Winter's Dream


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   Carissa opened her eyes and looked around at her unfamiliar surroundings. Her hand immediately went to her stomach where she felt the faint heartbeats of her two little babies. 

Her thoughts drifted to her family. Her mom and Sam. Her dad and Shantal. Callum and Maria. Cianna and Alia. Vikki and Alex. Rose and Mia. Caelie and Tilly. James and Winter. And finally, Aidan. Her best friend, the only person who ever understood her. They had grown up together, then spent 7 years apart and he had only been back for a year before they were ripped apart again.

The past year of her life had been the best. Getting to know her little sisters, her stepsisters and her step dad. Both her mom and Chantal gave birth to beautiful baby girls and she had found out she couldn't have kids, only to be followed by her finding out she was pregnant with twins. 

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Chapter 1

    It was late when Carissa her do open and saw the familiar face of her stepbrother James peek around the edge. 

"Hey Cari," he said.

"James you idiot! Get out I don't have any clothes on!" she screamed at him. 

"It's 3 in the morning. I thought you'd be asleep C," he complained as he turned around to face the wall. "Why are you still awake?"

"I could ask you the same question, you can't just barge in here you know."

"I only just managed to get this off of your dad."

"You can turn around now. What is it? This better be really good for you to come in here at this time."

"A letter came for you. Your dad looked terrified so I spent the day trying to get it for you," he sounded worried and relieved as he handed her the blue envelope.

"Oh my God! It's from Aidan!" she shouted as she looked at the letter her brother had just pressed into her hands. 

"Who's Aidan?"

"He's my best friend. He moved to London 7 years ago."

"Thanks. How come you've never mentioned him before?"

"One shut up and two it was too painful to talk about him. He was the only person who ever understood me a hundred percent. He even hated your mom more than she hates me."


"I know. He was the best. Everyone thought we looked really weird together though."


"He was the exact opposite of me. Pale skin, dark eyes, jet black hair and really soft features."

"Are you going to open the letter or just keep talking about Aidan?"

"Oh, right. The letter."

Carissa couldn't stop smiling as she tore open the envelope and read the letter.

"So, what does it say?" James sounded genuinely curious.

"Rissa, I'm seriously offended you never wrote to tell me you changed your phone number. I wanted to tell you me, Maria, my parents, your mom, Callum, Cianna and 4 other people we want you to meet are coming back to LA. For good. Please meet us at the airport at 2pm on December 3rd. I love you and I hope we see you there. All my love, from Aidan." Carissa was crying by the time she finished reading the letter to her brother and she felt strong, protective arms wrapped around her. James. 

"I'll pick you, Renée and Livvie up from school at half one this afternoon and take you all to the airport. Ok?"

"Can we bring Cole as well?"

"Of course Cari."

"Renée's going to be such a 5th wheel tomorrow isn't she?"

"No, you and Cole will be the only ones flirting."

"As if you and Olivia can spend a day without flirting with each other once."

"That sounds like a challenge to me little sister."

"I'm only 5 months younger than you."

"I know but you're a lot shorter."


"You should probably get some sleep Cari. You have a long day today."

"Ok. Night James."

"Night Cari," James whispered whilst he lay his little sister down on her bed before kissing her forehead and leaving the room. "Love you."

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BAD Agar

A good beginning. I quite like your dialogue.


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