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Aayla Thompson is a Christian girl. She has never broken any rules and tries to live right according to what the bible says and she was raised by her Mom and dad. However, her Christianity is tested when Ryan O’Neil comes into her life. She has a boyfriend Justin who she really cares for but when their relationship starts to fall apart. Ryan is there to console her and play hero. Aayla soon finds out that Ryan is a christian as well, but even though he, Ryan becomes her undoing and brings Aayla to her lowest point and also deceives her that she did not see it all coming.

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Chapter 1

“Hello  this is Aayla Thompson calling on behalf of Cap-”  CLICK.
 “Ugh!  another person hung up on me again Tyler” Aayla said to her co-worker frustration.
 “Ya I hear you, it’s been happening to me all day too.” 
 “Hello this is Tyler Nyers calling on behalf of Cap-”CLICK. 

 Aayla sat in the cubicle  at her call center job bored out of her mind taking call after call and receiving hang up after hang up was starting to get annoying. No one was interested in credit cards from capital one, they reached all the contacts and were just re-calling the same people over and over again. They didn’t want to apply for a mastercard. She has only been on shift for what seemed liked hours, but in reality of it all she’d only been there for one hour. 

“You know what sucks Tyler?” she asked

“No, what Aayla?” 

“This stupid 4:00pm to 1:00am shift” she responded

“So true Aayla hunnie” he said.

“I’m not your hunnie Tyler!” she snapped back at him

“I wish you were mine though” he said in a playful/flirty voice

“I’ve told you like a million times already, I like your brother Justin” she said

“I know I know, you talk about him enough, just go over to his team and introduce yourself already, would you? He said.

“No way I am not doing that, I am way too shy, besides you should introduce us next time he comes over on his break to come talk to you” she said.

BEEP!  Another call being connected ring ring ring ring still ringing after a whole minute. 
Gee pick up your damn phone, I need to make my sales quota”  she said aloud to herself.
 “Hi you’ve reached the Dean family and where not-” click. Aayla dispositioned the call as a call back before the beep got to her, since the call center does not want their employees leaving voicemails on the customer’s phone. 

She looks at the clock on the screen reading 6:15 “Yes! It’s break time!” She says aloud

Aayla stands up with the rest of her team since break time is in about five more minutes. All of the ladies are getting their smokes out of their purse while others discreetly checking their cells from inside their purse. Since employees are not allowed to have them on the production floor  while taking live calls. Oh my GOD!!! Aayla thought to herself eyeballing Justin walking over towards her team.

Justin is walking by to come see his brother Tyler on his break. Before he arrives at Tyler’s pod Aayla leans close to Tyler and says in a low voice “you better introduce us”. Tyler says quickly responds “maybe, if you’re lucky and nice to me through the rest of the shift, I’ll introduce you to him at the end of our shift”. 

Aayla gave him a dissatisfied look, because she knows that the possibility of her being friends with Justin will not happen on its own, because Justin doesn’t even know that Aayla has the hots for him, because his stupid brother Tyler is jealous and wants Aayla to like him instead of his brother Justin. Tyler is taking advantage of her shyness and knows nothing will happen between them if he never introduces the two of them.

Justin is kind of on the bigger side a little chubby and is not confident enough that a girl like Aayla would be attracted to someone like himself.  He knows that Justin would not think to talk to Aayla, because she appears to be the type of girl to turn Justin down so it is all good for Tyler. He seems to think he has a chance with her.
‘ Finally it's break time’ she thought to herself and logged off the computer.

“That stupid SHIT!” Aayla said out loud while sitting down at a table to eat her lunch not realizing it had echoed throughout the cafeteria. Where she gathered a lot of people’s attention from her outburst. Aayla turns red in the face with embarrassment all eyes on her thinking to herself ‘what a great example of a Christian that was’
 Aayla really couldn’t help it though. She was infuriated with Tyler for being so selfish. ‘Why would he want me? Even if I gave in and tried to date him he’d know that I don’t fully like him and that I like his brother’ she thought to herself.

