Dark Paradise \\ Jurassic World [Zach Mitchell]


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I've always wanted to write a story on dinosaurs, so I thought, why not write a fanfiction on, "Jurassic World"? So, yeah, here I am. I'm doing it.

Not everything will be the same, only some parts will. As this is fanfiction after all.

I'll add my own plot in, and mix it with the movie plot at the same time.

Hopefully this makes sense.



Rowan, and maybe a few other characters if I decide to add them in the story.

 At least part of the plot-line, only a part of it. It IS a FanFiction after all.



To the owners of Jurassic World AND Park. And their plot as well.

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They sneaked along the corridor, waiting for a chance to run off.

"We were born to die," Zach whispered.

"We die just to be born again?" Rowan asked in a shaky tone.

"Yeah." He nodded.

"But that doesn't make any sense..." She trailed off.

"It will in a minute," He looked at her. "Are you scared?"

She nodded slowly, "Kinda, yeah, why?"

He looked at her with a certain twinkle in his eye, that somewhat chilled her nerves.

And with a crooked grin, he spoke, "You should be."

She gave small smile back, "Then, let's go."


"You are my dark paradise,"

"And we were born to die."

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"The Indominus Rex is our new creation, and it will be the best one yet."


"Everything's all fun and games, until people get hurt... I hope you remember that thought, until the end of your days..."

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