Amazing Anime Quiz


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Anime is a sub-genre of media which is really popular in japan. there are lots of anime out there.Naruto and Pokemon are among the most famous ones. 

in the early 20th century, Japanese filmmakers became familiar with the term animation used in countries such as Germany, the United States, France,  and Russia. Katsudō Shashin a three-second anime about a sailor, was the earliest Japanese animation that was created by an unknown creator in 1907. The year 1917 was the highlight of the Japanese animations, and many animators created great animes. In the 1970s, manga drawings attracted considerable interest. Most of these drawings were used in animations; Osamu Tezuka, in particular, has become a legend and “God of Manga.”

Undoubtedly, you’ve watched “Pokemon,” “My Neighbor Tutor” and “Angel Beats,” they are examples of Anime, or if you play a quiz that has these characters, it is an Anime quiz. In some animations, the characters have big eyes and long legs. This style of drawing is still used today in some western animations.


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