What Is Absolute Divorce? And What Are The Grounds For It?


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Chapter 1

An absolute divorce refers to legally dissolving a marriage. After this form of divorce is granted, your relationship status in both the dating world and the legal world will be single. For you to obtain an absolute divorce, you must show just cause for the split. 

Typically your and your spouse's Divorce Lawyers will discuss the circumstances. A fair settlement will then be decided, hopefully out of court. The divorce settlement will determine the division of property and other assets, child custody, and alimony and child support payments. The agreement will be based on your and your spouse's financial and personal situations.

An absolute divorce may be granted even if both parties do not agree that they want to be separated. Grounds for this form of divorce include aggravating circumstances in which one person is legally allowed to obtain a divorce. The following are grounds for an absolute divorce.

  • Adultery
  • Desertion
  • Voluntary Separation
  • Excessively Cruel Conduct
  • Two Year or More Separation
  • Abuse
  • Criminal Conviction
  • Insanity

The above reasons for divorce must be backed up by evidence. Should there be a doubt of the legality of the grounds for divorce, a person could stop the divorce proceedings. Some ways a person may try to avoid going through with the process include proving that the stated claims are not true. 
This can include proving that adultery accusations are unjustified. The existence of abuse, insanity, and voluntary separation will all have to be attested to by the authorities. Also, if it can be proven that separation did not occur for two full years, the chances of absolute divorce will be reduced.
So if you find yourself in the hopeless situation of dissolving your marriage, attention to detail and readiness to listen to your case is the key to getting started on a positive track toward your future. If you require an experienced, dedicated, and passionate lawyer to represent you, please contact the law office of Jos Family Law, one of the best divorce lawyers in Orange, CA, at (714) 733-7066 or jos@josfamilylaw.com.

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