself with the thought. No one else is allowed view this part of the ceremony. She wished that her Grandmother had still been present to witness this. Her grandmother had been the last of the Great Guardians. Her essence and life force still remained, embedded throughout the outer gates of the city, providing eternal protection for all who remained within them.

The sun was yet to rise as she reached the last set of stairs to take her to the top of the tower. This was called the Crystal Staircase and from afar looked like a vine made of diamonds, wrapping itself around the Tower of the Angel, the tallest spire of the castle. She could see the columns that sat around the edge of the circular rooftop, fourteen in total, each with a white flame burning brightly atop it. In the centre was a pool, around the sacred scene for all guardians: a reminiscence of the beginning, when the angel gave the first guardian the seven realms to protect. A statue in the image of the first guardian was kneeling in the middle of the pool, his arms outstretched with seven orbs representing the seven realms hovering above his hands.

The seven guards and her sisters stood in the gaps between each column, along with her mother. The water was still and calm and her father stood by the edge of the pool, facing the first guardian. She stood on the last crystal step, awaiting her father to call her into the ceremony.


His voice boomed out into the silence. Slowly, she walked to the edge of the pool and stood one step in front of her father. She knew these traditions well.
     Arielle stood, holding the black ceremonial dagger
     Areya held her shoes
     Athena held her crown
     Alisse held the rings
     Anae caressed a Golden Eagle
     Her mother held a present concealed in a box with the royal crest, a family present for her coming of age.
Before she could receive any of these she had to prove she was ready to become a guardian. her father would cut a small, shallow cross into her back using the black dagger. She would fall into the arms of the first guardian, unconscious, a state in which she would remain until she passed all trials required of her and had earned her wings. Everyone faced something different. She took a deep breath to calm herself and stepped into the water.

     "I am Aquila Ahren, seventh daughter of Arend, King of the Guardians."

The pool began to glow with a golden hue. The statue of the first guardian moved so his hands were open wide. The orbs of the realms hovered over their respective Sacred Guards; her sisters began the songs of the ceremony, which they would sing until she returned to them. Her father made the mark on her back and just before she was lost to the world she heard him whisper "Fly my eagle, be strong!"

The waters felt as if they were rising up around her, and her eyes began to feel heavy.


"Stand, Golden One." A voice commanded through the darkness.

Opening her eyes, she saw nothing. As she stood, she noticed that she was glowing, same as the pool had done when she spoke her true name. There was a numb pain, and she felt as though something was tearing at the royal mark on her arm. She closed her eyes again to focus herself and help ease the pain.

"There is no trial for the pure of heart, dear eagle. Please open your eyes."
The same voice, she realised. As she opened her eyes again, she noticed the pain was gone, and there was no longer any darkness. A table was laden with fruit before her, and there were two chairs. Seated in one of them was a lady she knew only from the legends. The Great Seer, wife of the First Guardian.
     "My Lady" Aquila bowed.
     "Please be seated," the Lady requested, "And heed my warning. You may see it as your trial, when you return from here, to be strong enough to face your fate and bear not only your own burdens but the burdens of many on your back."
Aquila sat and sighed as she did. She knew there had to be a reason why she was different. It was consoling to know that she wasn't just a defect. but fate? She wasn't so sure which sounded more appealing.

     "You are the Golden Eagle, the Daughter of the Prophecies, dear Aquila. I foresaw a great darkness, one that the Angel himself warned my husband to be wary of. We pleaded with him for a way for the Guardians to make it through this time when it comes. Are you familiar with the prophecy?"
Aquila picked an apple from the fruit bowl and carefully bit into it.
     "I am" she replied hesitantly, "but how can you be so sure?"
     " I was warned in a dream by the Angel himself. You are a child of the Angels; this is how you are not like your sisters. Your parents knew of this already, but the information was not allowed to be received by you until you came of the guardian age. You have the very sun in your eyes; a burning fire in your heart for all that is just and good. In your veins runs not the blood of guardians, but the blood of the Guardian Archangel himself. There is a great power in you that you must discover for yourself. I will grant you wings now, Aquila Firean Atheo: but these are not your real wings, merely a reflection of them. Once you learn how to use the powers you were given, only then will your true wings manifest."

Aquila was not sure what to say. Biting into her apple again, she stared at her bare feet, trying to take all of this information in.

