Spacecraft One Alpha 10


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Looking out of the window sat a young, dark-haired man, his green eyes staring at the sight before him. A giant sphere of ice floating in the inky darkness of space. Enceladus. The place he had chosen to help colonize.

The great icy sphere loomed larger as the spacecraft drew nearer, until the photon thrusters were activated, and the spacecraft landed gently on the surface. From the landing legs of the spacecraft, huge harpoons were fired into the ice, and all activity on-board had ceased.

The passengers waited, hardly daring to breathe, lest that somehow caused the ice below them to crack. But the ice was many kilometres deep, and held with no sign of weakness. And so, after five minutes had passed,  the spacecraft started to buzz with activity. Business had resumed as usual.

But not for Jauril. He, being the young man staring at the icy expanse through the window, was startled by a brief double-beep coming from his wrist.

He glanced down at his wrist, and immediately it lit up. It was a modern watch, which was powered by the heat given off by the wearer's skin. The screen was only a few atoms thick, so you could see the skin underneath it when it was inactive. And it was always inactive, except when you glanced at it, which is what Jauril was doing now, so that it glowed faintly and displayed a brief message.

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Chapter One

The message had directed him towards towards the medicine bay. It used to be called the sick bay, but that name wasn't liked by many people, so they renamed it. But that was not why Jauril was here. He was here to be vaccinated, but what he was meant to be vaccinated against he did not know. Enceladus didn't even have life.

But as he made his way to the medicine bay, room 12G, he noticed that no one else was there, except for several nurses. He asked if he had been given the correct message and, after several minutes of checking, they assured him that he had. And so he was shown towards a seat and asked to bring his arm out, which he did.

The head nurse took out a small pipette and rolled up Jauvil's sleeve. Three drops were placed upon his hairy arm, and the pipette was disposed of. She then checked in a draw for something or other, and appeared with a weird device with two exposed metal wires sticking out of it.

"This won't hurt," she said.

And it didn't. A small 'zap' from the device, and a small electric current was passed across the liquid. Almost immediately the liquid began to leak through the skin and into the bloodstream. If he relaxed slightly, he could almost feel the chemicals burn.

The chemicals were not actually burning, that was just his imagination. But he was not imagining when he was told to report to the Captain of the spacecraft. Another unusual event, since this was only ever asked of a passenger if they were about to be kicked out of the spacecraft and into whatever environment lay beyond the armour.

His palms began to sweat, but he told himself it was just the medicine.

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