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 Tablo for me has many glitches, it swaps the first and second chapters randomly without reason and adds ‘Chapter 1’ again, without reason. Just then I lost an extra long and hard worked chapter to a glitch. So if a book takes a while to upload you know why. In addition if you see one of these things, like the swapped or added chapters, then please ignore it as it is hard to control as it happens nearly all the time. Again I just wanted to say sorry.

I also have just recently updated this again to share something else as well. I use my iPad primarily to write my stories, so I can’t add a profile or book covers, and I am fine with that... but what really annoys me is the fact that I can’t move chapters around, so when I have an idea for my books I can’t just add it in. So the other day I tried to do it on computer, and hey presto! It worked! I could move and add chapters! But when I went on my iPad to do more work the next day the chapter was gone. Confused I went back onto my computer, the chapter was there but my IPad wouldn’t show it. It’s frustrating and confusing. I don’t know if my readers see the computer or iPad version... it’s kind of dampened my writing a bit.

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Felix the Cat

It's fine, you can't control it. You are still a great author. If anyone disagrees then they shouldn't be here reading this... so... have a great day!


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