The Dream


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"My dream last night had seemed so real, but it was just a dream, right?" she asked herself thoughtlessly. But it seems like she was still inside it, running away from that person who was trying to kill her—her heart was still beating so fast. She calmed herself down, tried to not think about what her dream was and tried to fall back asleep.

She woke up the next day as if she didn't had a nightmare last night, and her day went by quickly and nothing out of the ordinary happened. She, Claudia, went straight home after school to grab her things for their weekend getaway with her friends.

*ring* *ring*

“Hello?” Claudia answered 
(Hey baby you ready? I’m right outside) Asked her boyfriend, Blake.

“Alright I’m coming” she said to him and went outside 

“Hi baby” she greeted her boyfriend and kissed him “so what’s the plan? Are we going to meet them up at the cabin or are we going to carpool?”

“We’re going to be meeting them all up at the cabin” 

“Ohh good!!” she said. Minutes have gone by and she fell asleep

“Wtf?? Where am I?” she asked herself “babe??” she called out but all she heard was the rustling of the leaves in this cold autumn night. “Fuck!! He left me!! Such a jerk.” Then she saw a light up ahead the path and started walking towards it. As she came closer to the place where the light was coming from, it started to unravel and it’s a cabin? Or a house maybe? As she reached the door she knocked but no one answered, she checked if the door was locked but it wasn't so she decided to enter the place.

“Huh this is probably just one of the abandon cabins around here” she said to herself, “it still looks pretty good for an abandon place but it’s creepy as hell in here” she sat in one of the chairs in the living room and took out her phone to call Blake but she couldn't because she doesn't have any service.

Later on, she got bored just sitting around, so she decided to tour the house and see if she can find something interesting but she failed because there’s nothing around there, as in nada.

So she decided to walk around thinking that maybe she can find another cabin and get some help and plus she’s already hungry.

The path and the light that was coming from her phone was her guide and because she’s used to camping she does not feel any fright except for tonight she feels unease, she feels like there is something wrong with this place and yet she pushed that feeling away and went on with her cabin hunt.

After a few minutes of walking she feels like something or someone was following her.

She kept on walking and didn’t mind it.

A few more minutes have gone by and that eeriness that she’s feeling is still in the air then she looked back to see if someone was there but the next thing she knew she was on the ground and her face was in pain.

The person that hit her grabbed her hair and pulled her upwards. Claudia reached for the person’s hand that was pulling her hair and tried to get away from the person’s grasp. “Let go of me!!” she shouted

She reached for the person’s face and tried to scratch him, however as soon as she touched his face there was something about it that is very familiar within her touch. “BLAKE??!!” she gasped in astonishment

Subsequently, she woke up with cold beads of sweat dripping off her face and saw Blake who was trying to wake her up at that moment “nightmare?” Blake asked and she nodded “don’t worry I won’t let anything happen to you okay?” he said to her reassuringly and he hugged her.

Afterward, they got off the car because they already arrived at the cabin and everyone was there already.

“Dude what the heck?? You look so…edgy” said Tiffany, Claudia’s best friend

“I just woke up okay!! Give it a rest!!” she said with annoyance in her voice 

“Chillax dude we are here to enjoy and be stress free” said Marco

“Yea you’re right!!” said Claudia agreeing to what Marco said “well anyway let's go and rest so that we can wake up early tomorrow and guys you know the rules girls and guys in 2 separate rooms okay?” as soon as Claudia was done talking they went into their rooms 

“Hey guys how are you feeling with this place?” Claudia asked Tiffany and Amanda

“Nothing…why?” asked Amanda

“I don't know I feel like I've been here before” said Claudia

“You probably have, I mean your family has been camping since like way before you were born right??” said Tiffany

“Yea but I don't know…maybe I’m just tired” said Claudia “yea maybe you just are” agreed Tiffany

Then the three of them fell asleep. The next morning after they ate breakfast they went out and explored the place and of course they are like in the middle of nowhere. They are surrounded by trees and there’s also a nearby lake where they can fish. 

