Love is NOT just a Four Letter Word


Tablo reader up chevron


DIANA had always wanted to escape reality, but it was hard thing to deal with. Not when she couldn’t even see what reality really was, not when her life had always revolved in darkness. It was hard having this kind of incapability when she had a lot of dreams she wanted to achieve. She even wanted to find someone who would love her despite such incompleteness, but it was a tough dream. And she never really lost hope, but sometimes she questioned the world if it hated her for some reason, but it never answered.

“Excuse me.” Diana heard a small voice apologized as the other bumped into her. “That’s weird. Why are you walking with your eyes closed?” The small girl that bumped into her, queried in curiosity. Based from what Diana could hear, it looked like the girl was just between the age of five or six, and was still innocent of the world she lived on. Good for her. May you be this innocent forever.

She bent a little to be at the smaller girl’s level before answering the latter’s question, “Well, you see…I am blind.”

“Blind? What does that mean?” The girl before her responded. Diana somehow felt that the girl just tilted her head in a side as a sign of confusion. “I never heard that word before...”

She laughed and ruffled the small girl’s silky hair and replied without hesitation, “Being blind means that you cannot see. My eyes cannot see anything but darkness and they cannot reflect any light. That’s what blind means.”

“Eh…? Doesn’t that make you sad?”

Diana was stunned with the unusual question that it made her too speechless to answer. “Well…I…”

RAVEN sighed in disappointment, once again. It was the fifth time for today that he had sighed for the same reason. He had always wanted to escape this world. He always wanted to live in a place wherein he would see peace and happiness, wherein there would be no violence, no corruption. He hated the world he was raised in and he didn’t want his younger sister to live in the same world but, he couldn’t see any way out of such world where they existed. It would be a miracle –for him—if this world would suddenly turn upside down.

“Rose, just stay beside me and—“ He gasped in shock when he turned and realized that his younger sister was nowhere to be found. “R-Rose?!” Raven exclaimed in panic and started to run around just to find his precious younger sister -- who was the only reason why he decided to live on. “Rose! Answer me, Rose! Where are you?!”

Raven was about to shout his sister’s name again until he arrived on the park wherein his sister stood in front of a teenage girl, who looked like she was almost the same as his age. He abruptly ran towards where the two girls stood, and halted upon hearing his sister, who rarely talked, questioned the one before her.

“That’s weird. Why are you walking with your eyes closed?” Rose queried in curiosity.

Such question caught his attention and he raised an eyebrow in equal curiosity, but he chose to stay hidden for the meantime.

The older girl bent a little to be at the Rose’s level before answering the latter’s question, “Well, you see…I am blind.” If his sister was nonchalant with the taller girl’s answer, he was not. On the contrary, his eyes widened in surprise while Rose just continued asking questions.

“Blind? What does that mean? I never heard that word before...”

The older girl laughed and ruffled hi sister’s hair and then replied without hesitation, “Being blind means that you cannot see. My eyes cannot see anything but darkness and they cannot reflect any light. That’s what blind means.”

“Eh…Doesn’t that make you sad?”


He took the taller girl’s hesitation as a cue and stepped in into the scene. “Rose.” He called out and quickly lifted up in his arms the younger sister he was looking for since earlier.

“Ah, big brother…” Rose responded and tightly hugged Raven.

“Don’t run off like that again. You made me worried.” He scolded and messed his sister’s brunette hair. When the latter gave off a small apology, his anger subdued. “Just don’t do that again. Anyway, let’s get going, it’s getting dark. Thank you for taking care of my sister, if you’ll excuse us now.” He coldly stated and rapidly carried his sister back on their new home, which was just few blocks away from here without even waiting for the other girl’s reply.

SHE let her dog, Cloud, guide her as she entered her school’s entrance. “Good morning, Miss Diana.” The school’s loyal guard, Calvin Heinze, greeted her right after he held onto her hand as another support of hers. “You’re here earlier than usual.” He commented as he searched into her school bag, which was a typical school bag filled with books, notebooks, ball pens, wallet and cell phone. She had never seen his face, but from the way he talked and from his tone—she could conclude that he’s a quite good-looking guy, who was raised in a good family.

Diana smiled at him and nodded. “My subject teacher in Physics asked me to run some errand last Friday, and I promised to give it to her as early as I could today. You do know I hate breaking my promises.”

“Well then, better take off now. Be careful on your way, Miss Diana.” He replied, and she felt him bend to pet her guard dog. “Guide her properly, Cloud. Alright?” He whispered, which made the Alaskan Malamute beside her to bark as a response. “Good dog.” Calvin added. “Alright, you may enter now. See you later.” Right after saying this, he guided her towards the building of the faculty members and quickly left to go back to his station.

Diana laughed with his kindness and slowly walked beside each department’s door. She touched the sign beside each door and mind-read each. She stopped right in front of the Science Department. She mentally celebrated, knocked on the door and entered after being given permission. Cloud had also been trained to neither bark nor attack any human who didn’t bring any harm on its’ master. She touched everything she would hold onto until she had recognized the table she was supposed to go to. “Excuse me, Miss Salvator? I have brought the things you asked of me from last Friday.”

“Oh my, you’re earlier than anyone expected.” Was that because I’m blind and slow? She thought and kept her smile on. “You saved us with bringing these materials early. I’m sorry for the trouble.” Ana Salvator, her Physics teacher, added and patted her head. “You’re such a strong and kind girl. I hope everyone’s like you. I’m sure the world will be a lot better. Go on now. I think we troubled you so much already. Be careful and see you later, dear.”

Diana had never felt such warmth before, and she couldn’t help smiling because of it. She nodded, excused herself from everyone inside that department and let Cloud her towards the exit. After going out, she took a deep breath and followed after Cloud after letting it smell the place where she wanted to go to. It pulled her gently and she went with its’ pace, yet she couldn’t help overhearing the other students’ whispers about her and her existence. “Told you she’s blind. It’s actually a wonder for many why she still became the valedictorian last year in their school.” One girl mumbled.

“Oh, that’s Diana Angel Niuvelle, so she is blind. How unlucky of her. Must be hard living like that. W-Wait, valedictorian, you said?! I-Isn’t that unbelievable, I mean, she is blind! Maybe she used some connections…” Another one responded.

“She’s not even from a very well-known family. She’s also not that pretty. Damn, I thought she’s beautiful. What’s with that appearance? I shouldn’t have even expected anything—now I’m too disappointed.” A guy a meter from her right grunted in disgust.

“That’s why I told you to never expect! Sheesh, why is she even striving so hard? I mean, she’s blind and probably weak. She won’t do any difference.” A guy, probably beside the former, added and sighed in disbelief.

Diana passed through all of them and pretended that she was also deaf although her ears were one of her strongest points. She never really wanted to blind. She never wanted to be clueless of what the world looked like. She never wanted any of these. But it’s what fate gave her, and she had no other choice but to accept it. She had always been a daydreamer, but right after going into college, she realized that love was just a four letter word that would never exist in a blind girl’s life.

RAVEN scratched his head in annoyance as he read his parents’ mail right after going out of their car. It passed him the message that he should do better and do his best especially that he was graduating college this year and would be taking over their business next year. The only thing that made him smile was the next email he received, it was a small message from his sister, Rose, which was filled with hearts and the word ‘Bye!’

