Made Of Horror


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Mrs Barton

 MUM! I WANNA DRESS UP AS DOAWK! OKs *makes doawk* scrabble scrabble scrabble d-done yeah *somebody knocks* Trick or treat!! Trick said Mum shoo shoo! Mum can I do that ok yeah well let's do this Trick or treat tRiCk ahhh! I will eat your soul ahhhhhhhh!!! Run run let's get under the secret's *types* I-It's Mrs Barton hello Mr Groville e-eh hello.

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The Only House

 Let's go to this street No! W-why because that means that I lied to my Mum I'm just going ok bye *steps* 🙄 What is that b-but how is this not a dReAm or am I just seeing thing I hope it's not and I hope that I'm not seeing things that's nice he or she showing me around hey I'm Harrison Dianek so know wonder Sophie Dianek thought you got murdered w-well I'm going back to my house see ya a-a Roklom hole *sucks Steven into it* 

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The Hole of Roklom

 Ahhhh! I'm sucked into the hole of Roklom but what will the Devils do to me? I'll just do there tasks *does the tasks* done and dusted see I can get into the real world one more task ok bam bam bam done all Devils Killed *Spits Steven out* yeah now back to my house.

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