“Who’s a stupid shit?” Aayla heard someone ask her as they yelled across from the other table across from hers, seeing it was her mother Melissa sitting at a table of her co-workers from her mother’s team. 
“Tyler is the stupid shit” Aayla responds
 “Oh I see Aayla” her Mom replied with an understanding tone since she tells her mom everything that goes on at work. 

Aayla looked up at the clock in the cafeteria and realized that she was already five minutes late getting back to her pod to log in on time. ‘Maybe if Tyler would stop stressing me out and stop filling me in on Justin’s one night stands, I wouldn’t be so distracted to the point of losing track of time’ She thought to herself. She knew that Tyler was telling her about his brother’s hook-ups to deter her from being interested in him and to make him come off as a player, but she wasn’t buying it. That is all Tyler talks about at work to her. Which has her confused since Tyler also says that Justin never has been serious with a girl either.
Aayla practically ran as fast as Donovan Bailey from the cafeteria to her pod to sign in and tried not to get noticed by her supervisor. Who did end up noticing and came over and said “Aayla dear you’re late, now I can’t give you any downtime, but if you work through the first five minutes of your half hour lunch and also the first of your last break that should cover your loss time”. “Thanks Bill, will do” she replied. ‘Thank God Bill didn’t write me up like before, but last time this happened it was due to the fact that we had the manager of the call center in that day and he pointed me out to my supervisor catching me coming in late’ she thought to herself remembering that Bill is not an anal by the books and rules kind of guy and he had to make an impression on his boss by doing so. He had no choice, but to write her up.

Time is flying by Aayla noticed as she looked at her clock on her monitor screen. Time went by so quick she forgot to go take her half hour lunch and it is now time for her last fifteen minute break. Only one hour to go then it is time to go home. Aayla felt a THUMP on her head and noticed it was a paper ball. She looked at the direction it came from. ‘Tyler, figures, that immature thing’  she thought to herself. She was beginning to get angry about the fact that she had to endure sitting right next to Tyler at this point. Aayla ignored him for the rest of this shift. She was not in the mood for talking with him since he was being so selfish and not introducing her to his brother. It was close to logging out then Tyler said “hey snot, who has been ignoring me all night for the most obvious reason, why don’t you read what I wrote in the paper ball?”
 “No!” Aayla replied quickly, but couldn’t resist and gave in and read the note which said “Alright, I’ll introduce you to Justin tonight after work, just stop being all angry and in a bitchy mood.” Aayla didn’t want to give herself away and show how excited she was in case it was all a hoax to get her going.

“IT’S ONE O’CLOCK!” Tyler yelled in excitement. ‘Thank God’ Aayla thought to herself. Tyler was already logged off and hovering around her pod which was unusual since he is always the first one to be out the doors at one. He was doing some hand signal to someone to come see him. Aayla was stuck in a call that was going on before one o’clock hit and was going through a sale with a customer reading him the disclosure. She saw a figure in the corner of her eye while she was finishing up her sale and transferring him to the automated voice. She finally got him transferred and looked out of the corner of her eye as she was signing off and realized it was Justin. Butterflies were going wildly crazy inside of her stomach at the moment. She knew it was happening now. She was going to be introduced to him at last. 

Aayla put her head set in her purse and was waiting for her slow computer to log her off. She could hear Tyler chatting faintly in the background while she concentrated on her computer to turn off. Then she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned and saw Justin and Tyler both behind her. Tyler said “Justin, this is Aayla, and Aayla this is Justin.”
 They shook hands and her grinning from ear to ear was giving her away that she was into him. She was silent too long then finally broke the silence and let go of his hand and said “hi, I’m Aayla”. Justin smirked and then said “I know, Tyler already said our names, remember”? Aayla blushed realizing that her nervousness was getting the best of her and she tried to cover it up quick and said “duh of course, my mind is elsewhere.”  
He laughed and then said “It’s okay Aayla, these shifts make us all like that at times.” She smiled and said “Well I got to get going, I got to meet up with my mom on the other side of the building, she’s my ride home.”. . . . “It’s finally nice to meet you Justin” she said. 

