A Sedecim Story.


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This tale comes from the land of Elyria, which is a fantasy setting for the upcoming Multiplayer Evolving Online World, Chronicles of Elyria. It takes place in the port of Wavemeet Bay, during the Sedecim, which is a Diplomatic Festival held every 16 years in Elyria. Find out more about Chronicles of Elyria here: https://chroniclesofelyria.com/

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The Story.

The fire the night before had ravaged the old warehouse on pier 11. Rumors were flying all over the Sedecim. Everything from a lazy smoker, to a Tolenite conspiracy could be heard on the lips of the attendees of the grand event. Many of the farmers who had brought their prized livestock to Wavemeet Bay were relieved when news broke that the contents of the warehouse were intact, and none of the feed was burned. Things were returning back to normal the morning after the fire. Preparations continued for the many festivities of the Sedecim. Caravans were arriving, loaded down with items for sale, and supplies for the various merchants to set up temporary stalls. The whole place was awash in activity. People of all tribes were bustling around, and languages from all over Elyria could be heard on the streets.

The docks were full of busy people unloading supplies from their boats.Everyone seemed to be hard at work, except for one To’resk.  He stood with his hands on his hips, looking out over the water of the bay. The Crystal Palace was shining beautifully in the mid morning light. A cutlass hung from his hip, and he was clad in worn sailor’s clothing, with a waist long overcoat, hanging open. A tricorne hat sat atop a bandana covering his long dreadlocked hair. He looked like a street urchin, ruffian, or beggar, if not for the weapon hung from his hip, and the heroic stance he took as he watched barges and boats in the bay. Some purple and yellow petals blew past him in a stiff breeze off the water. The flowers were everywhere, and he quite liked the splash of color they added to the festival.

He turned from the water, and walked past the burnt husk of Warehouse 17. He had wandered over with the morning crowd to investigate what had happened, but lost interest when the contents of the warehouse were revealed to be animal feed and supplies. A sailor such as himself had little need for landsmenn’s items. He listened to the rumors that floated through the crowd, as the Festival Guards conducted an investigation. There were many people standing around, and everyone was gossiping. A Janoa had apparently knocked over a lantern. That was his hypothesis after hearing the many theories.

“Ahoy,No’ika!” a call came from across the pier in Lazu. A Dras then rushed up to the To’resk sailor, and clapped him on the back.

“Ahoy there, Slok.” No’ika spoke great Lazu. Slok was a tall Dras, dressed in black leather clothing, and a wide brim straw hat, which hid is pallid skin from the sun. He too, wore a Cutlass. Slok was a friend, and the two had sailed here to Wavemeet Bay together on a small boat from down south. The two set off down the pier, discussing the night’s events. Slok was convinced of the Tolenite Conspiracies, and No’ika entertained his ideas. They were an odd pair, to be sure. As they meandered their way through the busy streets, their conversation soon turned to that of their business.

“You’re sure you heard right? It’s here in Wavemeet Bay?” Slok asked. His eyes were deep violet, and his expression was lacking confidence.

“Aye, its here. Don’t believe me?” asked No’ika in return. He looked the complete opposite. His fierce dark eyes were a light with confidence!

“Well, you’ve been wrong before.” Slok replied.

“I ain’t wrong this time!” No’ika chuckled at the Dras. As they continued further into the labyrinth of merchants’ tents, they garnered strange looks. The two looked raggedity, and some of the merchants gave them nasty looks. It didn’t help that the were speaking Lazu the whole time. The pair wandered through the maze for a while longer, before stopping at a particular tent. It was closed, and it appeared as if the merchant had set up early and was just waiting for the Sedecim to start. A sign on the tent read “Mæhrtìr’s Curiosities”. There wasn’t any movement from inside. No’ika and Slok stood outside conversing and casually keeping an eye on the tent. When a Sedecim Guard walked by, they quickly moved on.

“That looks promising.” Slok casually remarked as they passed the Guard. When the Guard was out of sight, they circled back around.

“Walk casual Slok, you look like you’re casing the place.” No’ika said. Slok slumped and tried to look inconspicuous, but he just looked worse. “Okay okay, just walk naturally, sheesh!” No’ika scolded the Dras.

“This feels strange on land.” Slok said. No’ika was moving between Mæhrtìr’s tent, and the one next to it.