     "Aquila, we have not long. I have a gift for you, from your real father."
Holding out Aquila's hand, the Seer placed a bracelet onto Aquila's left wrist, and a matching cuff just above her royal mark. A golden pattern began to form around her arm from the cuff to the bracelet, turning her mark gold as well. A series of delicate designs now wove around her left arm. The Seer placed a ring on her right forefinger, which bore the mark of the angels on it. Aquila still had no words to say.

The world she was in began to fade slowly from her sight, and the Great Seer called out a last warning to her.
     "Be wary of the darkness, Golden Eagle, for it is already here in disguised forms!"

She felt a rush of water pour over her and she closed her eyes, holding firmly onto her half-eaten apple.

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The pool, still and calm after Aquila's body was absorbed into it, kept its golden glow. To the king, this was something new. He would have to explain himself in the courts once all of this was done. The celebrations had already begun though. His wife gave him a warm smile, and he returned to his place at the edge of the pool. 'The trial will be quick' he thought to himself. 'She's pure of heart.'

The glow from the pool started to grow stronger. Soon it was so bright, the rooftop and surrounding pillars and towers were all bathed in the strange gold light. Bursts of light shot out from the pool, and from within, his youngest daughter was only just visible. He had no doubts now. She was the Golden Child.
Aquila stretched out her arms, and felt her wings behind her, They were so beautiful and soft, but more so, they were gold! They shone so brightly it was blinding. As she spread them out, a huge burst of light shone from around her, lighting up the entire sky. She flapped them three times and hovered above the ground, arms outstretched, to show her family, as was tradition. Aside from tradition, this felt amazing. She felt so light, she felt free. As she touched back down, the light began to fade a little.
The kind stood, mouth agape. This did not resemble his little, trouble-making daughter that he'd spent twenty-one years trying to refine. This was not a guardian that stood before him, but an Angel. Truly an Angel. His wife had tears in her eyes and his other daughters stood frozen in shock. The Sacred Guardians showed no emotion, but the awe  was evident in their eyes. An Angel stood before him. Not his eagle, but the most beautiful Angel.
Aquila looked around her. The pool was still glowing softly. The statue of the First Guardian seemed to have turned gold; the fire atop the columns was no longer a white flame but a blazing gold one also. The sun had begun to rise, and it seemed to be the same colour as her wings. She turned around in a slow circle, searching for her mother's eyes, to see if this was just another dream. As she looked at each sister and guard, they all bowed to her. Her mother and father now stood side by side, and welcomed her into their arms.
     "My angel" her mother cried softly, and Aquila felt tears welling up in her eyes also.
The cape was wrapped around her shoulders, and Areya put her shoes on her as she adjusted her crown. The rings were put on her right hand - one on her thumb, one on her middle finger and the last on her smallest finger. Anae whispered to the eagle and it flew onto Aquila's shoulder. Arielle bought the family present over to her, and opened the box. The tears that had been welling up in her eyes began to fall freely. Inside the box was the ring of the Great Guardians, her grandmothers ring. It was placed on her right forefinger. Her mother moved the silks inside the box aside and carefully removed one more item. The amulet of her grandmother, a single phoenix feather inside a gold casing, on a long chain. As her mother put it around her neck, she cried harder. For a long time they stood there in that embrace.
Her sisters left with the Sacred Guards, going to ensure all the ceremonies were ready. Aquila's mother and father followed soon after, leaving Aquila atop the Tower of the Angel by herself.
     "If I am an Angel, then that means this is my tower..." she pondered aloud, and laughed softly to herself. She sat on the edge of the wall, her legs hanging out over the tower. She had never enjoyed parties that were for her. There were too many formalities to worry about, greeting all the guests, always being the center of attention. She knew that once she left this rooftop, she would probably never have another moment to herself again. She wasn't just "Aquila the Guardian" like she'd hoped to be. She was an angel. Not just any Angel either. She was the daughter of the Guardian Archangel. She was the Golden One.
She spread her wings and let them fold around her. They were so beautiful, she smiled to herself. Every time she stroked the feathers, a soft golden glow stayed momentarily in the wake of her fingers. The sun caught on the gold designs on her arm and she let go of her wings to look at it. It was a trellis of stray feathers, roses and other beautiful things, joined by delicate lines. She reached over to trace the lines, and was surprised to feel that they felt exactly the same as her royal mark, as if they were embedded into her skin and belonged there. AS she traced each one, similar to her wings, the lines seemed to glow. What shocked her the most though was that the bracelet and cuff were no longer remove-able. They too, like the designs, had become a part of her arm.