“So tell me the details Aayla, I saw you across the production floor talking to Justin, so how did that happen?” Melissa asked.  “Ugh Mooooom why do you got to pester me right after work about it?”. . . . . “Can’t I just tell you in the morning about it after breakfast?” Aayla asked. She was extremely exhausted and did not feel up for discussing anything with her mom, because she was the kind of person that when she wanted to know something, she wanted to know the exact look on everyone’s face and for Aayla to make impressions of them too and to be given descriptive details of EVERYTHING. If someone smiled, or winked, or blinked, or even broke out into a dance, or song. It was too much for Aayla to deal with at the moment. Her mom knew it too so she left her alone for the night.

“Alright Aayla, not tonight, but you are for certain to be telling me in the morning how it all came about”. Melissa said

“Yes MOTHER!” Aayla said in an annoyed tone 

“Goodnight Aayla get some rest.” Melissa said

“Will do Mom, now let me sleep or else I’m not going to be rested enough to tell you everything tomorrow.”

“Alright Aayla dear love you.” Melissa said

“Love you too Mom and good night.” Aayla said

Aayla started to finally doze off and drift away into sleep. She was so exhausted and hated how tiring that shift is at times if not having enough rest from the night before. She slept like a baby.
Then all of a sudden she hears “Rise and shine give God the glory” her mother literally sang, just to wake her up. 

“Mom come on please, let me sleep.” Aayla said grumpily

“I’ve got your coffee all ready and it is sitting on the table waiting for you.” her mom said

“Okay, I’ll be up in sec, please give me some privacy” Aayla said
Great! Now I am going to have to talk about last night for hours and hours with mom she thought to herself.
That women better have breakfast ready too, because I am not in the mood to talk on an empty stomach she thought

Aayla walked out of her room and down the hall into the kitchen and drank her coffee and noticed that there was no breakfast made. So she went into the fridge grabbed some eggs to whip up for breakfast. 
Aayla could hear her mother walking down the hall into the kitchen. Aayla then got up and said 

“Need to go to the bathroom, be right back.” Trying to buy herself sometime before she has to get into detail about last night.

‘Thank God I don’t have to talk to her about it all now, it is only going to get worse once I am done here in the bathroom’ she thought to herself.

Aayla flushed the toilet and washed her hands three times just to make her mom wait a little for all the details she was going to have to give her about how last night went. She finally dried her hands and walked out the bathroom and down the hall to the kitchen and seen an impatient mother sitting there staring at her with an annoyed look on her face. 
“So, tell me about how last night went Aayla.” her mother demanded in an authoritive and motherly tone.

“Alright mom gee, take a chill pill, like CAAAALM DOOOWN.” Aayla said with a sarcastic tone.

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Chapter 2

After a long 3 hours of talking to her mother about last night. Aayla was mentally exhausted from all the talking and describing every detail to her mom.  When she saw a look of satisfaction on her mother’s face, she got up as quickly as possible before she could ask her anymore questions and made her way into her room. In case her mother thought of more question to ask.  So she 

Aayla took a big step by logging onto facebook and add Justin.  Which is not a normal for her to do. She usually doesn’t add guys to her list. She is very shy and does not go out of her way. She always felt like guys don’t look at her like they look at other girls with perfectly groomed hair, perfect smile. Aayla felt very ordinary and ugly compared to other girls her age. 

 And after being in deep thought sitting in front of her computer. She got a notification and to her surprise and excitement Justin had accepted her friend request.  Aayla brought up the chat box starting to type a “Hey!” then she backspaces it out thinking to herself I sound too excited calm down. She starts to type again and then to her surprise and relief he sends her the first message.

