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One summers everning,

Julian ran into his garden chasing a butterfly he saw, he ran, but the butterfly was quicker. When he realised where he was he was in the middle of the 'chandelier' (forest) which is proclaimed to be haunted. Julian didn't know where home was, and that's where the adventures began.

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Chapter 1 - The holy shrine

Looking around he saw,

Snakes, monkeys and loads more, he never seen so much animals. In the far distance he glimpsed a shrine...

Julian ran, ran for his life. Suddenly he got to the shrine but... He saw

Other people, Indians maybe? They had headdress's on, and were dancing by a captured or kidnapped girl. Julian threw his pocket knife (which set the girl free) and the girl ran towards him. Then suddenly, he didn't know how it happened they ran hand in hand towards the dense undergrowth and hid underneath some plants.

The 'secret' people lost him "who are you?" said the girl."I am Julian, who are you?" The girl looked at home the kissed him on the cheek "I am Beth" she said.Julian gave Beth a nervous smile.

"How did you get here, Julian" questioned Beth, "I...I,uhh I got lost chasing a butterfly" said Julian Nervously, Beth smiled. Rain started pooring down on the 2 children, "damn, we have to make a shelter" muttered Beth, "I agree. So let's start" Whispered Julian.

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Chapter 2 - The shelter

 In the far distance Julian and Beth saw,

a massive shelter behind them, "Great, A shelter, at least it's abandoned" spoke Beth, so they climbed in and lit a fire in the fire place, "warmth, not wet... well, drying off" said Julian smiling.

Beth just laughed and got some food in her bag, "where did you get that from" said Julian shocked. "Oh," Beth laughed "I stole it from the 'secret camp' and got a dagger" stammered Beth, Julian grinned then walked off to have a look outside, "we've got visitors" said Julian...

"What do you mean" said Beth, looking confused. "Indians or 'secret people' coming" whispered Julian "run!" Shouted Beth. They ran out the secret exit, then Julian threw a match at the 'secret people's' shelter, then Julian laughed and ran off with Beth, "agh, you idiots, who are you, where are you?!" yelled the 'secret people', Beth yelled back "we want to know what you are?"  "We, are Indians" they yelled back, but Julian and Beth just ran off, ignoring the Indians.

"Now what shall we do?" Said Beth angrily. Julian and Beth were sitting down on a log. "That's what I am trying to think of." Replied Julian politely, and they sat there in silence until it was dawn.

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Chapter 3 - The Meeting

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Chapter 4 - The dawn

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Chapter 5 - What the radio said

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