Day 20


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Chapter one: school day

 I started 6th grade today! I have a friend named Megan! I lost a lot of friends last year but this year is brand new! Megan and I are always talking and I think we will be best friends for life! You can call me B, that's what everyone else calls me! Day two today me and Megan decided we wanted to be friends with the new girl, we made up a full plan to get to know her. Our friend cat is going to introduce us and then we have a full plan! I'm so excited! Day three, Megan and I talked to the new girl and she's really nice,her name is Jenna! She lives super close to me too! I stopped by her house to say hi! Day four, Megan, Jenna, and I all made a new friend named Kate. She isn't new to our school, but now we are all friends, I have a great group of friends and this was a great way to start out the year!

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Chapter two: plot twist

  Day five, Jenna says she doesn't like Kate very much, apparently Kate is a bad influence on me, but I want to be friends with Kate and Jenna at the same time, I decided to not be friends with Jenna, she doesn't seem to be very nice:( DAY SIX Jenna is upset that we aren't friends by she is always telling me hat Kate is a bad friend, Kate is a great friend and I know it! DAY SEVEN Kate was being rude so I decided I would just be friends with Jenna, Megan and I are still friends, but Kate has been ignoring me. DAY EIGHT Jenna got mad at me too now, I'm still friends with Megan but I don't know if I should be friends with Jenna or Kate:( I talked to them but I guess I'm not friends with either.

DAY NINE I talked to Megan today, but she said she was getting in trouble and wasn't going to have her phone, I said, "okay just respond when you can" she didn't respond so I figured her mom took it already. I was scrolling through Instagram when I found one of her friends had posted that they were on face time, I checked what time it was that she stopped responding and what time it was posted, and she had lied to me:( I got mad and ditched her too, I didn't care if I had no friends DAY TEN I'm friends with Kate again, but Jenna is still being rude and telling me hat Kate is no good. I had some anxiety tonight so I talked to Kate. She was super sweet and helped me through it.

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Chapter three: downhill

 DAY ELEVEN I'm feeling so much better now that I talked to Kate and I came to school as happy as could be. I heard some roumors were being spread about me, but I didn't know what they were or who spread them. After school, I got in the car and my mom asked for my phone, I gave it to her without any worry, I went to a dentist appointment with my mom and sister, my mom went back to work with my phone. After she came back she talked to me and that's when I found out, Kate made a roumor about me, she said that I had tried to kill myself, my mom cried as she told me that she got a call from the school warning her that I might be hurting myself. I cried and told her I had no idea what was happening and I told her it wasn't true, she believed me:) I went to school the next day with crazy amounts of anxiety, I came to school crying, I had no friends and nobody asked, "what's wrong" everyone stared and talked about me, but they didn't no I was hurting. DAY THIRTEEN, I have some people I can talk to, maybe not that much, but i am going to therapy now, things are getting better. DAY FOURTEEN I have two friends now, they are nice and fun.

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Chapter four: Almost done

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