Justin: Hey whats up???
Aayla:Hey, not 2 much, you?
Justin:Was just thinking of someone, and then she added me to facebook
Aayla: Oh yah, I hope you didn’t mind me adding you.
Justin: no, not at all. It was the highlight of my day 
Aayla: Aww, thank you, now you’re making me blush
Justin: Well Aayla, I’ve got to go, Tyler and I have to run some errands before work tonight,
So see you then?
Aayla: ya for sure!! Ttyl
Justin: Ok take care beautiful.

Aayla logged off facebook and decided to get ready for the day before she had to go to work. And she was so cheery after Justin calling her beautiful. She was whistling and grinning from ear to ear around the house and humming all cheerfully. It was hard to not notice her mood. 

“Why are you so happy and cheery”? Melissa asked

“I am just happy Mom, gee can’t a girl just be simply happy”? She replied

“Aayla hunnie, I’m your Mom, I know you’re not just happy for no apparent reason. You’re never 
this happy unless something very exciting is going on,”  Aayla was annoyed, because she knew her mom would pry all day until she got it out of her so she just gave in and told her.

“Alright I’ll tell you. I added Justin to facebook and when we were saying goodbye he called me 
beautiful,” she said with a huge grin

“Oh I see why you’re all in la la land now. You’re love struck for Justin aren’t you?”

“Yes of course I am. I have been wanting to meet him for such a long time and now it is actually happening.”

Aayla had been doing housework all day and lost track of time, not realizing that she was going to be late for work until she saw it was ten minute before her shift started. She looked around the house for her Mom to see if she had left, which she had. Realizing she was going to have to walk which took twenty minutes to walk to work already making her late. She grabbed her footwear put them and grabbed her purse and ran out the door.

As she slammed the door shut she ran down the street as fast as she could, then to her surprise. She hears a car honking at her, she tries to walk across the cross walk faster to get out of the way, thinking she is probably angering the driver since she did walk without realizing she wasn’t supposed to.

 The person kept honking at her then pulled over to see Tyler.  Never would she think to be so happy to see Tyler at this moment. “Get in Aayla,” She was happy to see that Justin was in the car too. She hurried in and plopped herself into the seat next time him. 

“Thanks for picking me up Tyler.”

“No problem.” He said with a smile

“Anything I can do to return the favour let me know.” She said back to him

“Sure thing sweet heart.” Ty replied

“I tell you all the time that I’m not your sweet heart.” She said with an annoyed tone 

“I know Aayla, I just love to bug you.”

They finally pulled into the parking lot at work. Aayla wanted to run in and get herself logged in, but then at the same time did not want to leave and not walk in without Justin. So she just sucked it up and rebelled against the late rule of work. Which she is never usually late, but felt it was worth it just to be with Justin a bit longer. They all walked in together and Aayla all happy with awe struck love glowing right off of her. Oh crap! She thought. The manager of the call center site was in today she tried to duck down as she was walking toward her cubicle, but Greg caught her and said to her “you’re late, miss.” She hated how he didn’t mind pointing out people being late, but couldn’t try to know anyone by their names. 

Aayla was so mad that Greg was in for her shift. She could see her supervisor walking over to her with a look on his face saying loud and clear that he did not want to write her up, but she knew it was coming. Aayla did not even have the time to log in. “Aayla dear, follow me please”

She knew what was coming next. It was her second write up since she has been working for them. Strike three meant she was gone. She was more embarrassed then anything, because her work also ushered people into the board room when they were letting someone go. She knew that her mother must of have seen her being brought into the room from across the floor, worrying if her daughter was being fired. After a verbal warning plus a written warning with a bunch of signatures from Aayla, her supervisor, and the site manager and the two extra supervisors from other programs as witness’ it was finally over with.

Aayla was so annoyed, because she of all the people walking in late was the only one who had been taken into the board room to get written up. Tyler was always sneaky and the rest of his friends and his brother were as well. Everyone was staring at her as she was exiting the board room. She hated having all eyes on her. She could see her mother across the production floor worried that she was being escorted out. Relief replaced her worried face once Aayla sat back down into her pod and logged on. Her mom knew right then that it was just a written warning.

