To Be Her


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My name is Mark and life for me has always been ordinary. My parents are 'happily' married, my little sister is just as annoying as any other little sister and I am a normal student attending grey ground high. Now I'm not saying normal is bad, in fact in this day and age.. normal is actually pretty good. I wake up in the morning, eat breakfast, change into my pale yellow and blue school uniform and head to school. The life of a normal boy. 



The school bells ear bleeding scream ricocheted through the halls as another day of school haunted hundreds of fatigued students. I clambered up the stairs to algebra class and sat at the back where I could day dream away without being noticed by Mr. Lee. Mr. Lee had a thing for students who didn't concentrate. One time he stared silently for three minutes at poor Wilson whom was caught texting on his phone. Talk about awkward. As the last few students sifted into the classroom and shyly walked late to their seats, I took up my routine subtle staring position, gazing at Kate Young. Ah Kate Young.. Long blonde wavy hair, blue eyes, skin like silk. She was everything my heart desired as an adolescent teen and everything I was not. Watching her breathe in and out, glimpsing at her chest.. I wiped the drool from my mouth as Mr. Lee walked towards the back of the class.


"Mark! Wake up" he sharply yelled as he obviously noticed my unfocused posture. I Awkwardly sat up as the rest of the class turned and looked at me. Speechless and panicked I stammered and managed to spit out the "May I go to the bathroom?" plea. I asked Mr. Lee as a sort of reflex action, hoping to avoid potential stare downs. He nodded grumpily and waved me out of the class as continued his speech about linear equations.


Hormones raging I couldn't stop thinking about Kate Young, little Mark 'down there' wanted her bad. I washed my face with cold water in an attempt to clear the mind and looked in the mirror. "Why would she ever look at me" I whispered and sighed as I tried not to notice the small pimples on my face, the thick brown hair 'jungling' its way down my scalp and my chubby, what I would call baby fat cheeks. As I turned to walk out the bathroom and back to class I noticed a shimmering object on the ground. Bending down I carefully picked it up and slid my fingers around the outside of the circular frame. I took a closer look and squinted at the tiny engraved sentence. 


"To be someone" 


I shrugged and put the silver ring on my left index finger. As soon as my skin touched the inside of the ring I knew something wasn't right. 


Dizziness struck first as I grasped the bathroom sink with my right hand. My head was spinning in circles like sitting on an endless merry go-round. I steadied myself, grabbed the ring and tried to pull it off. It wouldn't come off. By now I was almost sitting on the floor.. I yanked again at the ring but it seemed to be sealed as if super glued to my finger. I stood up shivering and tried to use the tap water to lubricate the skin. I pulled again. Nothing. Again. Nothing. I sighed and looked at my finger in defeat.. as the world seemed to become more dreamy.

Then it happened. My nails.. they were growing, slowly but surely. Like something out of a horror movie. They grew like time was being forwarded three months and I couldn't cut them. Panicking I looked at my other hand. The same. Long pink nails, prettily trimmed. What was happening?

I needed help. This isn't normal. But I was stunned. I couldn't turn look away from my hands.. They were shrinking. I could feel the bones in my hands change shape, my wrist, palm and fingers were someone else's. They were not mine. They were much smaller, more fragile.

It was like clockwork. 

As soon as the hands were done. My arms started to change, the hairs on my arms were disappearing before my eyes. My muscles and tendants quivering, taking a different shape. Was this a dream? 

I looked in the mirror and saw an oddly shaped body infront of me. I grabbed my mobile phone and started to dial 911.


"Squelch" I dropped my phone and took a step back as my chest started to shake, I looked down and saw two small mounds forming under my nipples. I grabbed them in pain. It hurt. It felt like someone stabbing needles around my nipples. I muffled a scream as the two mounds became bigger and bigger. As the pain subsided, I looked at an unfamiliar chest. And at that moment it struck me. I was changing into a girl. I had breasts. Two well formed pieces of female exclusives. 


I looked back in the mirror, at my panicked face. Still the same. I breathed in relief.

A few moments of stillness.

Then it continued...




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