“Guys let’s go fishing later” suggested Storm and they all agreed to him 

So later that afternoon they went fishing, then after fishing they went back to their cabin and they had a bonfire. They just hanged out, talking, and catching up with each other, and of course they also made s’mores. Afterward Claudia squeezed Blake’s hand “hey I feel like someone is watching us”

“Bae don’t mind it… it’s probably just an animal” said Blake and Claudia just said okay even though her guts was telling her that someone was watching them… watching her. However, she put that feeling aside and enjoyed the night because it was their last night at the cabin. 

The next day they packed up and carpooled home.

"Bae what's wrong with you these past few days?? You've been having nightmares and you became paranoid" Blake asked Claudia "I don't know, I'm just probably tired… school has been hectic cause you know I'm graduating and plus my work is also stressing me out… so yea" answered Claudia 

"Well bae you know I'm always here to help you" said Blake "yes I know that is why I am very thankful to have you in my life" 

They all arrived home safely and went back to their normal lives after their weekend getaway and Claudia's nightmare was also gone when they got back. She thought that her nightmare days were over but she was wrong cause after a week she started having nightmares again.

They planned another camping trip before winter season… She decided to drive alone that day cause she had a project to finish at work and decided that she'll go straight to the campsite after she was done.

She arrived at the campsite and headed straight to their cabin realizing that she was the first one to arrive. She tried calling her boyfriend and her friends but she does not have a service "weird this is such a déjà vu" she said to herself 

Minutes have gone by and still her friends have not yet arrived and she also checked her phone if she already have service but she still does not. At that moment she heard rustling outside like someone was walking she peeked out but she saw no one. "It was probably just the wind" she said to herself.

She went outside and decided to just wait there and hoping that she'll get a service. She was just watching the leaves danced around the ground, it was still pretty early the sun was just getting ready to set. At a distance she hears the flow of water that is coming from the river, the sound drew her in and decided to walk towards the river.

Halfway through the river she started sensing that someone was watching her or following her for that fact. She looked around but saw no one, so she started walking briskly and yet she was still being followed.

She stopped in the middle of her tracks and tears were streaming down her eyes, her voice quavering in fear while saying "omgeee I swear! Blake if that is you I will freaking hate you!" 

However, the next event that happened horrified her, she sees this person walking towards her holding up a chainsaw. The next thing she knew she was running away from the person "Fuck! Fuck! Go to the river as fast as you can!!" She said to herself 

Her path was blurry from all the tears that is streaming down from her eyes. Up ahead she could see glimpses of the river and to the left side of it she saw the boat that she can use to get away from the person who was chasing her.

"Claudia hurry the fuck up if you don't wanna die" she shouted to herself "Shit! Shit! Shit" she cried out loud. She was just a few feet away from the boat but the person caught up to her and pulled her hair then punched her in the stomach, she fell on the ground in pain from the punch that she just acquired.

Afterwards, she heard the chainsaw start then the person raised the chainsaw above his head and brought it down swiftly to cut her in half.

"AHHHHH!!!" she screamed out loud in fear and she woke with cold sweats. She couldn't believe it was just a dream. It felt so real, like she was actually there. She lay back in bed and took a deep sigh. She tried to relax and tried to go back to sleep. But she can’t, every time she closes her eyes she can hear the chainsaw and she can see the person's face. But it wasn't clear. Who is he? Or is it a 'he'? Wait she thought to herself. 

I think it's....

"Fuck" she cried out and jumped out of bed, she was startled from the knock on her door. She stood up, her hands against the wall to support herself, shaking and panting.

*Knock!* *Knock!* *Knock!* 3 more knocks on the door, before she heard her dad asked, "honey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, dad. Just a nightmare." was her response. She opened the door to let him in.

"Relax; it's all just a dream. Here, why don't we open the window so that you can breathe" and so he did, and also drew the curtains apart.

As he did so, she saw a man outside. He was dragging a chainsaw with his left hand walking towards her house while he was looking at them…At her. 

She let out a scream.

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