Pooh Bear


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  Have you ever been so lost? So lost where you're almost positive you're done with everything family, friends, relationships... life. 

You're so broke and torn, you're ugly.  Not just physically you're so mentally drained from everything you're so fucking ugly. 

And if you don't understand what it is and why you're "ugly" than thats amazing because no one deserves to feel this type of ugly, This ugly eats you inside it hurts you on purpose because it knows your name, your greatest strength but most importantly it knows your most powerful yet beautiful weaknesses. 

It's always there and it never goes way sure you're happy at times and when you smile it's not always fake but it's there it's in you it will always be there it will never leave once you let it it never leaves it's always there and forever will you want it to go away and escape from this ugly, 

And you wake up the same each day like you're in you're ugly body but you're really not there, you wake up you get up go to the curtains and peek outside you blame the stupid annoying birds for waking you up you bring your ugliness down stairs you continue your empty day then you go back to sleep and do it over and over again. 

Then one day you wake up and it's not like each other day where you're laying in bed the lights off and the blinds are closed instead they are wide open you hear the birds and you see the sun, you've never seen the sun so beautiful so full of life and colour that close to you before you stare for a quick moment, you continue to bring your ugliness downstairs to start your empty day. 

You're really overwhelmed with the sun that you seen it's like you've never seen it before ? 

You're thinking about it all day taking all the glances at it you can possibly when you get the chance through out the day. 

You almost forgot about your ugliness for a bit but it come the time when you have to go to sleep and it all starts flowing in to your mind you bring yourself upstairs to your room as you're getting ready to go to sleep you realize the curtains are still open and you see outside a peice the moon it looks so bright you haven't slept with your curtains open in forever, you don't even remember when the last time was. 

You get up to close the curtains and as you're going up to the window you see the stars you smile you know your ugliness wouldn't like that!

You sit and stare like the sun and you realize it's the little things and they make a big difference they made you forget your ugliness you know it's there but it's not bothering you. 

Don't let your ugliness control you 

It does not define you. 

Because your ugliness is a beautiful thing about you but it doesn't get the right to control or define you. 

You Are 

My Sun, 

My Moon And My Stars ⭐️

And I love it. 

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