“Just stand there and block the view. You know what to do if the guard comes ‘round again.” No’ika then proceeded to crouch down and lift the tent. It wouldn’t lift high enough for him to put his head under and he sighed. He pulled a small knife from his jacket, and cut two eye holes at his head’s level. Slok looked back at the sound, and shook his head in dismay. “Eye holes…” He thought with a sigh.  Inside, No’ika could see a bunch of boxes. He smiled as he spotted what he was looking for. It was a small sea chest. It wasn’t the most beautiful or ornate thing in the tent, but the To’resk smiled slyly anyway. He stood up, and brushed his dirty clothes off. He then casually walked up next to Slok, and the two walked off.

They made their way over to the docks, and into a tavern. Outside, the sign hung limply in the still afternoon air. It read “The Fish Eye Inn”. Slok and No’ika sat down and began speaking. The din of the crowd inside the pub was perfect for concealing their conversation.

“Was it there?” Slok asked.

“As I said, it’s here. I saw it. That means, tonight, we take it.” No’ika was smiling, and his sharp teeth creeped Slok out. Slok had always found To’resk teeth to be strange and almost unnatural. He shrugged his shoulders and nodded at No’ika

“What’s the plan then?” Slok was trying not to look at No’ika until he stopped smiling.

“What’s wrong? Got something in me teeth?” No’ika jabbed a finger into his mouth and began picking around his teeth.

“No no, just get on with it and stop picking your teeth!” Slok shuddered.

“Alright, well the plan is this. Tonight the crowds will be gone, and the two of us will look right out of place hanging around the merchant tents. So we’re going to get us some Guard’s uniforms, and walk right up to the tent, cut a hole where I did earlier, and take the chest. No one will be the wiser.” No’ika seemed to know what he was doing, so Slok nodded in agreement.

“Where are we going to get Guard Uniforms?” Slok stopped nodding, realizing they didn’t already have the most crucial part of No’ika’s plan.

“That, my friend, is already taken care of, and let me tell you, it wasn’t easy..” No’ika slapped two small notes on the table. “Let me just say, there are two guards that won’t be showing up for duty on time, or in the proper uniform…” He and Slok chuckled. The two of them finished off a round of drinks and headed out. They made their way to the tailor.

The Neran Tailor looked up as two vagrants entered her shop. She frowned, but got up to greet them. No’ika shrugged at her, and handed her the notes. The Neran woman eyed the pair suspiciously for a moment.

“You and the Dras are guards?” She asked in Neran. Clearly, she had her doubts.

“Aye! We are. Just came in from down south. Me friend here, he doesn’t speak Neran.” No’ika said. The seamstress peered at the pair for a moment longer before getting her tape, and measuring first No’ika, and then Slok. She then disappeared behind a stack of fabrics, and was out of sight for a time. Slok shot No’ika a worried glance. As time went on, he looked even more nervous. Finally, the seamstress returned with two navy blue uniforms, and gave one to each of them.

“My, he’s looking rather sweaty. Is everything alright with him?” She asked, looking at Slok.

“He’s just nervous for his first day on duty! That’s all!” No’ika replied, with a sharp toothed smile. His demeanor put the Neran in a more relaxed state. She sighed at the two and stood expecting them to change in the nearby fitting room.

“Something the matter?” The Neran asked as No’ika and Slok stood by idly.

“Uh, no! Not at all!” No’ika quipped up, realizing, and he gave Slok a nudge toward the room. Slok looked at No’ika, then went into the dressing room, and was soon dressed as a Guard. He held his old clothes in one hand, and his cutlass in the other. No’ika was soon likewise attired, and the pair took their belongings, and exited the shop.

“Great… I didn’t expect her to make us change right in there… Now we’re looking like guards, and people may expect us to do guardly things!” No’ika complained to Slok as they ducked in and out of alley ways, trying not to be seen in the main streets. As they dipped in and out, they heard some scuffling and a muted scream from the alley they were just about to duck into. They rounded the corner to see a Brudvir with a Kypiq on her shoulders, hands clasped around her mouth, a Kypiq down behind her with a sharp dagger sticking into the back of her knee, and a third Kypiq with a longsword poking her in the gut. They were silent, and their faces were masked with a strange visage No’ika never saw before. Clearly, they were mugging this poor Brudvir womann. No’ika and Slok did not really stop to think about it, and just reacted.

With raised cutlasses, the two charged the three Kypiq! There was nothing stealthy about it! The sight of two guards rushing them caused the Kypiq to flee in a hurry! The three Kypiq deftly leapt from the scene, and escaped by climbing the nearby buildings and dispersed. The Brudvir womann looked at No’ika and Slok with grateful eyes! She started speaking in Denhørt, and No’ika raised a hand.

“I’m not so good with cold language.” He said in very broken Denhørt. The womann looked at him, and just shrugged before patting him and Slok on the back and running from the alley way.

