Hair Wigs


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Hair Loss for Ladies: Underlying Causes

You start brushing your hair and when you’re done, you see strands of hair stuck on your hairbrush. The initial reaction is to panic and is scared that you are going bald but before you do so, know that hair shedding is a normal part of everyday life. In fact, ladies normally shed off 80 strands of hair each day. But if you notice that you are losing more than that and that your hair is not growing back, this is when things begin to become scary. The good news is there are still some ways to prevent it from getting worse and in the worst case scenario, there are already bob wigs, long wigs, and middle-length wigs available that look like real hair to cover it up. (Did you know Keira Knightley has been wearing wigs the whole time? Who would have thought that was not her real hair!)

What Causes Hair Loss

1. Genetics – Hair thinning can be passed down genetically. If you notice members of your family and your relatives going through the same thing, this may be the cause for you.

2. Ageing – When you reach the menopause stage, there will be changes in your body and hair loss is one of them. This is why you can find a lot of women at this age group wearing quality human hair wigs – blonde wig, curly wigs, gray wigs, etc.

3. Hormonal imbalance – When your hormones are out of sync, you can see the effects all over your body. You do not only experience acne and weight gain but hair loss too.

4. Anemia – Iron deficiency or anemia is one of the most common causes of hair loss in women. Iron produces hair cell protein and without it, you get weak hair strands that can easily fall off.

5. Stress – Stress in women raises androgen, the male hormone, and this can result in hair loss. Stress also causes scalp problems like dandruff.

6. Weight Loss – A significant weight loss means that your body is going through nutritional deficiency. Whether it is intentional like you going on a diet or unintentional like you getting sick, both cases will still lead to hair loss.

7. Vitamin B12 Deficiency – Lack of vitamin B12 affects the condition of your red blood cells and these cells distribute oxygen to your tissues. Without it, you will always run low on energy and feel tired – causing you to lose hair.

Hair loss does not happen instantly so it may be hard to notice at first. Our hair strands follow a cycle when it comes to growth. If you notice you have been shedding a lot of hair for longer than 3 months, it is best to consult a doctor regarding it and try to determine what is causing it. Take note that one product alone will magically get your hair back in shape. Follow your doctor’s recommendations along with a healthier diet. Note also that it takes at least 6 weeks to see an improvement in your hair condition so do not fear and patiently wait it out. For the meantime, you can cover up obvious hair thinning and bald patches with wigs to make you feel more confident.


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