“Got written up Aayla”? Tyler asked with a little amusement in his voice

“Ya of course, why else would I be in the board room for”? annoyed tone more so upset that she got caught when he was walking close by her and he didn’t even get caught

“Well maybe you should have walked into the room slowly, making it look like you weren’t late and just coming from the washroom or something, you only got caught because you were running drawing attention to yourself.”

“I’ll remember that next time I am late,” she said while logging in onto her computer loading up her calls.

Aayla hand signaled her supervisor over to her pod. He arrived and she said “I’ll need about 20 minutes of down time from being in the board room, to make up for lost time of not being logged in”. He nodded then went back to his desk and brought over the time sheet and filled her in with 20 minutes for the board room, plus an extra 10. It was obviously a gesture of saying sorry for having to be by the books and rules towards her. He liked Aayla and felt she was one of his best sales representatives on his team and didn’t want to right her up but had no choice.

“Hey Aayla, I have something that will make you happy.” Ty said

“Oh and what could that be, your silence? Because that would be nice for the rest of the evening,” said replied

“Look at your cell I am forwarding a text message I just got from Justin,”

The text read ‘Hey Tyler, plz give Aayla my cell, I want to start seeing her more often outside of work,’

That text just made her evening. She was more happier towards Tyler and more into her job doing her calls, it improved her mood and she just couldn’t stop smiling. It was getting close for break time and she was logging off.

“Man Aayla, stop smiling like that. It is driving me insane. You and your happiness,” Tyler said with annoyance, he was more so jealous then anything, because he always liked Aayla more than just a friend himself and couldn’t understand why she thought his brother was hot and not him.

“I can’t help it, I just really like your brother so much. He has a cute face and sweet smile with the cute slight gap in between his top front teeth and-” 

“Knock it off Aayla, I have heard enough, I don’t need to a description of what Justin looks like I am well aware of what he looks like, gee spare me the lovey dovey stuff would you?”

“I can’t help myself I have been wanting to meet him for a long time now, and finally we have and we both like each other which is amazing!”

“I understand that Aayla, but please stop talking about my brother, spare my feelings. You know that I like you as well and you kept saying no to me. I am the better looking brother and am in shape and work out, unlike Justin. I just don’t get it.” Tyler said

“Ty, please don’t play the guilt trip thing on me.  You may have shown interest in me, but everytime you asked me out and I denied you, you always would go and date a girl here at work and screw around with her and tell me about thinking it would make me jealous, regardless of the fact that since I do not like in that, that it would obviously not bother me. So if you liked me at all and wanted to prove it to me, you would have just waited instead of whoring around, which to me is not attractive at all.” She said to him before running off for break.

“I am happy for you Aayla,” he yelled out to her even though he knows he screwed things up and knew she was right.

“Well then start showing it more.” She yelled back to him

Break was over and all Aayla could do was sit there in a cheery daze, day dreaming about Justin since the call flow at work only came in every ten minutes.  She was just relaxing thinking of him and it only felt like an hour had gone by but it was much more than that, because it was lunch time now.

She jumped in response to Tyler shouting at her and bringing her out of her reverie. She was so angry, because she was really relaxed and wanted to stay there for her lunch. “Are you coming with us to get some coffee at Tim Hortons”? Justin asked as he was walking towards her. Then she was more lively and jumped out of her seat almost misplaced her footing while standing up getting out of her chair. 
“Of course I am Justin,” she said with a huge smile and grinning from ear to ear.

“So, what do you usually drink at Timmies hunn?” Justin asked

“Medium double double,” she responded

“I figured that much. Most girls drink double doubles” he replied

“I usually drink tea, but for these night shifts I need something stronger than that to help keep
me alive until 1:00am.”  She said

“Oh okay, well anyways I am going to put you on my tab Aayla, so would you like anything else 
besides the coffee a bagel or donut maybe?”

“No I am fine, I do not like eating this late in the evening. It makes me feel sick.”

