Just A Promise


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One day we will

"I really hate moving." I complain as we drive away. "We can't stay in one place for too long and you know that! They might find out who you are!" She places her hand on mine "I love you and I won't ever let that happen."

I pull my hand out from under hers "We can't keep running." I stare at her deeply "there comes a time when we must stand up to our harsh environment and say fuck you! Fuck you all!" She looks at me sharply and says "Stick some soap in your mouth young lady!" I laugh "we don't have any soap cause we never freaking clean ourselves. Which is actually quite gross." 

She pulls the car over, "Get out. There's a ditch over there. If you want to be so clean then you can wash yourself there." I put my hands up in surrender "I'm sorry. Gosh."  She points to the ditch "Clean yourself and maybe even dye your hair while your at it." She throws a box of bleach blonde hair dye at me. 

 I walk to the ditch and start to undress "Hurry it up!" She calls "we have to be to the next spot in 26 hours and the drive is 16!" I grumble and get into the water. 

I feel myself start to float a little bit above the water and I grab at the land. "I'm floating again!" I yell "just keep floating then! I'll see you tomorrow!" She yells with a laugh in her voice "Mom!" I scream "help me!" She sighs and grabs my foot. "Your lucky I love you.or I would've left you to float into outer space where you would die." 

"I wish we could stop running and actually stay in one place. It would be so nice." " One day we will honey, one day we will."

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