Open Your Eyes.


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Open Your Eyes.

Waking up everyday not knowing what to do,

Is not how your day should start for any of you,

Value the fact that you were giving the opportunity to wake up for another day,

Also don't forget to appreciate those you love that are still here before they get taken away,

We take things for granted; which most of us realize it at the end,

Whether you loose a family member, a cousin, an opportunity or even your best friend,

Appreciate what still remains because one of these days you'll come to realize that what you should have done; is to late,

And that in God you should always have trust, love and you should always have fate,

Be alive while you still live, don't let yourself die at an early age,

In order to move on from a tragic moment you must build the courage to turn to the other page,

Be who you are regardless what others say,

You have the right to live each day your own way,

Stay humble and always help those that may need it,

If you see someone giving up, let them rest but don't allow them to quit,

Life is precious when everyone comes together in one,

You want to accomplish something; well with the help of others that is the way it is done,

Don't compete, just be you,

Don't lie to yourself, always remain true,

Don't stress, each and everyday always do your best,

Don't be a self team player; don't be afraid to help the rest,

Be the better person but don't pretend,

That is just something I personally recommend.

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