“What was that about” Slok pondered allowed.

“Who knows. Some kind of mugging, but those masks. Must’ve been some organized group.” No’ika said as he sheathed his cutlass and the two turned to venture further into the alley.

“Tolenites!” Slok said. He was sure that had something to do with the warehouse burning the previous night. He told No’ika all about it as they carefully made their way to a rather desolate part of town, with a side stop at the docks, to put their belongings in their tiny boat. They sat down on some crates behind an old building, and discussed the events of the mugging. The evening was upon them, and it was getting dark. The streets were clearing out, as people were heading indoors to rest up for the beginning of the Sedecim. Most of the merchants were set up, and many of the performers were prepared for the coming event. It was very peaceful, and the sounds of busy hustle and bustle were no longer dominant in the still evening air. As Slok and No’ika sat quietly in the dark alley, the noticed a tall cloaked figure drift by, silently, like a specter! Slok nudged No’ika and the two froze as still as statues. They watched, from the darkness, as the cloaked figure whisked right by them! They let a sigh of relief escape as the figure turned the corner and disappeared. They got up, and headed for their target, hoping not to run into anyone else.

The remainder of their trip was uneventful. Mæhrtìr’s Curiosities was still closed, and there was no sign of life from inside, or around the tent. They walked up and down the narrow walkway, acting like guards on patrol while they cased the tent. When they were sure no one was around, No’ika went into the small area between the tents, and Slok stood in front, standing guard and blocking the view. A building behind the tent concealed No’ika from the otherside.  No’ika then produced his small knife, and cut a thin slit, right between the eye holes he had cut earlier in the day. He parted the cloth, and entered the tent.

The inside of the tent was dark, but the oil lanterns from outside cast just enough light through the slit that No’ika could see. There were some stands with oddities from across Elyria on them. Jewels, strange bones, gems and stones were scattered across the display cases. Strange chimes and ornate decorations dangled from the tent’s ceiling. He honed in on the sea chest, and grabbed it. On his way out, he also took a few pieces of jewelry on a display stand. He exited the tent, and held the chest up for Slok to see. Slok’s eyes lit up!

“Great, now let’s get out of here!” he whispered. The two then scurried away quickly, half hiding the chest between the two of them. They snuck their way down to the docks, and made it safely to their boat. It was rather easy, as the streets were nearly desolate. The odd guard was posted, but they were mostly on the main streets. Once in their boat, they got out of their guard uniforms and donned their regular clothes. They tossed the uniforms over into the water, and the two grinned at each other. The chest was theirs!

“Should we open it?” Slok asked, looking at No’ika with an eager grin.

“Let’s get out into the water first, I don’t want to be caught on the docks with it!” No’ika replied. As they shoved their tiny boat off, some guards came rushing down the pier toward the docks. Someone must’ve spotted them stealing the chest! No’ika grabbed the tiller, as Slok started unfurling the tiny sail! Slok looked back at the approaching guards and realized, they were, in fact, not guards!

“No’ika, look!” Slok said as he pointed toward the approaching group. No’ika glanced up from the tiller, and gasped. There was a small group of cloaked and masked people rushing down the pier. They were just about to the docks. No’ika and Slok were well away from the wooden pier now though, that none of the people could touch them. An arrow whizzed by and sliced into the water near their boat!

“I think you may be right Slok, these guys are Tolenites and they want our chest!” No’ika said as he started to turn the tiller into the open water. Slok was trimming the sails, and keeping the wind full in the sheets. They were experienced sailors, and they made it safely into the channel.

“How’d they know about the chest?” Slok asked, as the group of Tolenites started running toward a boat to give chase.

“Maybe they don’t know about the chest, but they remember us driving off their Kypiq muggers!” No’ika replied, recalling their earlier run in. Now the group was in a boat bigger than theirs, and shoving off from the pier. No’ika and Slok looked at each other with widened eyes.

“They’re pursuing us into the harbor!” Slok said.

“Just keep the wind in the sheets Slok, don’t let up! We’ve got a head start!” No’ika said. The small boat was picking up speed as the wind grew stronger on the open water. They were heading for the sea, where they hoped to lose the pursuers in the dark of the ocean. Wavemeet Bay was growing smaller, but the pursuing ship wasn’t! No’ika couldn’t imagine what these people wanted. There was no way they knew about the chest. Was there? No’ika still thought they wanted revenge for the failed mugging of the Brudvir womann.

“No’ika, the ship is gaining on us. She’ll be upon us if we don’t do something fast!” Slok yelled over the sound of the waves crashing into the bow. The chop of the water was getting bigger, and their small boat lost some speed to the collisions.