He entered his school’s gate and scanned his ID. “Good morning, Sir Raven!” Their school’s ever enthusiastic guard, Calvin Heinze, greeted him. “Looks like your day just turned from bad to good. Must be your cute sibling, right?” He guessed and grinned. Calvin had been the most loyal security guard of their school. He had been in here for ten years and he was the only one who survived their school’s strict regulations. Calvin possessed chestnut brown hair and hazel eyes; he had a strong build, average height and a little tanned complexion. He was indeed fit with the job he had chosen.

One of these days, I hope I’ll find a job I’ll love and enjoy too…

Raven smirked and shrugged the matter away. “Yes, you guessed right. She’s the only reason I smile anyway. I hope she never grows up and stays that innocent. Anyway, good morning to you too. What’s up with you panting like you were just chased?”

“Ah, you see, I just guided someone into the Faculty Department.” Calvin replied. “She needed a lot of assistance after all.”

“Is she a new student?” He mumbled and closed his bag pack after it had been checked. Calvin shook his head, and he raised an eyebrow in confusion. “So…what? She lost her memories and got amnesia?”

“Well, she just had some technicalities I cannot explain.”

Raven blinked and sighed. “Whatever. I don’t care anymore. Thanks. See you.”

“See you later at lunch, Sir.” Calvin replied at him as strode off towards the College Department of their University.

He yawned and looked around to see if there was even just a single difference when he first entered this school about four years ago. He just got disappointed when he found nothing and just proceeded to his first class which was Calculus. “I hate Mondays.” He mumbled in irritation and slowed down when he felt that someone was following after him. “Who’s there?”

Two guys he couldn’t seem to remember went out of the tree right behind him. It was kind of weird that they fit to ever hide behind the thin trunk of the tree, but he didn’t really care that much. “You don’t remember us, do you?” The two demanded.

“How did you know?”

“Your expression says it all, you idiot!” The one with unidentified – it couldn’t even be identified as rainbow-- color of hair growled and snapped his fingers. “We were the ones you humiliated last Monday when we forgot our that we had swimming for PE and wore briefs just to join PE that day. We came to revenge, so we called some of our closest friends from another Course.”

Right before his eyes, Raven couldn’t believe that such giants existed until one titan appeared out of nowhere and faced him. “We heard you bullied our close friends a week ago, why did you do that, huh? You want a fight, huh? Huh, huh, huh?!”

“Why are you repeating your words as if you’re a parrot?”

“Huh? What did you say, what did you just say?! I’m not a parrot, I already told you I’m not a parrot!” The titan protested as he lifted Raven up in the air with just the usage of his collar.

“Fine, you’re not a parrot! You’re just like a DVD Player that just inserted a pirated disk in it. You’re so damn weird!”

“What did you say?!” He tried his best to struggle out of the other’s hands, but no attacks of him were taking any effect on the giant. The latter lifted him higher before glaring at him with intense eyes. “I hate you.”

“Guh, cannot breath…Anyway, I hate you too.”

The gigantic student before him put him down and when Raven was about to sigh in relief, a fist made contact with his stomach and sent him flying meters away. “You jerk!”

“Oh my God! T-There’s a fight! There are students fighting!” One girl screamed and ran towards the Guidance Office.

He rolled his eyes in exasperation and sat up to wipe the blood on his cheek. “You’re a worse jerk than I am. Urgh, I’ve never felt so infuriated!” He yelled as he stood up. “You’re going to pay for what you just did!” He added, ran towards his opponent and countered him by punching his stomach as well. It didn’t have much effect, but it brought him time. He grabbed the other’s hand and kicked him in the stomach once again. The titan was about to counter him when he swiftly backed away, jumped and hit his forehead with his opponent’s. The impact was not much for him, because he was used with the pain, but it sure did give his attacker’s something to be traumatized about after he collapsed on the ground.

“W-Whoa, Raven actually won…” One guy, who was a year younger than him, murmured in awe as he poked the titan’s cheek. “Raven Ice Hughwaters won again!”

Raven smirked, grabbed his bag pack and strode back towards his original destination. He rubbed the bump he had on his forehead and wiped the dry blood he still had on his cheek before fixing his messed hair and lifting a fist, which meant another victory of his.

“That guy really loves trouble. Yeah, he’s rich and has the looks, but he’s not everyone’s type, you know.” One guy complained and he could almost feel the glare the other bore on his back.

“He’s not even cool. I wonder why he could even pass his tests when all he does is skip his lessons. Maybe he’s using that looks of his. It’s totally unfair. He’s a rebel too, why won’t the school expel him?!” Another guy grunted and he was sure he just heard a tin can crumple.

“I wonder if he would ever fall in love. He looks like the type who likes playing people. I hate him…” One girl just meters behind him, mumbled in fright.

Another one responded, “Isn’t he annoying? Everyday he bears an injury and instead of learning his lesson, he becomes more troublesome. I wonder if anyone will ever cope with him.”

Raven smirked and took a turn. He never wanted to live in a place where everyone wore a façade. He never wanted to belong in a place and school where everyone would just judge him. He never wanted he had right now. And he knew that he didn’t need love, because it was just a four letter word. It had always been just that.

HE had planned to go straight back home right after their last period was done, but it was not like any of his plans happened according to schedule—something would always get in the way, just like today. “Raven, Sir Taite is calling for you. And he wants you to be there after one minute or else your punishment will become worse.”

He frowned with the sudden announcement, and stood up lazily. “Why wouldn’t he shut up? What does he want from me now?”

“You only have thirty seconds.”

“Well, shoot and damn.” He cursed and quickly sprinted towards the Guidance Office, which was three floors away from where his last period was held at. It was unfortunate that he arrived five seconds after the time limit. “That stupid counselor.” He cursed.

“I heard that, Mr. Hughwaters. Do really want your punishment to worsen?” The Guidance Counselor of the whole University who supervised the students’ behavior and the school policies, Kainier Taite, warned from behind the door.

Raven scratched his head in exasperation. “Don’t joke with me. I’m sure my punishment is bad enough. Why make it worse? The real question is: how do you even worsen it?”

“Hm, maybe make it more complicated and add more assignments than I already planned for you.” Kainier hinted and Raven could almost see the wink the former just made even if a door was between the two of them.

He couldn’t hold it in anymore and turned back towards where he came from. “I don’t care anymore. I’m going home. It’s not like I won’t receive a punishment even if I continue inside your office, right? So I better get going now instead and just hear what my punishment is tomorrow.” He complained and strode back downstairs.

He heard their Guidance Counselor sigh and he grinned in victory. “Fine, I’ll let you off the hook again and this’ll be the last time, and I’m sure of it. Because I think I have given enough punishment and obligation.”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” He retorted and walked towards the gate. He looked over his shoulder and looked back at his school which he would soon leave. It was fading from both his sight and memories as he made more steps out of the gates. Wouldn’t he ever remember anything worth remembering in this school?

“Young Master, are you—“ Before his driver could even ask him the question he was asked everyday, Raven shook his head and ran towards the park. Their family driver nodded in understanding and drove the car back to their manor. There were days, just like this, when he wanted to be alone—just to think, to breathe, to be free. He had never really experienced these, so he always wished that one day his life would turn upside down.