A distant noise tore her from her self-discoveries and she stood up and looked around. In one of the lower towers were Alisse, Anae and her father, calling her.
         "Aqi! Aqi! Fly over here!"
Aquila smiled and spread her wings. As she flapped them, the smile drained from her face. As amazing as they were, she didn't actually know how to use them. She was hovering a few inches off the ground, and decided to experiment slowly. The more she moved the easier it began to feel. She went a little higher; a little faster; and before she knew it she was soaring around the Tower of the Angel, bathing it in the golden glow of her wings. She flew over to the tower and fell through the window. She was really going to need to work on landing.
Alisse and Anae helped her up, and the three of them burst into laughter.
     "I will leave you three girls to behave, if I may," their father smiled. He kissed each one on the forehead and left. They were in the foyer of the tailor's rooms. 
     "Why do you think we made you come Aqi?" Anae laughed. Aquila shook her head, and Alisse poked her head towards the doors that were opening in front of them. "Angels don't dress like the children of the streets Aquila Firean!" she scolded mockingly in a voice imitating their mother's.
The three of them walked through the doors into the workspace of the castle tailor. Their other sisters were all there. Arielle and Andriya already had their dresses on and were trying to find shoes that matched their gowns. They waved as the girls walked towards the center of the room. Areya stuck her head out from behind one of the changing curtains and made a silly face at them.
     "Where's Athena?" Aquila quizzed. Athena was one of her favourite sisters, when they had spare time they would do everything outside together. No sooner had she asked, she felt a huge pain in her side as another body collided with hers. They knocked into a set of mannequins and the tailor scolded them.
     "Aquila, Aquila, the sun doesn't shine from your eyes anymore! These wings are gorgeous, and your arm Aqi baby, it looks amazing!" Athena squealed, poking and prodding her younger sister who lay pinned to the ground underneath her. "I'm not a baby anymore Athena!" she grumbled, pushing her sister off. Everyone in the room laughed, and the girls fixed up the mess they had made. Alisse and Anae were now dressed  and fighting over a pair of shoes they both wanted. Athena had disappeared with the tailor to have her gown fitted, leaving Aquila to browse through the silks.
     "I'm proud of you Aqi" Andriya said softly, stroking her hair. "I've got to check on the cooks, anything special you want for your birthday dinner?"
     "I'll eat whatever you choose Riya, I love your food!" Aquila said, feeling like a kid. Andriya was the best cook in the castle and spoiled her rotten every time they were in the kitchens together. She kissed her little sister on the head, mumbled something to Arielle, and left the room.
Aquila picked up a bright red silk, admiring the way it shone against the gold on her arm. Arielle wandered over to her and tucked a stray strand of hair behind Aquila's ear.
     "You will always be my baby sister, no matter what happens okay?" she soothed. Aquila hugged her, loving the smell of her oldest sister. She always smelled like cinnamon.
     "You know the truth now, don't you?" she asked cautiously and quietly. Aquila nodded her head.
     "Good. That's good. Aquila, you may never have been entirely one of us, but we will always love you as our baby sister. Nothing will ever change that, ever. I hope that you will always see us as your sisters: Angel, Guardian, Demon or whatever we may be or become. We all love you." She kissed Aquila on each cheek and then poked her in the side to break the sombre mood. She skipped away towards the doors, smiling.
     "I love you too Ari!" She yelled out after her sister.
Aquila's dress was beautiful. It was made of beautiful deep red silks, with black and gold lace sewn into it. As always, the tailor helped her into her dress and it was a perfect fit. The designs on her arm and her grandmother's amulet looked as if they had been custom-made for the dress.
     "I have been working on this gown since you joined the royal family, your Highness" the tailor sighed, after having adjusted the silks and lace to perfection.
     "I am honoured to wear such a masterpiece Maria" Aquila replied earnestly. "I love this dress. I love all of your works. How can I ever thank you? This dress seems so much, I can't just accept it!"
Maria smiled softly and took Aquila's hand in hers.
     "You are the Angel of the Sun, the Golden Eagle, Princess Aquila. The opportunity to have ever bought even something so small as a smile to your face will always be enough for me."
Aquila hugged Maria and tried to blink the tears from her eyes. She prayed silently that Maria may have never find sadness, and kissed her on the cheek. A soft golden glow remained on Maria's cheek, and she bowed low.
     "Thankyou for your blessings Aquila" she whispered softly, a tear falling from her eyes. "Now quickly to your dressing room so that your hair may be done before the celebrations reach the castle!"
