"A Wisp to a Breath"


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"A Wisp to a Breath"

Just a few months ago,

You were just a wisp of a person to me.

Your relevance to my life

Was close to nonexistent.

But now? Breathtaking.

You were just another person,

Like any other person.

You breathed words that I chose not to hear,

But stubbornness, who was my friend, became my enemy

Because I liked your words, and you could tell.

The sharp symmetry and regularity of your eyes…

I remembered the sadness I could take away.

Rare, you have told me once

But you can’t know the true meaning

Without being the object of those eyes.

Though I be subjective,

It is objective that you are the best thing that has happened to me.

Existence of this truth is far from proved

There is no necessity to know it all,

Though I like to think I can.

A necessity really is to breath.

Constant respiration, inhalation and exhalation

But I’d give you all my breaths.

If I could have but one of yours.

But I’ll let you keep your necessity, because I like you alive.

Painstakingly Breathtaking and Heart taking,

But I offer it freely to you.

For that wisp of a person has grown to something

A lot less wispy to a lot more breathy

To blowy, to a tropical breeze, to a storm of necessity

Be my necessity, and be my breath

For lack of dramatics and lack of rhyme, ignore the alternative

Only gulps of air are needed to deter that outcome

And luckily God made the atmosphere, and all else

And fortunately He gave us lots of air to share.

In conclusion, for this poem has gone on long enough

And I don’t want to seem long winded, pun intended.

But I feel honored to share the air God gave, with such a person as yourself.

Because you are just going to take it away anyways

For you are person who has turned from a wisp to a breath.

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