DIANA took out her cane from her locker and locked it before placing her keys inside her bag. She let her cane become her eyes for another day to go back home. Her dog had its’ curfew and it was only allowed inside the campus until lunch, so it was always being picked up by their house maid –picking up her young master’s dog was part of her job but she flatly refused Diana’s parents order to pick up the blind girl after school for it was such a hassle—and since she had no other option, going home alone had been an element of her routine every day since she entered school when she was still young. Her parents were both abroad to work and she only had one older brother who was in another town to study because the University she chose didn’t have the course he was looking for. She was practically alone, but it never really bothered her.

While she held the cane with her right hand, she made her left hand touch the things around her as precaution on what was ahead. It had never been easy, but she was used to it. She was already used of being in the dark.

“Hey, looooook ouuuut!” A familiar voice yelled from behind her. She ignored it after assuming that it was impossible that the guy would be calling for her and was about to take another step when an arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her back. “Are you blind?! The lights are still red!” The one who pulled her backwards demanded in rage.

Diana blinked and looked up at her savior with eyes closed. “Um, actually, I am blind and didn’t know that the lights were still red…” She mumbled and smiled up at him. “Thank you. You saved my life.”

Raven was ready to scold her until she brought out that warm smile of hers, which touched him deeply. All he could do was blush and hide his embarrassment by coughing. “A-Anyway, why are you alone? Wait, you’re…” He trailed off as he tried to recall where he had seen the girl still wrapped by one of his arms. Upon realizing this, he quickly released her as if he just got electrified and sighed. “I’ve seen you before but I cannot remember when and where.”

“Perhaps few days ago? You and your younger sister Rose got separated and you had seen her talking with a stranger inside the ‘Where Dreams Come True Park’ and they were talking about what ‘blind’ meant.” She replied and stood before him with hesitation. “I was the blind girl your sister bumped into when you two got separated.”

Now, he finally remembered with all the hints the girl before him had given. “Ah, you’re right! Didn’t expect to run into you again. What are doing here? Rebels and delinquents like me are all around this part of town at this hour; you might get picked and bullied.” He retorted and placed one hand on his hip to emphasize his coldness but then felt idiotic after remembering he was talking with a blind person.

“I am Diana Angel Niuvelle. What’s your name?” She introduced and offered a hand as casually as if she had known him for quite a long time now.

“Didn’t you hear me? I just said that I am one of the delinquents here. Do you even know what delinquent mean? Want me to define it for you?”

She shook her head and reached for his hand before squeezing it. “From the warmth of your hand and pulse of your heart, I could conclude that you’re not really a bad person. There’s just something you want to achieve, something you want since you’re born that’s why you’ve turned into this kind of person.”

He raised an eyebrow with that. “Oh? Turned into what kind of person?”

Diana giggled, dragged him to a place not that crowded, and whispered, “Secret.” She teased and held more into his hand. “Can I now know your name?”

“Fine. My name’s Raven Ice Hughwaters. Yes, it’s a weird name. Raven then Ice afterwards Hugh, which came out of nowhere, and finally waters. A very weird name indeed.” He mumbled then pulled his hand away since he had started feeling awkward again. “Anyway, I really need to go now since my sister is still waiting for me. I’ll call a cab; tell the driver where to take you. I don’t want to hear you in the news tomorrow.” After saying so, he waved his hand on one cab that was about to take a turn. It stopped beside them and opened the door. “Here’s the payment. Bring her back on her house. Please do be careful.”

“Yes, Sir.” The driver replied and closed the door after Diana had gone in. She rolled down the window and smiled at him as if she could really see him. He was about to say goodbye, but failed to do so when her trip back home had started.

Why was I even going to say good bye? It’s not like we’re close. We just met coincidentally for two times. I’m sure it’s just fate making fun of me again. Stupid me.

DIANA looked back as if she really could see Raven’s disappearing figure and then smiled for no reason. “He’s kind.” She mumbled in disbelief and settled on her seat. Grasping her hands together, she held them close to her chest. I can still feel the warmth of his hands…I wonder if I’ll ever see him again.

She sighed and covered her eyes with her arm before mumbling, “I’m such an idiot.”

Of course I won’t. I bet he won’t even remember my name. He’s a guy, and from the looks of it, he seems to be the popular type. He’s the type who is too unreachable for someone like me. What was I thinking of? How naïve of me.

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THE sound of the alarm was always the first thing that annoyed him everyday. He wanted to throw it against the wall, but it would be a pain to buy a new one especially with the same design as the one he possessed right now, so he just brought out his irritation on his bed and fix it with brutal force. This happened everyday and no one was new to his cursing early in the morning. They had a delinquent, a rebel, an introvert and an antisocial jerk as a young master—you could go against him, if you had a death wish, that is.

“Damn it, why is it just Tuesday today? I don’t wanna wake up this early! I’m still sleepy! Damn this alarm clock, damn this bed I still need to fix, damn my school, damn everything!” Raven cursed and threw one fluffy pillow against the navy blue wall of his room. Unfortunately, it bounced against the wall and hit him back in the face. Urgh!!!” He growled and gently placed back the pillow on its right position, just in case it had a grudge against him.

He huffed and went inside the bathroom to start fixing himself. It was his daily routine, but he still felt like something was missing. After brushing his teeth and washing his face, he grabbed the towel hanged just half-a-meter away from him and dried his face. He then raised his head and looked at himself.

Feeling ridiculous, he removed his pajamas and took a short shower to refresh himself. After doing so, he quickly put on his uniform, took his bag, grabbed two toasted bread and he along with his sister now were driven to their schools. He finished his breakfast and drank a cup of water which was already prepared inside the car for this was his routine and their driver knew this.

“We’re here, Young Master. I hope you’ll have a good day.”

He went out of their car and walked towards their building. “Good day? Hah, as if.” He huffed and messed his hair in frustration. For some reason, Raven was feeling so pissed and the others around him rapidly hid themselves as he passed by.

“Raven Ice Hughwaters, I repeat Raven Ice Hughwaters. I know you’ve already arrived –since I can already feel a troublesome presence which will only be yours-, please report to the Guidance Office as urgently as possible or else I’ll spill some secrets your mother told me before. You only have one minute to be here.” Early in the morning, everyone didn’t expect for their Guidance Councilor to call onto someone with such a hideous blackmail.

He gritted his teeth and ran towards the Guidance Office. He slammed the door open and shouted, “What the hell was that about? Do you know what others’ look at me were? Geez!”

Kainier Taite chuckled and gestured towards one of the seats before his table. “Relax and sit down. I’ll give you your punishment for being naughty days ago and the person we’re waiting for is a component I need to complete your punishment.”

“’Component’? You talk as if the person we’re talking about is a robot or a machine.” Raven grumbled in annoyance and smacked Kainier’s head. “Careful with your words!”

“Hey, I’m still the Guidance Councilor here. Even if we’ve grown close because of your so many visits at my office, that doesn’t mean you can smack my head just like that.” Kainier scolded and fixed his blonde hair.

After awhile, they heard three feminine knocks on the door. “Excuse me; I’m here as you ordered.” A familiar voice whispered. Kainier approached the door himself and opened it for the visitor.

Raven couldn’t hide his astonishment upon seeing Diana in front of him again after their unexpected encounter yesterday. He blinked and subconsciously advanced towards her. Staring down at her, his hand moved on its own and patted her head. Silence suddenly enveloped the three of them. “I…Uh…Um, what are you doing, here, huh?” He grumbled as he pretended he was some tough guy displeased with her presence. Raven pulled away his hand and crossed his arms before his chest. “And you’re…you’re wearing our school’s uniform?!”

