May And Me


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 May. A 11 year old girl with a rare disorder. Maximea- it only happened when temperatures changed, like when she goes outside after being warm and it’s cold. Her eyes will turn blue and her skin will get very pale. This only affects 1 in 100,000,000 people. Doctors said she wouldn’t live past 15. She was home schooled for years, now she is starting 6th grade.

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Who In the World...

 “Mayvi!” “Time to get up, you’ve got school.”

May woke from her bed and put on her “Florida Gaters” shirt. It was a gymnastics team. She was a level 7 gymnast herself. She put on her leggings and went down the the living room. It was cold. She started to chatter, her eyes turned a deep blue, her skin got pale, and her hair was fading into a snowy white. “Not again!” “I’ll turn the heat up.” May was still cold. It started to get hard to breathe.

She took her buttered toast and ran into her bed room. She effects started to fade away. “Let’s go! Let’s go!” She heard her mom say. She snached her back and ran out the door quickly as possibe so she wouldn’t get a taist of the cold. Yaw. It was warmed than expected outside. 89oF. She felt her shin turning a light sunburnt pink, and her hair turning yellow. Her eyes were as green as grass. She scrambled into the car. She wasn’t changing back.

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It’s not funny

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