“Slok, ease up on the main, and trim to Portside!” No’ika shouted, as he turned the tiller to the angle the boat south. The wind would now be coming from their Starboard side, and the boat would be traveling south along the coast. No’ika hoped this would counteract the wave action, and increase the boats speed. He was right! The little boat began chugging along through the water at a slightly faster pace. It wasn’t enough to outpace the larger vessel though, and it continued to gain on them. No’ika and Slok looked at each other with exasperated looks.

“Time to row!” Slok said as he tossed No’ika an Oar. The two then began rowing, with breaks to adjust the tiller or keep the wind in the sails. It wasn’t difficult for the two experienced sailors. The bigger boat kept up though, and soon it was a cable away!

“Slok, we gotta do something!” No’ika and Slok were both frantically rowing, adjusting the tiller, and fixing the sails. They were desperate to escape the suspected Tolenite pursuers!

“Lets drop some weight!” Slok said as he cut the rope to the anchor and hucked it overboard. No’ika nodded, and he began tossing small boxes of supplies over. It was just enough weight to give them a little more speed! They began pulling away from the pursuing vessel! Combined with their continued rowing, and expert work on the sails, they soon pulled ahead! Wavemeet bay was now just a sparkling dot behind them. The Tolenite vessel was growing smaller, and No’ika and Slok sighed in relief.

“I think we’re going to make it, Slok.” No’ika said as he continued to row. Soon, they had lost the Tolenites, and were safely concealed in the dark. They moved their boat closer to the shore to shelter from the bigger waves, and stopped rowing. Slok halved the sail, and the two sat for a moment, catching their breath. No’ika lit a small oil lantern they had kept, and they both looked at the chest. It was locked, but that wouldn’t stop them from opening it. Slok grabbed the chest and sat it on his knees. He pulled out two thin sharp metal tools, and picked the lock with ease. Clearly, this wasn’t his first lock picking. The lid opened, and a soft blue glow emanated from within, as the lantern’s light reflected off the contents. No’ika and Slok peered inside the Sea Chest. There, sat the prize they had been after. An Illuminated Hrothi scroll. No’ika picked it up, and held it out. Slok gazed at it in amazement.

“What’s it say No’ika?” Slok asked eagerly awaiting. He had never actually seen an illuminated manuscript before. It was quite beautiful.

“Let’s see.” No’ika unrolled the scroll, and looked it over. He frowned as he attempted to read it.


“Well?” Inquired Slok.

“What I can make of it, it’s certainly what we wanted, but I can’t read all of it. Its written in Denhørt. Looks like we’ll need to find someone to read it for us.” No’ika frowned and rolled it back up. He replaced it inside the chest and Slok closed it. The sea chest was then stored forward the mast under the small seat in the bow of the boat.

The scroll was certainly a prize. They were both very glad their hard work had paid off, and that the Tolenites didn’t catch them. Still, they didn’t know exactly what the Tolenites wanted with them. After all, they had been disguised as guards when they ran the muggers off. Were they being watched the entire time? Did the Tolenites really have eyes everywhere? No’ika thought they were just a story. Slok seemed to believe they were real. After this evening, both knew for a fact there was some sort of secret organization at the Sedecim. The masks, cloaks, and their seeming omniscient presence made that clear. They had also heard rumors of the warehouse fire that made much more sense now. Slok had even said that Lord Ardyn was somehow involved. They had only heard rumors of course, but they both knew Ardyn was a Noble, and if he were involved, no one would really be able to do much about it.

Did the Tolenites know who they were? It wasn’t likely. No’ika and Slok were not very famous in this part of Elyria. It’s possible their names could have made their way to Wavemeet Bay, but not their descriptions. Either way, they had made it out of the Sedecim Festival and had their prize. The two settled down for the night to rest and think about their next moves.

No’ika sat quietly thinking about their predicament. He did want to go back to the Sedecim, but it would be highly risky of course. He was always a curious type though. Perhaps next time. He turned his mind to the task of finding a translator. He would need someone they could trust of course. That made things difficult. Not many people he knew, and trusted, could speak the Northern language.

As day broke, Slok and No’ika set to work preparing for the next leg of their adventure. The Sedecim had brought them fortune and excitement, but what lay before them would promise even more. As they sailed away from Wavemeet Bay, and the large gathering of Diplomats, Merchants, Performers, and visitors, they couldn’t help but wonder what other adventures were unfolding for the various individuals attending the great event. They, of course, would never know. Perhaps those are stories for another time.

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