“Ah, you’re here too, Raven?” She exclaimed in delight and smiled sweetly. “Well, you see, I study here as well. I’m in the Communication Course and I’m just a freshman. How about you?”

“Uh, ah, I’m from the Business Course and I’m graduating this year.” He responded and looked back at her. “Communication Course…?” He repeated in confusion.

She chuckled and explained, “I can almost hear what you’re thinking of.”

With this comment of hers, his face suddenly flushed and he hid it by scratching his head. “N-No…Well, damn, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for thinking you cannot pass this course with your disability…”

“That’s what everyone thinks when they hear about me, when they hear about the famous blind girl who is so frustratingly persistent to finish college. I’m used to it.” She calmly replied and reached for Kainier. “So, Sir, may I know why you’ve called us here?”

Their blonde Councilor blinked in surprise and hid his embarrassment by laughing. “You see, Diana, I have called both of you here for today because you’ll be a part of my punishment for this naughty guy with us.”

“Punishment for Raven?” She repeated and anxiously looked on where she could feel Raven was standing at.

“You didn’t know?” Kainier gasped. “He’s been in this office for about fif“ He was cut off when Raven casted him a death glare. Finally getting what Raven meant, he shut up and quickly changed the subject at hand: “It’s nothing that serious. Anyway, as I was saying. You’ll be part of the activity I will give him.”

“Part of it? How will I be part of it?” Diana murmured.

Raven raised an eyebrow and waited for the most awaited punishment he would receive from his mother’s friend and his school’s own Councilor. “Come on, spit it out. Let’s get this over with.”

Kainier glanced at him then at the girl and back at him again.

“What?” He demanded in annoyance.

“Alright then, Mister Hughwaters, I want you to be Miss Niuvelle’s guide and company for half a year. I want you to wait for her once she has arrived at school and wait for her once her last period ended. I want you to be with her at lunch break and whenever you’re vacant. I don’t her to be alone whenever she’s inside the school’s premises as much as possible.” Kainier announced and grinned widely.

“W-What? You’ve got to be kidding me!” He exclaimed.

“I’m only asking for you to be with her for half a year, Hughwaters, it’s not that long. You may think it’s very long but soon you’ll realize how short it really is.”

“And why would I do that?” He growled.

“Because if you don’t do this command of mine, you will be expelled from this school and this news will surely be passed to your parents and maybe even your sister will be very ashamed of you.”

Cursing in irritation, he didn’t expect Diana to have a say on it. “No, it’s alright. Please don’t force him to do something he doesn’t want to do. I am used with how I am now. And besides…he has Rose to take care of. I’m fine, really.” She insisted and smiled. If he was part of the ninety percent of people who were easily fooled by such smiles, then maybe he had agreed on her on this one, but it was unfortunate he was part of the ten percent who knew how to read people.

Kainier glanced at him and he sighed in reply. The former smirked. “Let’s see, Miss Niuvelle because it’s still his decision.”

Even with her eyes closed, he could almost see the sadness her eyes would portray. Surrendering on the pressure he was feeling, Raven finally responded, “Fine.”


“I-It’s not like I want to really, really choose you, you know. It’s just that in whatever choice I make, there’ll be cost I’ll need to take. So, I think choosing you over my expulsion is the best decision I’ve ever made while I’m in this school.” And with this, he huffed and offered her a hand. “Anyway, let’s start this again. I’m Raven Ice Hughwaters. I’ll be your guide from now on, but please don’t think that I’m like the dog outside the door, which is always with you.”

She reached for his hand and squeezed it gently. “And once again, I’m Diana Angel Niuvelle, pleased to meet you.” She introduced and looked, with closed eyes, over her shoulder. “Oh, that’s Cloud. It has been guiding me since I was little.”

“Is it a girl or a boy…?” He mumbled.

“Ah, it’s a boy, but I think he looks like a girl with all that fur with him.”

“…Is it just me or is he glaring at me? I think your dog hates me.” He added in fright and glared back at Cloud.

Kainier laughed and commented on it, “Maybe he’s jealous that you’re gonna take his job temporarily.”

He had never really hated dogs, and dogs never really hated him. Yet he couldn’t help feeling that Cloud was an exemption on this, because it wasn’t wagging his tail, neither was it giving him a friendly smile. It was definitely glaring at him.

Feeling odd warmth, he looked down at their hands and realized that their hands were still intertwined, so he quickly pulled it away and hid it behind him. “Sorry.” He murmured and turned to Kainier. “When does this start?”

“Later at lunch.”

Grabbing the bag he dropped on the floor, Raven turned around and opened the door wider. “I’ll be heading to my first class now.”

“Don’t do any trouble now, Raven or I’ll make that six months into a whole year.” Their blonde Councilor warned and chuckled when he saw how Raven twitched with this.

“Ugh, shut up!” He grumbled and slammed the door behind him as he went out.

Diana bit her bottom lip in guilt. “Maybe you should take back the punishment you gave him, Mister Taite. I don’t think he’s very happy with it. And I don’t want to cause him any more trouble than I already had.”

Kainier looked at her anxious expression and smiled in understanding. He could feel it. He could feel that he made the right decision. He could feel that there was something different between these two. He could feel it could work out well. “He might be acting tough and cold, but he’s a nice guy. He just hates how the world is so unfair on some people. He’s a realistic guy, that’s all. Don’t worry, he’s fine with this. He just doesn’t know how to express himself.”

I hope so. Kainier added as Diana nodded and excused herself for her first class. He was not a love expert, neither was he a psychiatrist, but he knew these two needed to each other. He didn’t know why, but he just had that weird feeling.

FEELING so irritated, he slammed shut the door behind him and went on his seat while stomping. Along with this, he sat on his seat in anger like it was the reason why this all happened at him. He raised one of his legs on his chair and glared at nothing. “That stupid councilor. How dare he take the only times I have for myself. I really hate being ordered around, but…damn it!” He growled and kicked the empty chair beside him.

He looked up when he heard someone laughing at him. He arched one eyebrow in confusion as Brandon Waters approached him. Brandon and he had almost all of their classes together, but despite this, they never really talked. Maybe because the former looked a lot like a nerd for he was too academic and too scientific– even if he possessed blonde hair, blue eyes, strong build and a masculine aura around him-- and Raven was the rebel type, end of it. These two types never mixed together well and he always knew that. “You look like a kid throwing tantrums.” Brandon commented and sat on the seat he just kicked. “I heard you were called by Mr. Taite again. What did you do this time?”

In spite of the fact he was taken aback with the blonde’s sudden friendliness, he answered anyway. “He wants me to guide and accompany Diana Angel Niuvelle on every vacant time I have, and he wants me to do this for half a year. And the reason why I’m punished like this was just because some guys asked me for a fight. I was just defending myself! I’m so pissed; too bad I cannot hit you right now. Do you know that I really want to hit you right now? Why? Maybe because you sudden talked to me when you usually avoid or ignore me when we see each other. Tell me why you suddenly became friendly or I’ll punch you.”

Brandon chuckled, closed the book he opened just awhile ago and shrugged as a reply.

He raised a fist as a threat. “Answer me properly or you’ll go flying to the moon.”

