The Girl With A Hard Life.


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As a baby

 Once upon a time there lived a baby called Ellie. As she was growing up she had no hair until she was 6! But because of that she had really faint eyebrows but people thought she had none, so they would make fun of her because you couldn't see her eyebrows. 

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 Mostly all toddlers love to go to pre-school but every morning She would screen and shout because she didn't want to leave her parents. She would cry and cry but by the time she was st pre-school she was so happy she was crying because she wanted her parents to go!

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Being the eldest

 She was the eldest out of three so far but there was another one soon the becoming! But she looked at the world in a different was than other people well than many people. She had a crazy imagination, her favourite animal was a green flying pig! She thought monkeys could fly and that they didn't have a tail oh and she because she thought spots mean springy and jumpy so she thought cheeters could jump high like frogs!

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Soon to be a teenager

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