Light of the Goddess


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To you who have loved and lost, who have felt darkness and the breath of winter upon your soul. May you find healing and light. May you find the hidden treasure within your own heart and know that you’re always loved, that you’re never alone. 


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Anne Linn Kaland

Thank you Sabrina, it means a lot that you commented. I made some changes, perhaps I'll change it again later :)

Sabrina Castiglione

C1 : 'she truly was' she was is repeated twice in quick succession, I'd find another way to say this as it breaks the flow of a really gorgeous sentence. I hope you'll have a chance to look at my work :)

Chapter 1

An angel fell to the earth, and her wings were broken. Darkness surrounded her, and she lost all her memory, forgot how immensely beautiful and powerful she truly was. She became tiny; a mere whisper upon the wind. But a small light shone in the darkness, and her friends were with her, guarding her night and day, holding out a hand to guide her back to herself. 

In her darkest hour, she looked for the light. She looked at the stars, blinking down at her, and she spoke to them, to the ancient gods always watching. She begged them to listen. She put her heart to them, tears streaming down her face. 

Why wouldn’t they answer her? Why wouldn’t they give her a sign that they cared?  

In that cold, silent night she did not know that they loved her, had always loved her since before she was born.

She did not know that her darkness was a gift of love, that her life was a school, a lesson designed just for her, perfectly spun with threads of gold.

She did not remember she had come her to learn about love, and who she was. That only by losing both, would she find what she was seeking. 

She did not know that her angels were always with her, embracing her in a circle of light. 

"Remember this" They whispered “The brightest star shines in the deepest darkness. “

And she saw those she loved the most fall away, one by one, the walls of her life crumbling until it was just her and her father. And as he grew sick she held is hand, trying to comfort him, unable to reach him, feeling she would give the world just to see him smile again.

Then she was alone. She stood upon the frozen ground, a small, hunched figure in front of three graves, three tombs of stone, as silent as the snow around them. The world moved on without her, at a speed she couldn’t follow, lights seeming to spin around her, as she stood alone, unable to move forward, unable to reach the past, stuck in the middle, frozen. 




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