PhD completion: an evidence-based guide for students and universities


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PhD completion: an evidence-based guide for students and universities

Are you dreaming to enrol in the PhD program? If the answer is in the affirmative, then this entire article is dedicated to you. According to different statistics, every year around 10 million students enrol for the PhD program. But unfortunately, only 70.2% students can finish their PhD on time. There are various reasons behind this failure such as poor financial condition, health issue, work-family conflicts, poor education system and sudden changes in career goal.

That’s why we would like to suggest you that you should take your PhD program seriously otherwise it will be difficult for you to complete your PhD in time. Dissertation writing during PhD is one of the toughest jobs. By the way, you can take professional help from online, but the dissertation writing prices vary based on topic and volume.

But you need to worry anymore as our today’s article will be a complete guideline for you how to complete your PhD in time and what responsivities you and your university have during a PhD program.


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What is PhD, Exactly

Before jumping to the guideline, we think you should know what PhD stands for? PhD stands for ‘Doctor of Philosophy’ which is an abbreviation of the Latin and Greek term. But people sometimes get confused with PhD and doctorate. For your kind information, we would like to say that all PhDs are doctorates, but not all doctorates are PhDs. PhD aims to construct new knowledge or theories, but a doctorate is based on applying existing knowledge and theories.

Students Point of View

There are a few things that you should keep in mind before jumping to a PhD program. Such as:

Ready for Critical Feedback: If you want to complete your PhD then you need to grow a thick skin and mentally prepared for critical feedback. Always remember ‘One often remember the toughest teacher the most’.

Find a Strong Mentor: One of the top secret keys to success in PhD is to find a mentor who has in-depth knowledge of your chosen subject. You may wonder why we have said so. But the reality is only a strong mentor can guide you properly and can advise you to abstain from some particular steps which might slow down your progress.

Immerse Yourself in Writing: Most of the time students neglect writing, and they think that there is no need of writing skill anymore after completing their undergraduate program. Don’t fall into this deadly trap because writing a journal is one of the major parts to complete PhD. That’s why you should try to practice writing in your free time.

You can provide writing service and can write an essay on various topics which will not only increase your knowledge but also your writing skill will improve. As a result, you will be able to write a journal which will attract your supervisors.

Stress Management: You need to have the ability to manage your stress level as the level of stress during PhD is comparatively higher than any other academic stages. You have to be conscious of time management to overcome excessive stress at the last moment of publishing PhD journal.

Mental Ability: Before enrolling in a PhD program you should have a clear concept about how much difficulties you may face during PhD and how much mental strength you have to overcome them because most of the time students enrol in a PhD program but could not finish it due to the lack of mental strength.

Moreover, you should keep in mind that PhD is a little bit different from an undergraduate program. As a result, the expectation level is also different. Along with this, you need to have a mentality to take failure as a part of learning. If you have all these mental abilities, then we must have to admit that PhD is for you!

Universities Point of View

There are some certain responsibilities that universities have to perform during a PhD program. Such as:  

Organise Demo Competition: Universities can organise demo competition where PhD students can participate and can present their work within a particular period before submitting their final presentation.

Encourage: Universities should encourage students to study more so that they can perform their best during PhD. Moreover, universities should support them and make them realise that failure is not just the end it is just the beginning of a new journey.

Proper Time Schedule: This very important to have a dedicated schedule for PhD students. Universities need to reframe their work routine if necessary.

Let’s finish it up by saying that PhD is one of the highest stages of academic life. That’s why during PhD students should be careful and serious otherwise they may fall. But if you follow our tips mentioned above, we hope you won’t have to experience the bitter taste of becoming a dropout. On the other hand, we would like to say that universities should train their supervisors through ongoing coaching so that they can track the progression of students correctly.

If you have any confusion or quarry, you can ask us in the comment section. Suggestions from you regarding this topic is also appreciable. By the way, if you find it informative don’t forget to share it with your friends and family.    


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