“I just thought that you might want someone to talk to, and for some reason…I have no one to talk to, as well.”

“Are you an idiot? You’re talking to a delinquent, a bully, and a rebel. If you want to have straight-A grades then stay away from me.”

“If you’re really a bad person then that blind girl would have surely stayed away from you already. She’s that type of person.” Brandon responded and grinned.

He crossed his arms before his chest and frowned. “So, in short, you just wanted to try talking to me?”

“And perhaps become friends with you?”

“Things are getting weirder and weirder.” He mumbled and settled his head on his chair’s headrest. “I don’t care anymore. Fine, be my friend, talk to me. I don’t care, just don’t do anything stupid or don’t harm Diana, or you’ll face me.”

The last threat was something Brandon never expected to come out from Raven’s mouth and he knew that when he saw the former’s expression. But the blonde’s expression softened after a little while. “Alright! I understand!”

He closed his eyes, covered them with his arms, lifted it for awhile to look at his companion’s stupid expression and smiled in disbelief. “You’re such a kid.” He grunted and re-covered his eyes. What’s with the last threat I’ve warned him of? Where did it pop out? Shit, I really need to compose myself.

After French Language, which was his third class for today, he finally breathed in relief upon realizing that the next two hours would be vacant for him. With this blissful thought in his head, he grabbed his bag pack, put it on and strode outside to breathe some fresh air. He stretched his arms in the air and halted when he finally recalled something he never should had forgotten at the first place. “I…need to check out Diana…” He mumbled in disbelief and messed his hair in irritation. Urgh!” He growled and kicked the empty bucket on his way. It flew and he didn’t care where it would go to.

“Well, shoot, I forgot to ask what her schedule is.” He mumbled and turned around. Feeling ridiculous, he sprinted off towards the Records’ Office and asked for Diana’s schedule from Monday to Friday.

With no further questions, the one seated behind the desk handed him what he needed and let him leave without even saying ‘Hello’ and ‘Goodbye’ and just when he was preparing what to reply if ever the one designated in that Office would start a conversation.

He shrugged his shoulders and read on Diana’s schedule. “Oh? She has a class at this time…and it’s calculus? Wait, how is she supposed to learn Calculus when she cannot even see what the hell that teacher is talking about?” He self-demanded and raised an eyebrow. “I think this is a prank. I better go check on that Taite or else I might punch someone. Besides, who would know if I’m not really doing what—“ He stopped self-talking when he had arrived on the room where she was supposed to be in. He sneaked a peek on the glass part of the door and found her at the back. On top of her desk were her notebook, her pen and a book she probably wasn’t even using. Their subject teacher was saying something and she was just scribbling on her notebook with much force that he almost thought she was ripping it apart.

Could it be that she’s doing that to leave marks and so that she could still read her takedown notes by tracing her fingers on top of each page…?

He confirmed his guess right when she continued doing this as the teacher went on with the discussion—no pause, no time to sit, no time to make a joke. This was why he hated this class among all. Besides, many of the students inside were talking with each other, giggling with one another and even made faces behind their teacher’s back. This, a common sight for a delinquent like him, yet he couldn’t deny the fact that it was the first time he had seen someone so lonely.

She was there, but at the same time she wasn’t. She was physically there, but he could see that her mind was elsewhere. It was flying and roaming around since she had no one to talk to, no one to sneak a giggle with, and no one to make faces with. She was alone.

He was about to yell at himself that it was none of his business, and he was about to leave this matter aside until she looked up and yawned. She looks so tired. He thought, sighed and leaned against the wall in patience. He stood there, quiet and just waited. Raven always reminded himself that he was not the type to do these things, but he just felt like he should do this.

Raven was almost falling downwards in drowsiness when the Calculus Class finished and students emerged from the room and stepped on him. He growled at some who stepped on his shoes. He snapped on the ones who glared at him. He was arrogant to anyone who would approach him and even aloofly replied on the girls who flirted with him. Some watched him and observed him. And they were all shocked when his frowning face softened when Diana went out of the room, felt his presence and greeted him with a smile. “Oh, is that you, Raven?”

He blinked and nodded. “Who else could it possibly be?”

She grinned adorably at him. “Are you saying that you trust my judgment?”

“Well…Uh, ugh, maybe?”

Diana giggled and looked up at him with shut eyelids. “Are you really going to do the task given to you?”

“A man never goes back on his word…so yeah.”

“Oh. Um, you see, Raven—I’m fine, really. I don’t want to disturb your—“

He grabbed her bag and hissed, “Geez. I said that it’s fine, didn’t I? Ugh, just come with me already.” With this, he grabbed her wrist and dragged her elsewhere. Anywhere no one’s eyes would be at them. He always hated attention, that’s why.

Squeezing his hand, Diana murmured, “Where are we going? Where are you taking me? I need to review.”

“Stop kidding with me. It’s your time for lunch already, right? What do you mean you need to review? You look like hell already. Get some rest or I’ll tie you up on a bed on the infirmary.” He threatened with not much of sincerity on it, which was the reason she suddenly felt like laughing. That was when he halted and she halted too. “What are you laughing at?”

Without giving any reply, she continued laughing as if she heard the most amusing joke in the whole wide world and it made him curious on what would bring out such carefree laughter.

“Hey, don’t tell me you’ve finally cracked your head and became mad? I mean, if you ever did, please do tell me beforehand so that I can avoid you as early as I could.” He mumbled in sudden fright.

She gently pulled away her hand and covered her lips as she remained in her laughing state. This went on and he finally realized that some students were already staring at them—them, who were very rare to ever speak with each other and now together out of the blue.

After another moment, her laughter slowly subdued and she just looked up at him with a cute smile. “You’re so weird.”

“No, I’m not.” He instantly responded, which surprised both of them.

She giggled with this reply. “Oh? Why are you so defensive, then?”

“I’m not defensive neither am I weird.” He explained and glared at the innocent Diana. After awhile, he surrendered and sighed, “Fine, yeah, I’ll admit I’m quite weird. I repeat: quite. Quite, quite, quite!

The next thing she did was one of the things he never expected and one of the things that shocked him in his whole life—she reached for his face and pinched his cheeks. “Actually, I think you’re cute.”

This was a comment which didn’t just startle him, but also made all the people around them gasp in shock. It was a stunning to see their King of Delinquents blushing in front of the most unpredictable student—in short the Blind Girl.

He turned his face to cover his expression and mumbled, “Shut up, stupid. Let’s go eat or I’ll die in hunger.

“Alright. It’ll be your treat then.” She responded and giggled even more when he pretended to get more annoyed than earlier and pinched one her cheeks.

Raven knew she knew that he wasn’t being rude and that he didn’t mean it offend her… he was glad she was just giggling down there and making fun of him, and he was glad that since the first time they met until this very moment she had always understood him.

It was as if his usual beliefs of the world being dark and full of hatred were slowly fading away and he was pretty sure he knew why.

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IT was Friday; this day was still part of the Weekdays, which also meant there were still classes today. This should had made him pissed off right after his alarm rang right beside his left ear, but it was a shock to everyone living inside the Hughwaters’ Mansion that their Young Master didn’t growl in annoyance right after waking up. It was a shock, a surprise, a miracle even!

