English Rain


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Chapter 1 | Home

The sky was no longer clouded as he had indicated the newspaper the night before. Snow mixed with a few sun rays hung over Little Farry.  Emma put her down the last suitcase was missing. He sat on the bed and watched the room one last time. Between the white walls, stories she loved most. Like when I was little and his parents came to the bedroom for the goodnight kiss. Or when his grandmother told him the adventures that had lived as a teenager - in which Emma never married to hear. The girl gave a little sigh running his hand through his blond strands, holding the same then. Now the suitcase in her hand, the girl closed the door. She made her way to the living room, positioning the foot of the stairs. She watched her friend sitting on the couch talking animatedly with his grandmother. Emma cleared his throat, drawing the attention of the two. 

Karlie rose first. The blonde girl came toward Emma, ​​giving him a bear hug. Emma and Karlie were friends since being understood by people. Who do not they knew, swore they were sisters. Both because of certain details in appearance, as in personality. Then came his grandmother. Grace was one of the only people who remain in the life of Emma. Grace was very similar to Emma. Blonde with deep blue eyes and fair skin like snow. Emma held her, not wanting to do that. Go away. Leave Grace alone and Karlie. But it was necessary. She had to forget everything that haunted nequela city, even though his home. Things she wish I could go back in time and that never happened. Grace realized that Emma was feeling. She felt that Emma thought I was abandoning them. But that was not true. Grace knew that city were bad for the girl. So decidou convince Emma from. Go to London to live with his uncle Simon, which the girl did not see the time.

 Oh sweetheart, do not be so! Grace spoke  Will be for a short time. Soon you'll be back.

But I do not want to go. I do not want to abandon you. Or Grandpa. Or Karlie. Emma whispered. 

I do not want you to go. But you need, Emma. You can not stay here. Grace spoke looking into the eyes of the girl You have to go. You have to live your life. Stop clinging to the past. This will only hurt you more, my dear.

How is Grandpa? Emma asked, trying to change the conversation.

He is fine. it was a lie.

I gotta go. The taxi should be arriving.

Before you go, I want you to have this. Grace said taking the box a necklace It's in our family for years. When your mother turned eighteen, I gave this gift.  shee spoke Before she left, and John make matters worse, she gave me the necklace saying that everything would be fine.  Grace watched the necklace. She missed her daughter. But she have Emma, Karlie and John with her. Now it's your turn you have a part of it with you. Said putting the collar on the blonde's neck, giving him one last hug.

Karlie approached warning that it was time to leave. She helped Emma with the bags, stopping near the taxi.

Well, I'm not good at goodbyes, so... Emma approached Karlie giving him a hug. —  I'll miss you, James.

 Me too, Johnson. - Karlie said with a laugh, being accompanied by Emma.

Take care of her for me? she asked the blonde. Karlie just nodded. The yellow car started walking, leaving everything that Emma knew behind.

This was the chance she needed.

The chance of being able to start over.


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