We Were Not Born To Just Pay Bills And Die.


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Live.. To Live Your Life.

See the goal here is to not be the same the upcoming year,

Get out of your comfort zone and don't pay attention to fear,

Some of you dislike your situations yet are not willing to make a change,

Well I come today to tell you that now is the time for your plans of life to rearrange,

I rather be tired working my butt off now than to be rested and poor later,

Invest in yourself until every person that never believed in you asks you; if you are hiring, including every hater,

You do not have to explain to others what your plans are,

Because all you are going to hear from them is that "your plans are not going so far,"

All you need is to believe in yourself and that you will,

Because we are not born to just pay a bill after bill,

Money itself is not everything but freedom is,

All it takes is one shot at your life; so make sure you don't miss,

Wake up not knowing; what you are going to do with your paycheck,

Rather than having bills and all that money you earned, for hours ,will be gone within a sec,

See we don't need millions, billions or even trillions to survive,

But that doesn't mean you have to give up and don't strive,

If you wake up every morning without a goal in mind,

Do me a favor and go back to sleep with all do respect and with kind.

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