He hit the turn off switch of his alarm clock and sat up. He rubbed his eyes and yawned, which indicated he was still sleepy. The maids outside his room were waiting for Raven to throw his pillow against the wall, but once again, he surprised them when he stood up and stretched. “Thank God, it’s Friday.” He mumbled and fixed his bed. It took him almost ten minutes doing this task for one main reason: he was always falling back on his pillow. He was that sleepy.

After doing this, he grabbed two towels and entered the bathroom and did his usual routine. Another twenty minutes passed. He went out and put on his uniform. This is still part of his usual everyday routine.

“Big Brother!” Rose exclaimed right after he went out of his room. “Good morning!” She greeted and kissed his cheek as he bent.

He smiled at her and caressed her cheek. “Good morning as well, Rose. Why are you up early, today? Won’t your class start at the usual time today?” He queried in curiosity. Raven then carried her downstairs and put her down into her seat in the dining table.

She grinned and shook her head. Her curly waist-length ocher hair flew with the movements of her head. Her hazel eyes glinted in excitement as she swayed her little feet back and forth. “We’re going to perform a little dance next, next week, Big Brother and the practice starts today! From today onwards, I will wake up and go to school with you!”

Oh.” What else was he supposed to say? Goodluck then and do your best, alright?” He responded and ruffled her hair. “I’ll come at the day of your performance to support you.”

Yay! That will mean a lot, Big Brother!” She shouted in joy and giggled.

HE looked over his shoulder and raised an eyebrow. “Why are you following me, Rose? Shouldn’t you head to your school now?”

“I asked Frank to pick me up after another fifteen minutes because if I go to class now—I’ll be very early that my classmate might make fun of me. I want to stay with Big Brother for now.” She responded. Rose called their family driver, Frank Mark by his first name and it was fine with the latter and it was fine with him as well. It was no big deal.

“Be careful on your way, Miss Diana!” He heard Calvin shout after a certain girl. He was sure there was only one Diana in this University, so he carried Rose and ran towards the gate as fast as he could.

He stared at the forwarding figure of Diana. Her dog, Cloud, walking beside her and guiding her. “Is that Diana?” He mumbled.

Calvin nodded. “Yes, that’s her. Good morning, Sir Raven. Oh, hi, Rose! High five!” He greeted and raised a hand.

His sister laughed and slapped hands with their school’s guard. “High five!” She responded and looked up at her brother. “Big Brother, what’s wrong?” She whispered and touched his face.

“Uh, well…” He trailed off. He raised his head once again and stared at her figure. Raven then took a very deep breath before yelling, “Diana! Don’t you dare ditch me!

She suddenly halted and turned. “Raven?” She murmured and chuckled. “I’m not ditching you. I didn’t even know you already arrived.” She defended and slowly walked back towards him Cloud following behind her. “Good morning.”

Somehow, he felt his my-day-is-complete meter rise up higher than usual. It usually just filled half of it, but today he almost thought it would break. “Yeah, good morning. You know what, you really should ask someone to accompany you from and back home. You might get in an accident. I don’t want to be blamed, you know.”

“No can do. Not like anyone would volunteer.” She replied.

“Ah!” Rose, who was still in his arms, exclaimed and pointed at Diana. “It’s the blind girl at the park!”

“Rose.” He scolded. “You shouldn’t shout such things. You might hurt or offend someone. Think before you speak next time, alright?

His sister blinked and nodded. “Sorry…”

Diana smiled and shook her head. “No, that’s alright.” She whispered and reached for Rose’s cheek. She caressed and then poked it. “So soft. So fluffy. So silky.” She mumbled in awe and gasped, “You’re like a doll! So cute!”

The made his sister blush. She squirmed so he put him down. Rose then approached Diana and clutched a handful of the latter’s skirt. “I’m not really that cute.”

“I’m sure you are.”

As he stared at the two, he realized that somehow something in his life stirred and changed. Even if it was just small, his life just tilted few degrees.

Rose Illia Hughwaters was his sister, her height was just above waist and she looked a lot like their mother. While he looked a lot like his father—a fact he despised.

From what he could observe, Diana possessed under-chest chestnut colored hair. Her complexion was too fair that it almost looked like her skin was taken from an ivory doll. She might be between 5’2 to 5’4, an average height for her age. She’s slender as well; she actually looked fragile.

There was just something he wanted to know since they met: what could be the color of her eyes?

“…Brother? Big Brother!” Rose exclaimed and pinched his arm.

He jumped in pain. “Ouch!” He gasped and rubbed the pinched part. “W-What was that? I was lost in thoughts.”

His sister giggled and pointed Frank. “I’m going to my school now. I’ll see you later.” She said and smiled up at him. She then turned towards Diana and squeezed the latter’s hand. “Take care, Big Sister Diana. Let’s chat again next time.”

The brunette nodded. “Sure. Be careful.”

Rose then departed and went inside their car.

“Big Sister Diana?” He echoed in confusion.

“Don’t worry, I won’t steal her from you.” She teased and poked his nose.

He blushed. “I-I’m not worried about that. It’s just that she doesn’t get attached with people that easily since she just usually hangs out with me all the time. I’m the only one she’s always clinging to. It just surprised me that you instantly captured her heart.”

“That’s because I opened mine to her, so she opened it up for me as well.” Diana explained. “Our classes will start soon. Let’s part ways now, shall we? Don’t wanna get back to the Counselor’s Office.

Reminded, he nodded. “I’ll pick you up later. Don’t leave without me because you’re too hard to find.”

Cloud barked as a reply and pulled its’ master towards its’ first class. Looked like what Kainier said was true: the dog could be envious that Raven was taking the former’s job. For the first time, he actually got pissed off with a dog—yes, a dog.

RIGHT after their period was over, Diana stood up from her seat. She couldn’t feel Cloud’s presence beside her anymore and she instantly knew that their maid had already excused the dog out of the University. “Oh well.” She mumbled and enthusiastically grabbed her stuffs before running –well, fast walking actually—carefully towards the door. She was about to take hold of the doorframe when a hand took hers instead and guided her out. This warmth… Knowing exactly who it was, she raised her head and smiled at him. “You’re early today.”

“Well, sorry for being late everytime and unexpectedly coming early today, huh.” Raven complained with offended tone. “You know, I wonder how you can be that straightforward.”

She tilted her head in one side and pretended to play dumb. Hm? I’m not straightforward. I’m honest.”

“Don’t those two almost mean the same?!” He demanded.

She couldn’t help giggling when she felt him blush and look away. Surely, there were already students staring at them. Raven always hated attention especially when he’s with someone. He always hated being stared at, especially when it was his own fault why others were staring at him.

She mentally gasped when she noticed something they both forgot. He hadn’t let go of her hand. Perhaps, he had forgotten all about it. Should she tell him about it or leave it. If we were talking about someone else here, then her answer would be the former. But when it was Raven, she would instantly choose the latter. In the end, she kept quiet about it.

“So, what are you getting for lunch today?”

This was their routine everyday: At the morning, if they coincidentally came at school at almost the same time—they would base their decision if Raven would accompany her to her room or not with what time they’d arrived. They both didn’t want to be late. At lunch, it was either he would come earlier or she would be dismissed earlier than him, but there was one thing positive: he would always pick her up for lunch. At dismissal, he would pick her up as well and go with her when she still had some errands left to do…well, unless he needed to be home as soon as possible or unless she would really beg him to leave her alone for that day because she really needed some time and he would be somewhat bored with whatever she would do. If one of them had a vacant, he or she would instantly head to the library --and only to the library—to wait for the one still at his or her class.

