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This is just something I wrote one nite when my mind was wondering

. . .  All grammatical mistakes are only missed takes, if you don't look further

contact me on Facebook at: Bvndxt TheVillaxnd
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all criticism of any sort is highly appreciated. 

Thankyou for taking out the to time view my art.
I hope you enjoy. If you do not, please contact me letting me know exactly why and how I may improve my writings specifically for you, I would like to please all of my readers, in duetime.
With your slightest feedback I will be much closer to doing so, peace&prosperity to all, stay optimistic. 
Remember, we're all in this together, see you on the otherside


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Chapter 1

“Who Am I.....

Who, am I?
Who? I'm, I.

I Am the Outcast. 
The Kid who stays after class for help but still manages to get nothing done.
The Kid who talks to his self for fun. 
Friends. . . It's not that I Have none, at least I hope not. 

It's just that My Homies don't completely know me, & there's no one better than the one you run. . .With, art is the only way I stay sane, & even with it my mind still plays the guessing game.
Talking in the mirror to myself, attempting to control the demons.
Thinking of Life, and if I’m Living it rite. 
What's our true destiny, why am I Breathing
Who’s responsible for all of this, to them should I Ball my fist.
Please listen when I Say this 
It’s not that I don’t believe in him, or at least whom & what he stands for.
I Just believe you don’t need to associate yourself with A “God” to be Godly
I don't like going to church because no one has videos of Jesus.
First hand, why should I listen to a random righteous man below god.
Since the Devil is deceiving how do I know he's not the one preaching.
How do I know he is not the one who has weaved the basket that collects my green weeds of evil. 
If I am told not eat a sinful apple, and so I do not, but instead I scratch my head. 
I pick a pear, have I sinned.
A pear that I hear is pain filled.
A pear that could possibly give me a cavity, a cavity embedded with poisonous seeds.
Seeds that would encrust my tongue in diamonds.
Allowing me the ability to write riddles within minds, & mesmerize without rhyming. A fruit which begins to flood sweet puss when sliced.
A fruit that only hypnotizes your sixth sense, if it's present.
A fruit that delivers lust in popping unique seductive segments. 
Enticing as if it was a wrapped present, but also mysterious enough to inflict fear, even if there was none previously present.
The conscience in my ear tells me don't be scared, pick the pear.
I'm more conscious to my surroundings.
It's producing calming sounds as if I held a conch shell to my ear.
I step near, and pick the pear.
I stare as it sits in my hands, bare.
I have no fears,
I have no cares,
I have no feeling,
I only sense this pear is here.
I cleanse this fruit, I rinse it in the natural waters of the closest river. 
To the point to where I believe it is safe to eat.
I bite.
I like, I lick.
My chops, I chop.
I swallow one of the seeds, purposely.
Hoping it becomes infused with me, then I'd be as beautiful as this pear.
It's delightful, I snatch the next pear near, snap it into two, shove it into the soil, ready for it to reproduce.
If it sprouts into another plant of perfection I'll have more pears I can consume. 
And this is Alright, because I know it is not the one I was told to not to approach with my teeth.
This is all I Eat.
To The Day I Die, 'till I  Grow old & forgetful.
Until I can no longer even dream of the delightful discovery .
I never shared this fruit with my friends. 
Will I Die from sweets.
Will I Die from Greed.
Or Will I Die from simple malnourishment & obesity. 
Now substitute that pear, let’s say it was your opinion. The Apple was the only thing you knew to be wrong. 
& The River was The Only thing you'd knew to be able to "purify".
What would you have done.
Would you have eaten the apple after soaking it in the river.
Would you have plucked the pear, and had a fist (fe-a-st) full of fun, or.
Would you have gone, searching for something else under the sun to settle your hunger.
In possibilities of dying from famine.
Lets say One day, you decided to parlay, then you just so happened to interact with this appeal.
You began to Lust for it with no hassle. 
You diluted the unsuitable fluids within the apple, but once you'd digested it your stomach acids revived the evils, & allowed them to return.
Now your body begins to hurt as your brain begins to bulge.
The Poise'n TheApple has formed peacefully performs iniquity as you slightly Squirm
You turn, to the river but you remember it is polluted from the apple of which you were told not to intake.
Would you lie down, and cry hoping in the afterlife you learned that the Golden Apple would eventually be earned at the entry of Heaven’s Gates . 
Or would you weep to the skies doing a rain dance, hoping that something similar to the simmering tears in your eyes would fall.
As your body began to disintegrate.
Piece by piece, limb by limb, you begin to rot.
From your finger nails, to your teeth, your insides are painted in black with the picture of nails pinning your pancreas.
All the sweet joy you'd once seen in life, cuts through the crevices of your mind, slicing through your eyes. 
You are now color blind.
Pain seeps down your spine, settling in your toes.
You can't move, you can't run.
Your body begins to burn a bit, you want to toss & turn. 
Believing this would forbid everything eating this apple has earned you, but it won't.
It's as if you're Lucid Dreaming, with no control.
You're sleep, in dormant.
In a dream, it's Horrific.
Before you can blink, and awaken, your soul dies.
As your soul creeps through your skin.
As Life attempts to escape the weight of karma crushes your abdomen, and all within.
Air, and water leaves your body, only leaving chemicals which contract, conduct, & combust into flames. 
You can still feel.
But before your remains decay into strands no thicker than grain, and crumble into dark deteriorating debris similar to dirt, which sift through sand then infuse with the crust of earth. 
Things continue to change,
You look, this isn't a strain.
You tremble, you fill little to no pain.
Are you going insane, has this apple induced fluids that trigger nevers which have startled your brain.
To the point every positive thing you've ever seen, or dreamed of has changed.
Slowly, turning your brain into blackdust mixed with chunks of gold.

Your aura folds.
You take a last look into the sky, wondering why couldn't this folktale have been a lie.
You look above.
You look below.
You look right.
Nothing is left, except
The only thing that looks untouched by the shadows, Phear.
You considered reaching for the pear within your last split seconds, as if it would save your life.
Your instinct was to grasp the pear, and bite into the skin of this fruit.
You tear.
So you wouldn't go extinct, but you were too scared of the pear, you second guessed a second too late.
Due to all the tales you're ears were once allowed to hear. 
Cover them, cover your mouth, cover your eyes, so evil knows it's not welcomed.
Too late, the demons are here. Good, bye.
Hell no,
Heaven no,
Heaven knows,
oh what's your Fate, debate.
 Who knows, Kudos.
Lets say you did pluck this pear.
Lets say you didn't disappear, is it ok to share with your peers.
Prancing, Pitching, Passing pieces of pears in pairs from a pier.
Still knowing that it could possibly kill them. 
Hopefully Heal them

Now, awaken.
& Go start your day with fruit. 
For this is food for thought.
& You are only a root.
- Bandit

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