Tyler pulled up through the drive thru and made his order along with many separate ones from the other guys that were in the car with him, it was Justin’s turn to stick his head up front to yell into the speaker to make his order plus Aayla’s. Finally after making the order Justin sat back down and stared into Aayla’s eyes and he took her hand into his. Her heart started pounding so fast and her stomach filling with butterflies. She smiled and kept his stare, then he brought their hands up to face and he softly kissed her hand three times.

“You know Aayla, I really like you. I am very interested in you” he said

“I feel the same towards you too” she replied

“Good, I am glad that you do. I am not into dating, because most girls never really show interest 
towards me.”

He smiled at her then grabbed the tray of coffees being passed back. The car ride back to work was silent. Aayla was so happy to know that Justin had some form of feelings for her and also in the same way that she felt for him. Tyler parked the car and everyone got out and started walking into the call center. Justin grabbed her hand and walked into work still holding her hand and he also escorted her to her pod. Then he passed her, her coffee and said “See you after work.”  Then he walked to his team on the other side of the production floor.

The whole night went by fast since calls were still slow and everyone on Aayla’s team either took part in knitting or rolling dice or playing cards. Aayla kept to her book. She was reading Wings by Aprilynne Pike. Aayla always loved books about fairies and favored Aprilynnes way of writing about them and how her story line and plots were, she got lost while reading her books.

It was ten minutes to 1:00 am. She hadn’t realized that she read through the rest of her shift, accept for the fact of her thirty minute lunch and second fifteen. She just went to the washroom quickly during second break after lunch and went back to the phones.  She could not believe how quick this shift went by.

“Hey beautiful!” Justin said

“Hey Justin,” She said in excitement a little too excited, she couldn’t contain herself she was just so happy

“Do you want Tyler and I to give you a ride home tonight?” he asked

“Ummm, sure. If it is okay with Tyler.”

“Of course it is okay with me,” Tyler responded vaguely while rushing away from the two of them and heading out the door.

“Okay, thanks Ty,” Aayla yelled to him

Melissa came over to Aayla as usual and said “You ready to go?”

“I amgoing to get a ride home with Ty and Justin tonight” she responded half smiling with excitement. Her mother knew that Aayla wanted to spend more time to get to know Justin. Especially now that they are obviously showing feelings towards one another that they like each other.

“Okay hunnie. See you home and please just get home at a reasonable time,” her mother said

“I will mom, see you later”

Her mom exited the building. Aayla and  computer were taking forever just to shut down. So she had to stick around until it shut down

“Aayla?” Justin said

“Yes Justin”?

“I was wondering what you thought about taking it up a notch and you be my girlfriend?”

“You do not know how much I have been wanting to hear that for so long. I’ve liked you
for a long time. Although, you would not know that since Tyler never has told you.”

“So, is that a yes”? he asked

“It is a big yes!”

Aayla’s computer was finally shut down. So they all left and entered Tyler’s car. They pulled out of the parking lot and drove down the street for what only seemed like five minutes, but in reality it was thirty minutes to drop everyone off, then Aayla last. As Tyler pulled up in front of her house Justin got out with her and walked her to her front door to make sure she got in safe. 

Melissa noticed the car outside and decided not to be the ‘embarrassing mom’ that Aayla would tell her she was being if she came out to say ‘hello’.  Before Aayla entered her house she turned around to say good night to Justin. He came closer and took her hand and kissed it three times and then once on her cheek and then he said “good night Aayla, you made my night by becoming my girlfriend.”

“Good night Justin. Here is my cell, so text me or call me.” She handed him a piece of paper with her number on it. Then she unlocked the door and entered her house. To see her mom staring at her curious of how everything went. 

“Mom, please do not ask me to talk about anything tonight. Just wait until morning as usual 

“Alright hunnie. Let’s get to bed then.”

“Ya. Good night mom, love you” she replied

Aayla entered her room and was so filled with exhaustion. She took off all her clothes and put on a pair of pyjama’s. Then she dropped herself onto her bed and started to doze off into sleep. She heard a beep from her cell which was most likely a text, but she was too tired to get up and check it out. She finally conked out and was sleeping.

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