If you would look at it carefully, anyone would notice that they would always be together. If not, the other would always wait for the left one.

Sometimes, even official couples got jealous and envious of how close they suddenly became. She just knew this from what she could hear from the ones that usually surrounded her but at the same time ignored her.

If her eyelids were open, then perhaps her eyes had widened when he reached for her and pulled a strands of her hair. “Hey.” He grumbled. He’s obviously annoyed.

She sweat dropped as she realized that she might be the cause of Raven’s sudden mood change. “Oh. Um, what?”

“I asked you what you’re getting for lunch. Geez, where did your brain run off to this time? Want me to tie it up inside your skull?”

Shaking her head, she quickly protested, “Don’t be so violent. My poor brain. What will you do if you have scared it away?”

With this response, Raven laughed out loud, which made more students glance and stare at the two of them. She could feel their eyes on both of them, but he just continued laughing before dragging her to the cafeteria. “You’re so damn amusing.”

“Why, thank you. I never thought I could be a clown someday. Perhaps, I may try it on summer vacation.” She responded and tried stopping him from dragging her. “Wait, wait, wait!


She shook her head and pointed at anywhere but infront of them. “I’m not eating yet! I have something to do! I’m not heading to the cafeteria! I’m going to the backyard of the campus!” She insisted and dragged him wherever she would go.

Er, Diana?”

Continuing her walking and dragging at the same time, she replied, “Yes?”

He seemed uncomfortable at first, but she guessed he had no other choice but to say it. “I just want to tell you that we’re heading right at the men’s comfort room. And we’re already infront of the door.”

In an instant, her cheeks turned as red as tomato. “W-What?” She gasped.

She was sure he just smirked. “Oh, another thing. The door infront of us is open. Wide open, actually. And there are…wait, how many are you in here?”

“Three, including the one at the corner.” A guy answered – laughed-- from what she concluded was the men’s comfort room because of the way the guy’s voice echoed.

Raven laughed. “So, technically. You were dragging us to the men’s comfort room. And now we’ve arrived right infront of the wide open door with three guys inside. So, what now, should we continue walking forward or—“

She didn’t know how but her cheeks turned redder as she absorbed what he just said. “I-I’m sorry!” She apologized and reached for Raven’s hair. Upon taking hold of it, she dragged him towards the direction of the backyard of the campus. She was sure of where to go now because of the sign she just touched and mind-read. “You should have told me sooner. I looked like a pervert earlier.”

“They didn’t really mind after recognizing you. You’re known as an innocent girl here, you know, so no worries.”

“Know what? What if I tell this to Mister Taite?” She threatened after letting his hair go.

Didn’t their hands let go of each until this very moment? She got so used to the feeling of his hand intertwined with hers that she forgot all about it. “No!” He pleaded. “I won’t do it again. Promise.”

“I can almost hear your fingers shouting that they were crossed as you promised this.” She admitted. His silence confirmed her guess. “You’re such a naughty guy. Sometimes, I almost want Cloud to bite you. Even just a little.”

“Your dog hates me enough. Don’t make him bite me or else I might actually die early. Still have a Rose, just so you know.” He reminded and pinched her cheeks.

“Ouch! That hurt.” She pouted and touched her almost-swollen cheeks.

“Nah, I’m sure it doesn’t. Where are we heading again?” He grunted as he let her drag him wherever she’s heading to.

She sighed. “We’re heading towards the backyard of the campus.”

“Boring.” He complained. “Why are we going there, anyway?”

She grinned at him. “We’re going to read books since there is still one hour before our real-time-to-eat-lunch. I want to read, read and read because it’s rare to not have anything to do in breaks.” She celebrated.

She was so certain that his eyes just portrayed his ultimate boredom. “Still boring.” He retorted and lazily followed after her. “Whoops, wait.” He exclaimed and pulled her to a stop. “You almost hit the wall.”

“Oops?” She whispered.

“You know what? I have an idea. What if I’ll be the one to guide us instead?” He suggested and took the lead. “Because if I don’t. I’m sure our death will come nearer that Grim Reaper expects.”

She pouted and punched his back, which made him gasp. “You’re mean.”

“I know.” He proudly responded and ran now.

I wonder where his boredom ran off to. Hm, beats me. She thought and ran after him even if she didn’t know if she was taking the right steps or if she was running into the death of her. Either of the two, she didn’t care, because for some reason—she felt secure when Raven was the one leading. She just felt like he would never bring her to harm.

“…As I turned, I think heard something from behind me. It was a rustle. Then a rattle. I was pretty sure I shouldn’t be hearing this kind of sounds in here.” Diana murmured as she traced her fingers on the books on top of her lap. “I shouted, ‘Who’s there?’ with so much fear. My legs were trembling even! What was I supposed to do if someone suddenly hit me or a boogieman would suddenly—‘”

He laughed. “Boogieman? Seriously? What is she, a five-year old kid?” He mused and turned back at her.

He was just watching two birds flying all around above them as he listened to his seatmate’s story. It was not a boring novel, but it was romance. Romance! And he hated that genre. But the word ‘Boogieman’ just cracked him up.

“Well, she is actually just sixteen years old, so I think she’s still not that mature.” She answered and continued, “—Would suddenly appear and steal everything from me? Should I scream? Or should have I run already? No. I was not ready. Give me more minutes and I would be fully equipped. Good thing I brought my hardcover book with me—“

“Hardcover book? Is she kidding? What can that even do?” He interrupted.

He didn’t expect her to answer since it was rhetorical. “It’s very useful actually. It’s so hardcover that it could crack a person’s nose. It’s so handy. You can learn by it, but at the same time, you can kick someone’s butt with the use of it. It’s amazing.”

“Is it just my imagination or are you speaking by experience, Diana?” He queried in curiosity or perhaps suspicion was the right word.

She shrugged. “A little?”

He grabbed her shoulders and shook them. “What?” He shouted.

“Well, it happened at the second day of this school year. I was blindly walking back home when a guy suddenly grabbed my wrist and whispered, ‘Give me your bag and the cellphone in your pocket or I’ll stab you to death.’ Yes, I am blind, but I’m not stupid to not know he didn’t have anything to threaten me with. Maybe he was an idiot—if he was a professional then he would pointed his gun or knife at my head or neck, right? But he didn’t, so I instantly figured out he came out of nowhere. Good thing I was holding a hardcover book I borrowed from the library. BAM! And then I hit him. After doing so, I screamed for help.” She explained carelessly that he almost thought it was made up, but he knew Diana—she would never lie about this.

“You’re hilarious.” He commented and patted her head. “And brave.”

She proudly smiled. “Of course. How else will I survive?” She responded.

He was about to make another reply when she suddenly hand-chopped his stomach. He was quite certain she almost broke his ribs. “OUCH!” He grunted and almost threw up. “W-What the hell?”

She re-opened the book and placed her hand on top of the page she stopped on earlier. “Stop interrupting or I’ll hit you.”

“You already hit me!” He protested and held his stomach. She hit harder than any gangster member I know. Damn, good thing I never teased her before or else we’re celebrating my funeral just days ago.

