What I’ve Learnt In 16 Years


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Who am I?

 Books what is it about them that makes people so interested is it the chance to escape reality or the chance to become more at part with your self. For some it’s both and for others it much more. My names Bethani and I’m a 16 year old girl who has a passion for reading and I’d love to one day become an author though realistically I have never thought I’d be able to do so. As a 16 year old girl if I had to describe myself I wouldn’t be able to.However, if I was someone else looking at me I would say I had deep brown eyes with similar hair 

Some days I ware makeup other days I don’t. Some days I feel like I hate my skin and it’s covered in pimples and other days I love how clear it is. 

As a 16 year old girl I have been through a lot all the girly arguments, puberty, getting a first job and starting a-levels. There are thing I’ve over come and things I’m still overcoming. There are things I’ve learnt but I still have a lot of learning to do. 

Although my life is not perfect I have done things wrong and things I regret but each mistake has made me grow stronger as an individual and has made me who I am today. There will be times in life where you feel like giving up but there will also be time where you feel like fighting like you never have before. However you should always stay true to yourself as no matter what happens you need to remain you and only you should make the decision to better yourself no one else.

Each chapter of the book will lay out a life experience and what I have learnt from it not all negative some are but there’s always a positive to be learnt about a bad situation.

I hope you guys will continue to read along as I publish and I hope you can learn something too. 

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