Love and Knifes


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 I told myself, love was overrated, love is so too complicated. Deeps thoughts fulfilled my mind and I asked myself, what is love? Is the feeling lust or desire? His soft lips felt like the touch of a cloud and his voice was like a call from heaven. He makes me feel like I belong, he makes me feel safe and warm. He told me he will never hurt

 me, he said he always loved me. My thoughts got caught up in a knot, and got me thinking is it love if they don't even know how to love themselves? Love isn't cruel, we are cruel. We are like glass, we get broken but we can't get fixed. He told me he loved me forever but that was a lie. I told him to stay, but he didn't. He said he wouldn't hurt me but he did. He thought I was a broken toy, that needed to be fixed. Love, is just a saying for heart break and broken, we all are broken people waiting to be fixed.

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