He stared at her as she resumed. “But even if I was prepared now. I couldn’t stop myself from being scared. This was not the first time I got torn into this kind of situation. Since I was working part-time jobs and I go home late, I usually encounter this…but tonight was different. Why? Was it because I got so used to being with him? Was it because I was regretting that I refused his offer to send me home tonight as well? God. What should I do? I gulped as I heard another rustle and then I screamed when the man in the shadows finally went out. “NO!” I shouted and threw my book at him. “Ow! What the hell? Seriously?” Evan grumbled. “I followed you because I’m afraid you would get picked at. And now you throw books at me? Are you kidding with me?” She fell on her knees when she realized it was him. It was the person she was waiting for. It was her savior who actually came.”

Suddenly, she shut the book and sighed.

This made him nervous. “Uh, what?”

“I’m tired.” She whispered. “It’s kinda hard to trace and read at the same time.” She added.

He watched her expression. Even he surprised himself when he took one of the books lying beside her and opened it. “Then, do you want me to read for you?” He offered. He didn’t know where this idea came from yet he was positive that if he could bring his mind out- he would and scold it for being stupid.

“Really?” Her excited tone somewhat surprised him.

He huffed and averted his gaze. “I won’t offer it if I don’t meant it, right?”

“But, it’s just so not like you. I thought you hate reading.”

“I do.” He responded and opened the “Books of Random Once-Upon-A-Times” to a random story. “But I’m so bored that I can make exemption for today.”

His cheeks reddened when she smiled so happily at him that she almost looked like she was about to cry.

“H-Hey, are you crying?” He panicked as tears trickled down her pale cheeks.

She touched them and gasped, “I…I’m not…?”

“You are, idiot!” He grumbled. “Where’s your handkerchief?”

“In my bag.” She sniffled.

With this, he grabbed her bag which was beside the bench they sat on and opened it to look for her handkerchief. He found it at the first pocket. Taking it out, he closed Diana’s bag’s pocket, and wiped the tears that continued to pour down from her eyes. “Why are you crying? Did I say something that—“

She shook her head and placed her hand on top of the book on his lap. “It’s just no one ever read a book or story for me before. I’m always alone. I always read and traced my fingers on the book alone in my room, in our classroom, even in the library. I’m always alone…”

“You’re not alone anymore. I know you’re blind and all, but you can hear me clearly, right? Heeelllloooo, I’m here.” He teased and succeeded when she giggled.

“Why are you so kind at me?” She mumbled as she clutched a handful of his polo. “Everyone’s ignoring me. Everyone always teased me. Some even tripped me and laughed at me afterwards. No one ever wanted to be paired with me because I would only be useless. At group activities, they just pick me because once I’m the leader—I do anything to get everything done. Everyone always hated me. Everyone always left me…So why? I actually thought you would leave me after the first day you accompanied me. I’m boring. I’m a bookworm. I’m nothing but a—“

He playfully smacked her head. “Stop bringing yourself down. You know me, I’m the King of Delinquents here. I hate crowds, I hate being stared at. I hate the world. I hate my surroundings. I even hate this school and my own family members. My world revolves around Rose until recently that Taite called me to his office and punished me. I was so pissed, you know. I even thought, ‘Why the hell do I have to accompany Miss Blind Persistent Girl among all people?’ but when I saw you inside your class at the first lunch we had…I saw how lonely you were, so I tried knowing you. You’re not such a bad company. Actually, you’re so stubborn, active and humorous. It’s amazing.” He pointed out and then poked her forehead. “I’m not here because it’s my punishment. I could ditch you anytime I want because I’m sure you won’t mind, but I didn’t, did I?”

She nodded and sniffed.

“It’s because I wanted to befriend you, stupid.” He added and wiped her almost-dry tears. “From now on, stop being pessimistic. You’re special. You just turned my world few degrees around, which is a miracle. You tamed the King of the Bullies. You’re an amazing person. I admire the girl before me because she’s so brave and straightforward—someday I hope I can be like you. Remember this: You’re no more alone. I’m here and I’ll protect you.”

To stop her from crying, he chose ‘Ugly Duckling’ and read it with too much emotion that it made Diana’s tears of depression to tears of laughter. They were out there for much more time than they planned, but they didn’t care. With each other’s company, both were full already.

HE motioned for Calvin to open the gate, so the latter did and grinned. “Going home?”

“Do we look like we’re going back in?” He responded and raised an eyebrow. “You don’t need to state the obvious.”

He received a flick on his forearm with this response. “Stop being rude to Mr. Calvin, Raven or I’ll hand-chop you again.”

He huffed and crossed his arms infront of his chest. “You’ve hand-chopped me for six times today, Diana. Sheesh, I think my ribs are already broken into pieces. Can you leave the ones alive on Monday?”

“I will if you apologize to Mr. Calvin.” She replied and black-mailed him when she raised a ready-to-hand-chop hand.

With twitching eyebrows and crossed fingers, he bowed to their loyal guard and mumbled, “Sorry.”

Calvin blinked and then laughed at the unusual behavior he was giving out. “Oh. That’s weird. You actually apologized at me for being rude when you’ve been rude at me from the start until earlier.”

He winced even more. “Ah…Sorry again?”

“Raise your head. I get it. It’s fine. I’m used with you. Besides, you won’t be given the titles: ‘King of Delinquents’, ‘King of the Bullies’, ‘Troubleboy’, ‘Worst Guy You’ll Ever Meet’, and ‘King of Fights’ if you don’t possess rudeness in your veins.” The blonde answered and turned towards Diana. “Be careful on your way.”

She nodded. “Thanks.”

They both went out of school gate and waited for his pick-up to come. He played with his fingers and fidgeted as his mind and heart argued with each other.

Should I send her home alone or should I ask her if I should send her back home with the use of our car? It’s not like I’m in such a hurry or anything… His heart whispered.

Are you stupid? What will you do if someone sees you and think you’re dating? I thought you hate being stared at? Then stop doing something that will make you famous. His mind argued.

But you heard her story earlier. What if she gets into that kind of trouble again? His heart mumbled in anxiety.

So what? It’s not like you care, right? You’re used to ignoring others. His mind reminded.

With his mind’s reminder, he had made his decision and turned towards her with a snap. “Uh, Diana.”


“Do you want me to come home with me?”

A little silence after that.

After repeating the words he just said, he suddenly felt very, very awkward. “NO! That’s not what I meant!” He defended and covered his face. “Uh, do you want to come with me and I’ll send you back home using the car. We’re not in such hurry today and all…”

“That’s weird. Why’ve you asked?”

He removed the hands on his face and scratched his head instead. “Nothing, really. It just came to my mind, is all.”

He blinked when she offered a hand. “Give me your hand.”



“I won’t give it to you until you’ll tell me why you want it.” He mumbled in fright.

She chuckled and reached for it. She traced her forefinger on his palm and smiled. “You’re nervous. Geez, we’ve known each other for day. No need to be so tense. And yes, I’ll take up on your offer.”

He snickered and shook his head in disbelief. “You’re one odd girl.”

“I know.” She proudly responded. She even used the same tone he used earlier.

This only made them laugh even more.

It shocked all the students who were walking back home when the Hughwaters’ Porsche stopped infront of the two and both went inside it. Everyone inside the school knew that he was being picked up and she always walked back home, so it caused a big commotion when they both went inside his pick-up, laughing and having fun together.

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