The Noise That Spoke His Name


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The Good Guy

Angela tapped her foot impatiently on the tile below her. She grabbed the control and scanned the area one more time. The beeping of the machine continued until the audible voice-over once again announced that the area was all clear. Peter smashed his fisted hands against the desk below him.

 “He’s our only hope against Carissa. We can’t let Carissa have him.” Peter crossed the small square boxed room to the other side, away from the widely projected screen. Angela stared at his back a long time before typing in some letters and clicking to scan the area again.

For a long time the machine beeped and beeped and beeped. Its overuse, Angela believed, was wearing on it. Images of people she didn’t care about kept popping up. She was just about to turn the system off to give it a rest when the beeping had stopped and the voice-over had come on.

“Subject 2:02, located.” The male robotic voice announced loudly in the room. Peter swung himself around to look at the projected screen. It automatically began zooming in and spinning to the founded location. “Subject 2:02 resides in Petersburg, Michigan. Further location unidentified. Scanning.”

“What did you type in Angela?” Peter’s eyes were hooked onto the screen. The unnatural green to them was sparkling. His eyes were wide and only growing.

“His first name. Not the one we had given to him, the one…”
            “They gave to him… That makes so much sense.” Peter interrupted. He shuffled his fingers through his thinning hairline and turned to leave, a grin masking his lips. “Let’s head to Michigan, Angela.” 


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Never Wins

Carissa was a blonde haired, red eyed, revenge seeking, ball of fire. There was no way that they could have continued hiding Julius Carpenter from her. In fact, Peter and Angela Stallings couldn’t hide themselves anymore. The white noise they had caused amongst the planet earth had abruptly released their location, and the mission of capture had been set.

Julius was actually Carson. Carson Kastings was her soul mate, her prodigy. The mark on his neck proved it, and when he had abruptly disappeared at two by the conspiring Stallings, she knew that she’d have to take matters into her own hands.

“So what you’re saying is these two caused the white noise?” Angela and Peter sat, tied up in the same room as the two of them. “Why?” Carson asked, his eyes showing confusion.

“Because,” Carissa was abrupt, grabbing his hand and pulling it between her fingers. “You were their only hope of taking us over.” Carissa’s hand swiped sweetly along his forehead, and his eyes glazed over. “But now you’re mine, and so is planet earth.” Carson’s figure grew rigid, and he abruptly stood. “Take care of them Carson, I’ve got things to do.” Carissa rubbed her hands together and made her way for the door, giving the Stallings pair one last glance before exiting with a triumphant grin on her lips.

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