The castle was like a maze. There were five main wings: the central wing was where the many halls  were, including the library, throne room and main courtyard. Above this rose the Tower of the Angel. To the south of this wing (at the back of the castle) was the kitchens, the gardens and the living quarters of most of the servants and castle staff. To the east was the Army quarters: training barracks, the great battle halls, armory and the workshops of the castle's weapons crafter, silversmith and gold smith. The Lords and Ladies of the court all had residencies in the west wing, and out beyond this wing was where the orchards lay and beyond, the castle lake. In the north was the princesses' wing, with the king and queen on the first floor, and the rest of the royal family spread out throughout the many towers of the castle.
In the main dressing room, Aquila found her sisters seated at various points organising separate things. She sat down on a spare stool, and sighed. Playing with the amulet around her neck, she heard the unmistakable footsteps of her parents coming down the hallway.
     "Aquila!" her mother called sternly. "You need to be in your own room! You will not be able to prepare yourself properly with the noise in this room!"
Aquila got to her feet, feeling suddenly very heavy. She wandered towards the door slowly without replying, when her father caught her arm.
     "Smile, my baby princess, okay?"
     "I will father" she lied, trying to find a good excuse. "I just feel very tired, thats all."
He smiled at her apologetically and said something about excitement that she didn't quite hear. He gave her shoulder a soft squeeze and she turned to walk out the door again.
She took the back halls to her room and ascended the staircase to her room in silence. She couldn't quite pick why, but she felt suddenly aware of just how alone she was. She crossed her foyer, covered in fresh dlowers, and picked an apple off the table of fruit in the center. Passing through the doorway to her room, there were three maids waiting patiently for her. The atmosphere in the air was very awkward.
     "Your Highness, Great Angel, please allow us to serve you before the ceremonies today." the said in unison, voices shaking. Aquila sat down, annoyed, and then she snapped.
     "I'm still Aquila, okay? Cut the 'Great Angel' drama and treat me like you used to yeah?"
     "Are you sure, Your High-"
     "YES!" Aquila cut in, now angry. But she couldn't stay angry for long, catching sight of her hair in the mirror in front of her. The eagle (who had remained on her shoulder the entire time) had made a right mess of her hair. She burst out laughing, and the maid holding the hair brush shook her head, laughing also.
     "Have fun with my hair Laura" Aquila managed, in between fits of laughter. The other two maids seemed to visibly relax, and between the three of them they managed to pry the eagle off her shoulder and make a masterpiece out of her hair.
The maids spent the next few hours helping Aquila practice her songs, speeches and even how to land properly, after flying around her room and out of the windows. She learnt how to groom her wings and she was practicing on her eagle's wings when Anae entered her room.
     "What will you call him Aqi?"
     "Oh, that's something I never thought of, any suggestions?"
The five girls sat around a platter of cold meats, eating, trying to come up with names for the eagle. Aquila stroked the eagle's feathers softly and it pecked the strip of chicken she had been holding out of her hands.
     "Tell me your name, eagle" she whispered to is softly, picking another piece of meat for it.
     Azar a hoarse male voice said. Aquila looked around the room stunned. The other girls fell silent, watching her.
     "Did you hear that?"
     "Aqi, what are you talking about?" Anae worried.
     "I just heard a man whisper a name to me for the eagle, but there are no men here..." Her voice trailed off.
     My name is Azar, the voice repeated again.
The maid seated next to Laura stared at Aquila for a long time, making her feel uneasy.
     "Aquila, Your Highness," she almost whispered, "eagles are the animals of the Angels. It is said in legends that the Angels are so pure they can hear the voices of the eagles."
She bowed when she finished talking, afraid that she had spoken out of place, but Laura and Anae nodded in agreement.
     My angel, my Regis, the voice sounded again it is as the guardian human says. My name is Azar, your faithful companion during your time of service in this world. Aquila stared at the eagle, unsure of how to communicate with him. She reached out her hand slowly.
     "Azar" she said slowly, trying out the name. She repeated it again, more firmly, this time stroking his wing. Scratching under his neck, she decided this was okay.
     "You are named Azar, companion of Aquila." As she said this, the eagle glowed and a pattern just like the one on her left arm formed on his left claw.
     It is now official, Aquila my Regis.
With that, Azar flew to the window and perched on the edge, facing outwards. Aquila felt like her head was spinning and mored to the couch opposite the unlit fireplace.
     "Shall we leave you to retire, Your Highness?" Laura suggested. "Our rooms are below yours, so if you call through the window we shall be in attendance immediately." Aquila nodded, closing her eyes. It was still only mid-morning and she was worn out already. Anae sat in a chair opposite her, reading one of the books from the shelves.
