Woorim Wave


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18 August 2016


Woorim Wave

For me, this is my Woorim, maybe it’s me, maybe it’s the tears I weep, while another ending fragment is coming to me in the infinite fragments of the ending, now and, Bono says : ‘ like every broken wave on the shore, this is as far as I could reach ‘. 

But then, there is, too, something beautiful, unrelated, a light in the orange tree, if you’re John Shaw Neilson, and I believe Bono again : ‘ every breaking wave on the shore tells the next one there’ll be one more “. So it’s something of a solace, that’s true as well.  It’s all somewhat obscure… But I notice that the essence of that wave is true and in the right conditions, would be pure, a perfect, unbroken wave, even if last time or the time before, it was perturbed and was broken.

I think it’s the process of having to somehow unlove someone, just enough so that you can survive, burying the precious memories, in case you can’t survive them.  And when is ‘enough ‘, and, where is the sense in that ? The yin to this yang is when someone dies, you get to keep the memories wrapped within your love, and you get to keep the love… so I am a sea-shanty without a boat, on a strange and unfamiliar sea. 

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