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Waiting across the street from the elegant hotel he is well prepared on the day of the massacre. He knew the rapper's favorite strip joint. Damien thought of dropping in to view the entertainment but he has seen it all. He waits in the shadows for the usual time of arrival. He is a creature of habit. As a sleek Cadillac pulled into the parking lot. Damien becomes nauseated. He always got anxious before a kill. This one would be a bloodbath because he came with an entourage. As they entered the lobby, he knew he had must revise his plan. The lights were bright and the way they staggered he could tell they were intoxicated. That would make things less difficult. Damien is making his most ambitious effort yet.

Hotel room. The rock star unbuttons his shirt while fetching a drink at the bar. A shadowy figure emerges." Are you afraid of the dark? I believe I sent you a message." He had a disagreement with his former rap collaborator. "Hey man, “the he says in his haze. He sent his entourage to another suite because he was expecting company. What a mistake that was. Maybe this is a figment of my imagination, he prays. As he eyes his intruder he reaches behind his tucked in shirt for his .45piece. Music is a dangerous business. “Not today!” he screams as he clumsily fires a shot. He misses and his intruder smirks. “Would you like to hear a story before you die?”



"The time has come for you to get what you deserve," he says as he faces her. His long search is over after she managed to elude him in Paris. "You almost killed me. I can see that you are furious,” she sighs." "You got that right,” he hisses. He had no weapon but he knew ways he could kill her. “I am so sorry. You can't do this to your mother,” she exclaims.” “Most mothers do not treat their sons this way he said.” “It was an accident. I was drunk, “she said. “Sorry Tammy your time is up. Some people have to die. It's the way of the world.”

“We meet again. I finally found you. You dodged me all this time.” He knows she is tired of resisting. The inner voice drawing her near. She feels suspended in the air as her anguish and spirit leave her body.  She did not see or hear the car coming on this dark night. She initially felt the pain in her arm, and she is hurled towards the stars. As Jasmine lays crumpled and bloodied, she hears his voice. “Baby listen, I’m here.” The person speaking is Damien. Jasmine touches his cheek. Her pain lessened by his presence. “It hurts so bad as tears stream down her face”. “Shhh, don’t worry it will be over soon. You are mine at last.”

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