     "Can I read to you Aqi, like old times? Mother said that she will send for you when it is time, and I will keep you company until I or you are called."
     "I love it when you read to me, I feel like nothing has changed and we're kids again; that this is only a dream."
Her voice drifted off, and Anae began to read to her a very old story: The First Angel.
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Azar sat atop Aquila's left shoulder, on top of the large golden clasp that held her cape in place. Her hair had been swept up into a pile of beautiful braids and curls. Every time she moved her wings, they would bathe the surrounding area in a soft golden light. "I'm going to have to learn how to hide this Azar!" she whispered to her eagle.
All in time, Aquila Regis, we will both grow in time.
He sounded so mature compared to her. She couldn't keep her excitement contained as Andriya walked passed with a long procession of maids and cooks, carrying the most amazing of dishes. She stole two pieces of cake from the a tray, and the maid holding it winked at her.
She was glad for Azar's company on her shoulder. Since learning the truth behind why she was so different, she felt even more alone than she had been before. At least then people only believed she looked different. Now, she really was different. Really different. She was a legend.
She wandered down the halls to the library, searching for the one item that would help ease her troubled mind. The library was a maze, much like the castle, and very few knew how to navigate it properly. In a far corner on the second level, she knew she'd find the area she wanted. She climbed the spiral staircase quickly, hoping no one would see her. The books up here lay relatively untouched. Guardians were mainly concerned with fighting to preserve the peace of the realms they protected. Very few guardians pursued creative endeavors in free time.
The books were ancient up here; giant tomes specializing in music, the arts, literature and even various magics and healing items. On the far left side was a reading area, by a large window over-looking the main courtyard. Not far behind the reading area, hidden behind two large shelves of books and other items dedicated solely to music stood a large grand piano, hidden underneath a heavy black cloth. Tugging the cloth off, she let out a sigh as the object of her desire was slowly revealed.
No one in the city's gates knew how to play like she did. she had read every book on the shelves and had taught herself how to play it, although it seemed to come naturally to her. She sat on the stool in front of the ivory keys, her fingers caressing each key in greeting. She propped open the lid and stretched out her fingers to play. Azar flew to the top of the opened lid and perched on the edge. He cocked his head to the side in curiosity as she picked out a few notes.
This is a wonder, even for my weathered eyes!
"What do you mean by that?" Aquila replied softly, lost in the sound of the keys.
This is an old instrument from the first world, is it not? I am yet to even hear it's melodies, although many angels have spoken of its beautiful harmonies. How is it that you are learned in one of the forgotten arts?
Aquila smiled. "I did not realise it was a forgotten art Azar. Think of this as the fruits of twenty-one years of isolation and loneliness" her voice trailed off. The Eagle hummed.
So then you are self-taught?
"I am, Azar, I am." A small silence filled the room as Aquila studied Azar, trying to understand what he might be thinking.
Aquila, it would seem then that you are a Master of the Forgotten Musics of the First World. Yet another title for a most beautiful angel. Aquila blushed. He was an eagle, but no one had ever called her beautiful and yet sounded so sincere. It made her smile. She reached up to stroke Azar, his wings glowing softly in response to her touch. As she did, she felt a new melody build in her heart and she sat immediately to play it.
His parents had begged him to come along with them to the castle for the celebrations. He'd argued, having only recently becoming a guardian himself, and was much more interested in going out on patrols than attending such a political event. He didn't even know ant of the Princesses and had only seen the King Guardian in paintings. They had told him to stay in his rooms until the celebrations began, but curiosity got the better of him; and so too, did the puzzle of halls, corridors and stairways, for he found himself in the library with no luck of finding his way back. At least he had already dressed appropriately for the celebrations. He decided that moving to the second floor of the library would be a good idea, as he could watch from the windows there as to when the formal celebrations would begun. He slumped into one of the armchairs, pulling one of the books from a nearby table into his lap. Flipping through the book, all the pages seemed to be filled with a script like no other he'd ever seen. As part of a Noble's education he'd been required to learn the arts, but had only briefly touched the basics, preferring combat to something so trivial. He began to recognise it as music, but this seemed so complex. There was no way only one instrument could play so many notes all at once and have it sound any good, yet this had all been assigned to one instrument only. He laughed to himself as he put the book back on its pile on the table and leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes.
