The Storm


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Day 1

 One day, a young boy who has been ill for the past few days, as he was laying in bed trying to sleep. Boom!!!!!!!outside his tinny window a large bolt of lightning struck. He shook and pulled himself under the covers and was terrified . Later on , his mum came up and told him “it’s ok honey is was only lightning, not like it going to get in this house” the boy new his mum was write and drifted back off to sleep. The next morning he walked downstairs and had breakfast “Mum, what was all the rooked about with the storm last night?” is Mum lightly grip his soulder and said “ it’s only a STORM” the boy sat still day dreaming about the storm. He new something was wrong with the storm 

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Day 2

 The boy had finished his dinner ready for bed and wasn’t too sick anymore. He Mum said “ back to school tomorrow” the boy fall flat asleep as his Mum kissed him on his head.  At about 3AM A LIGHTNING STUCK ONE MORE TIME ! The boy rushed out his bed and got in to his mums room and slept with her. The next day he woke up with his Mum stairing out the window “looks like no school today son” said Mum in a scared voice . The boy looked out the window all he could was piles of brick ashes , fire and the world just looked like it was a garbage can!!  His mum ran to the basement, the boy didn’t even know they had, and hid from distruction and hell !!!!!!! The world was manic and the sky’s were black and the sun was gone!

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The end of the line

 How it ends is sad.the boy and the Mum hid from hell but at that moment a Granada was thrown through the window and disintergrated!!!!!!!!

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