Love falls on Deaf Ears


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Love Falls On Deaf Ears

She twirled around the dance floor as “All the stars” blasted through the DJ’s speakers. All the other girls had dates to dance with and she danced alone but she was happy. The music was so loud she could feel the beat through the floor and she danced to it. She couldn’t hear the words but she still felt the music coursing through her. When she turned again a tall boy from her class caught her hand and fell into step with her.
“You look beautiful tonight.” He smiled at the new girl and she smiled back but didn’t understand what he had told her, the lights were dim so she was unable to read his lips.
“Why is Drake dancing with the deaf girl?” A girl sneered and others joined in on the whispering.
“Just ignore them.” He told her when he caught wind of some of the nastier comments but never did he hear she was deaf. Ella just danced on, enjoying the moment, enjoying being noticed by the cute boy from her class. I’ve wanted this for a since I came to school. Ella wanted to tell him but she didn’t want to scare him with her deaf accent that put certain people off.  The song ended and the beat stopped she Ella stopped swaying. Ella smiled at Drake and her heart felt full, she had a crush on him since school started but only a few people here knew ASL so they couldn’t talk.  “The Call” started to play and Drake took her hand again. Her smile grew as she fell into step with the beat and he led her around the dance floor.
“You know this song is perfect for us, Ella.” She watched his lips moved but didn’t understand.
“I know you can’t hear me and you can’t read my lips in this dim room but I’ve had feelings for you since day one. I wanted to learn ASL but I can’t, I have severe tendinitis in both my hands.” She looked at him, her brow furrowed as she tried to catch his words. ‘Can’t… dim… feelings… one… hands won’t… both my hands.’ What is he saying?
“I wish I could get to know you, Ella, but my family is moving away and I had to tell you how I felt, I wish we could do this. I’m sorry.” The song ended and Ella smiled and gave him a small wave as she walked off the dance floor over to her friend.
“Did you catch any of that?” Ella signed to her hearing friend.
“Yes, he just confessed his feelings for you!” Her friend signed almost jumping up and down with excitement. Ella’s eyes grew and she around looking for him. She watched his dark hair walk out the door and she ran after him. In the parking lot she saw him getting into his car.  I’m too late. She thinks watching him drive away. I’ve waited this long. I can wait till tomorrow.

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