Death of Fear


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What is Fear


Fear : an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger. 

Real world definition is an idea of something happening you placed on yourself, that hasn't even happened yet. Even mo simpler put, for those of us who don't talk so good, "a stupid ass idea that is stopping you from getting out of your situation". Even now while writing this book, I had some stupid ass ideas (FEAR), trying to convince me not to write it. I gave myself every excuse, matter of fact I will list my top 10 below, see if any of them apply to you.

  1. You are not smart enough (stupid ass idea)
  2. You don't have the credentials (stupid ass idea)
  3. You don't have the money (stupid ass idea)
  4. You are not an author (stupid ass idea)
  5. I am just a black dude from Birmingham Alabama, who wants to read a book I would write (stupid ass idea)
  6. I am a soldier (stupid ass idea)
  7. I am a soldier getting out for being over body fat by 2% (stupid ass idea)
  8. Its not a good time right now, let me wait until I am really successful to do it (stupid ass idea)
  9. I got all kind of problems in my life (stupid ass idea)
  10. Man, that is a lot of pages to be typing (stupid ass idea)

You see what I mean, none of those things matter. Those were just a list of fears that I had while writing this book, to justify not doing it. With all 10 of the Fears or Stupid Ass Ideas stated above I had to come up with 10 counter arguments (most awesomest Ass ideas ever) to keep myself going.  I will get to the counter arguments later. 

Oh, while its on my mind (that is called ADHD) Squirrel!, parents don't worry ASS is the only curse word I will use in this book. ADHD go away, ok now where was I.

So right now if you are suffering from fear raise your hand? Um why are you raising your hand in public, you my friend are crazy (or a Fearless bad ass ready to take on the world and the problems it presents). Seriously though, I will write things through out this book that is meant to give you an opportunity to break the cycle of fear that has controlled your life. So if your name is Charles Johnson, please stand up where ever you are an say out loud, I AM FREAKIN AWESOME, #thecharlesjohnsonchallenge. Amy, Brittani, Elijah, Christopher, Ahmed, Dennis, Trevor, Oprah, William, and Deedee join him, OK now sit your crazy want to be noticed asses down, just kidding great job guys. Now post it to social media an get this movement started.


That is a really good question to ask? So I have one for you. Have you done anything more than what you are doing right now? What are you doing today, right now, that is any different than what you were doing last year, or the year before, and even further. If you haven't overcome any major fear (stupid ass idea) that is holding you back from reaching your full potential, in the past 1 to 5 years, I want you to introduce yourself to 3 new people right now, and write their names below. Make sure they are authentic introductions, in person, physically. 




If you have a hard time doing that exercise this applies to you. If you are stuck at the same going nowhere job, if you have known for years you should start your own business, read more books, write more, speak more, take opportunities to learn something new, gone on a date after starting over, you should wear that sexy dress after getting back down to your weight goal, wearing that dress when the world tells you that your beauty is not beautiful, that your handsome isn't handsome, you aren't proud of your skin, confident in your intelligence, been told that your race is subhuman, your people are nothing but murders, rapist, and killers, you don't think that you matter, been told that you come from a shit hole country, you have been beat down physically, emotionally, mentally, economically, and spiritually than, (sorry parents about to break the rules here) damn it this applies to you. 

Your fear is holding you back from taking on the challenges that the world needs you to solve. Many of you reading this right now immediately thought after reading that, that you are not important enough to solve the world's problems, but I am here to tell you that you are. Your fear has has beaten you into submission, and if you don't stop the cycle now, you will die a slave to nothing more than your own self doubt, and self hatred. Many of you have the answer to why they rushed Game of Thrones, we all want to know why, you have the answer. You might have the answer to how to solve global warming, (yes people it's real look around). You have the answer to Cancer, Diabetes, Alzheimer's, Dementia, Heart disease, Autism, and many other health problems the world faces but your are to afraid to try. You have place yourself in a self imposed prison, of your own making. Fear has become so good at its job, that you enslave yourself, you do its job. Whats funny is the only thing that keeps it employed is us. Nothing on this planet has been gained without some form of risk, fearless men and women who were willing to put everything from their reputations to their very lives on the line, so that you and I could benefit from it. You have the same ability, capacity, and potential to do the same. 

If any of you reading this is a billionaire I bet all the 10 dollars in my bank right now, that you would have never made the money you have made without overcoming fear. I will go even further, strip away everything that provides you confidence right now today, whether it be money, security, success, and the things that were gained because of your wealth, and what are you left with? You are left with YOU, yourself, your humanity. Now ask yourself, if I had nothing what am I afraid of still to this day?  












































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