A soft, sweet melody began to fill the space. A few notes - an innocent, light melody - and then slowly the harmonies grew stronger and deeper and more complex. It made him smile and he found himself tapping his fingers to the beat. the castle surely had the best musicians for today's celebrations if this was only a warm-up  song he thought. He wandered over to the window and looked out towards the courtyard, only to see nothing. The courtyard only had a few maids in it, and the gardener.
"It was beautiful, wasn't it Azar?" a soft voice spoke from somewhere behind him. After a pause, it came again. "I don't know, do you have a suggestion?" A sound much like flapping wings could be heard. "I'm not sure, I just felt it. I'll call it 'Serenade of Friends'." The soft voice giggled and what he thought could have been an eagle cawed. Walking silently around the bookshelves, he saw her sitting there in front of a huge black object. He stayed in the shadows, awestruck. the light from the window hit her hair softly. Her eyes shone so bright, her wings were so beautiful. She looked perfect, he thought to himself, sitting there so serenely. As she laughed again, it was as though the whole room grew brighter. He caught his heart beating faster, and decided to leave before he did anything crazy.
     "Wait sir!" the voice called after him. "Please wait with me?" she called again.
He turned around slowly, and she stood, staring at him. Her cape covered her left arm,and the eagle sat atop the clasp on her shoulder. She held the cape over her as if trying to hide something. He stammered to find something to say. "...What may I help you with fair maiden?" Instantly, he cursed himself under his breath for sounding so corny. "Um, did you come to find me? Do I need to be ready?" "I have no idea, you see, for I myself am lost in this crazy castle!" he laughed, hoping he didn't sound to un-cool. The girl let out a long breath, and seemed to relax. She let her grip loosen on her cape, and she sat again. "Will you sit and talk with me?" she asked. "There is no way I'd decline an offer from such a beautiful woman." Her face lit up and it made him smile.
     "You're not from the castle, are you?" she asked. "No," he replied, "I'm from the South. The Austri Guard is my father." "Oh, Austri..." a troubled look crossed her face. Catching the betrayal of emotion, he asked if anything was wrong. "Austri is not a bad place," he added, defending his home town. Austri was the home of the Sacred Guards, his Father was the head of the guardian army that protected the cities. It was also the most dangerous of the border cities, as the border it shared was with none other than the strongest demon realm.
     "The Austri Guard has only one son, doesn't he?" she wondered aloud, "that would make you... Damir?" "I am!" he smiled. "And if I didn't know any better, I'd joke about your beauty and call you the Golden Guardian!" She looked at him awkwardly. Azar let out a stifled 'caw' on her shoulder. Instantly, he realised how inappropriate his joke was; and then slowly he looked up as the realization set in. How could he have missed it? He felt like a complete fool. He wanted to kick himself. This wasn't just any princess. It was The Princess. The Angel. Princess Aquila, the whole reason for the celebrations today. "Your Highness, please forgive my ignorance and arrogance! Blinded by your beauty I did not recognise you my Princess and Angel." He knelt, bowing his head low. He was afraid to look up at her.
Aquila didn't know what to do. It was a very funny reaction; she started to laugh, and then she couldn't stop. As she finally began to calm down, she stroked Azar's feathers. You will get used to it soon. Almost everyone will see and treat you much differently from now on.
Damir looked up at her, and she offered him her hand. "Please stand, I don't want this. I like the way it was before..." "I don't want to offend you, Your Highness." he stopped her mid-sentence. Her eyes began to glass over with tears. "I just" Aquila paused, blinking them away, trying to find the right words to say. "I want to be friends, can we be friends?" A single tear rolled down her cheek. "Yes, certainly Your..." He didn't get the opportunity to finish his sentence as he was squashed in a hug from Aquila. They moved to the reading area, and were joking awkwardly about the greeting. The more he talked to her, the lighter his heart felt. He found himself admitting all sorts of things to her that he'd never wanted to tell anyone before. Every time she smiled, a warm rush would flow through him and as she told him of her own stories, her eyes seemed to glow so bright he felt as though he was staring into the sun itself. "Aquila" he tested, still feeling unsure about calling her by her name. "Are you sure you want to be friends with me?" "I've never had a friend before" she admitted, after a long pause. "I feel like you would be a perfect friend to have... If you don't mind?" He smiled. "Princess Aquila, I vow to be by your side as friend and ally, for as long as you need and want me to be." "Lord Damir, I vow I may also be this to you too."
He vowed in his heart that this was one promise he would always uphold, if nothing else. It had not been long, but he knew that this was where he belonged. "A vow to the Angels is an eternal vow" he whispered, and smiled.
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