Food Fight


Tablo reader up chevron


 Hi there my name is Andrew. As you can see this is a normal boring book. Unlike other books this is the boring one. I was born without talent, handsomeness, smartness  or even creativity. I am just.... a lonely hole in a lonely life. No one cares about me. My parents often fight over childish things. I don't have friends like normal people have. Getting kicked, pushed, bullied and forced, is no where near normal. It's almost natural to me. I know I'm bragging a little too much, but I just want a normal life. I mean I'm just 10 and I already know how to cook,clean and make money. Being adopted is not easy. Not knowing who your real parents are is just heartbreaking. I remember being in pulled, I remember the sounds of painful moans and cries. It's not pleasant. I wish I can just go back in time where, maybe everything was better... 

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