Trinculo's Last Chance


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    Trinculo, or Herb Melcher as he was once called, a DS2 (Demon Second Class) for only two weeks, was already on his boss’s shit list.

    On his first attempt to drive Randall Docktor mad, he tricked him into poisoning his fourteen year old pug, Yorkie. The dog died but it turned out to be a blessing when the vet found Yorkie was dying from cancer. Next, Trinculo convinced Randall to end his engagement to Linda with a combination of country music and several nights of pornographic dreams involving her and his best friend Esteban. When he called to break it off, she confessed to having an affair, not with Esteban, but with her best friend Susan. She asked Randall to give her away at their wedding. He accepted.

    Today Randall is leading a pitch to RGN Technologies, a Norwegian conglomerate releasing a new phone they claim will make the iPhone, and this is a rough translation, “look like a cat’s asshole.” Besides millions in billable hours for PB&J Chicago, a win would guarantee him a partnership.

    Trinculo wasted no time. As Randall shaved, blisters formed on his skin. All his suits disappeared except for a rainbow leisure suit rented, but never returned, for a costume party. His car wouldn’t start because it now lacked an engine. He doesn’t notice the gelatinous mound of lutefisk on the taxi’s seat until he arrives at the office twenty minutes late.

    After his boss’s brief pep talk, containing more threat than pep, Randall begins the presentation. The first part covers strategy and competition. The executives from RGN appear interested and Randall’s boss looks relieved. The second part is the creative plan for the US launch. The third part - the fun part - is a video of people’s reaction to RGN’s new phone. A video of cats climbing out of boxes scored by the black metal band Darkthrone plays instead.

    Lurking in the recesses of Randall’s mind, Trinculo gives himself a congratulatory high five. This is it! The crack, the downfall, the slow magnificent descent into madness. Maybe I’ll get a promotion.

    As the video ends Randall is on the verge of fainting when CEO Gyvel Ferrig starts applauding. The rest of the room joins him.

    “Your firm was low on our list.” Gyvel says.

    “I apologize for-”

    “But,” Gyvel continues, “Your outside box approach changed that.”

    Trinculo stops his happy dance. He can smell the fires of Hell.

    Randall is confused. “May I ask what you liked most?”

    “Of course. Your suit demonstrates your courage as LGBT person like me.”

    Randall stops himself from correcting Gyvel.

    “The smell of lutefisk, terrible, buts shows love for Norwegian culture.”

    “Thank you. But that was an accid-”

    “And last, we share a passion for black metal, no? Darkthrone rules!” Gryvel makes the sign of the devil with his hands and smiles." Contracts will be sent in the morning.”

    Randall shakes Gyvel’s outstretched hand at the same time Trinculo disappears in a flash of flame.

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